Whale Attacks Surfers

@BB, What a spectacular event that would have been! Especially at Bondi.
Friendly for a whale! Is probably life treating for us pathetic little humans bobbing around.
You wouldn't want to get under that tail, thats for sure.

I reckon it would have been worth a headache for the experience. It really annoyed me when some alledged expert say on television, " whales can be agressive" what a load of sh#*t it's a big animal just being inquistive

hope he was a standup..

There's been some similarly close encounters at Middleton over the years - surprised that someone hasn't been swatted there too!

hey Blindboy ,
maybe that SMH article headline should have read
" surfer-injured-as-whale-rides-tossers-at-bondi-beach "
....or maybe he was just playing rough.