wet suits, what do you get by with?

Im in Vicco
Ive got my wetty system perfected :)
Winter= I use to always just wear a 4/3 but I'm getting a bit soft these days and have a 5/3 for winter with booties for the coldest months, but maybe next time i need to buy a winter wetty, i think i will go with a thinner wetty but also wear a heat vest thing, seems the go these days for extra warmth but flexibility of a thinner wetty.
Spring= About now I ditch the booties, then latter in spring i swap the 5/3 for a 3/2
Summer= I alternate between a 3/2 and long arm short leg and some years also use a tube suit, maybe a few surfs in boar dies for the novelty factor on those stinking hot days.
Autumn= mostly in a 3/2 odd day in short leg, long arm, and try to hold out as long as i can before getting into a 4/3
Im not a fan of Springys or short arms long arms, for me its normally the wind in summer that can still give a chill factor while waiting for waves, while i like short leg long arms, as no bare flesh exposed to wind when sitting waiting for waves, but still have that summer freedom feeling, and if its warm enough for a springy id rather wear a tube suit I really dig tube suits, still give you a bit of warmth and protection from rash no riding up of boardies etc, but total paddle freedom.
Ive also been known to some years cut my legs from my old 3/2 to make short leg long arms, i know its a bit of a tight arse act, I guess i get that from my father as he's dutch.

I don't linger in the surf just get in and I like to pretty much keep paddling so a 4/3 and booties is all I ever need in winter. Never bothered with heat vests etc. I have taken to wearing a hood on the coldest days and that helps a lot. For spring and autumn I wear a 3/2 sealed and for summer 3/2 unsealed or boardies and a rashie. I don't hang onto wetties for years preferring to change them over every two years especially the 4/3. Guys I know that get cold tend to sit in the line-up waiting and waiting for that wave of the day, if you keep paddling the cold is less of an issue.
Thinking of getting a wetty for summer, have a old springy but it has seen better days. I'm in SA, got a 4/3 for winter which is still good.I was thinking of going one of those long sleeve vests, I prefer to surf in boardys during the small window we get to down here to surf in boardys, but are they worth it down here our should I just get another springy. What do you fellas surfing year round in vic, Sa etc get by with? i've always just got by with a 4/3 and a springy.