Do you use PMs on Swellnet?
I guess this means I will no longer be able to PM nick3 reaffirming my belief that he is a total fuckwit. Is that right me ole matey stu?
Zen. Check your inbox.
Zen. Check your inbox.
Knickers3, check yours also.
Whaaaat, checked.
I checked my messages and some nasty prick sent me one in the friends thingy, it said "you have 0 friends". I'm Gutted!
That's not true Shaun, Morris thinks you hung the moon. So you have at least one.
Sent you PM Shaun
When do we swap across to the new site guys?
Very soon salt.
sid the fish would you kindly check your pms
Do you use the private messaging (PM) service on Swellnet? If so, it's worth noting that we'll be changing over to our new website in the next few weeks and PM content will be lost. Therefore if your PM inbox has information you'd like to retain please save it to your computer.
Private messaging will be the only function affected by the changeover, forum information and article commentary will remain intact.
If you've got any questions: