shark/s off winki

I wasn't aware of that but I did have one swim right under me a few weeks back, although it was at MP. A friend also had a bit of a run in a week ago further down the GOR.
There's plenty out there!

in the dark.....for a dawnie ???

GDH , d'ya reckon they're not there the rest of the time mate ??????. Just cos ya can't see em ...............

Saw one next to point addis yesterday. Wasn't that big judging from it's fin. Do they get closer to shore in winter time?

I think there's research suggesting the opposite; that the warmer waters of summer draw them in.
But I'm sure someone else can give a more substantial answer.

I thought they came in close on the rains ?

So laughable. Think dolphins/seals/ salmon= feeding frenzy.
Lived there my whole life, never seen one, and i do a lot of water time.
i fish i surf i know.
Live your paranoia.

"I fish I surf I know"
Well done hero. What wrong with people asking questions?

.....and the angry screw foot took the bait. Hero? nah, just educated and spreading the love to the masses. Aloha

Nah mate you sound like a know it all tosser. Aloha


where i live, i have seen a few, close up. memorable moments include
1/ surfing out the back of home, with one friend. paddling out, i thought: "thats strange to see a body surfer so far out... oh ... a mako" as big as me. plenty of salmon. we paddle across the channel and down to the next peak and keep surfing. a bit spooked..
2/ solo at a beachie 10 km away. 3ft glass late arvo summer. 6 guys out 2 banks down. waiting between sets and the water is cavitating/being sucked under arms length away by a large black shape doing L turns around me. after about four of these, a salmon jumps out of the water next to me (chased by the big black thing im guessing). I catch the next wave in, and go join the 6 dudes.
I don't think of this response as paranoia though - to me it makes sense not participating / becoming a part of the food chain.
It is more dangerous trying to drive on the city freeway IMO!

hhehe @ Goofy ....
You should of surfed today Goofy ..... " Your Angry when your Hungry " ! ......
sharks ? seen two in this state ( VIC) ( all from land ) and two in the water " elsewhere " in Aust .
You can't do anything , except the obvious avoidance times . so why worry about it ?

I saw one the other day!
Was looking at a new car, just round the corner I pulled up to a real estate sign, Saw a bigger fucker in a grey suit.?......
Did anyone else see the sharks about 100 or so metres off the button yesterday? I was walking down the steps about approx. 11.30am and some old dudes pointed out a feeding frenzy to me. No one in the line-up appeared to notice and about 2 hours later a chopper went overhead. I don't know if that was a coincidence or not. Pretty unnerving all the same as I often paddle out before dark for a dawnie this time of year.