Fuck it's hot!

Short arm steamer but still there were kids out in fulls. The one I don't get is the Short leg long arm with booties and typically a hat and bright coloured mal

Also checked seabreeze - its blowing a perfect NW at the airport and NE at Manly go figure

thats hot....i think the boys at penong have been getting those temps day after day.

Any excuse hey? It's a chilly 25 here in Pt Lincoln. Had to put a flanno on.

Well it's just hit 46.7, breaking a 154 year record.
Everyone down to North Steyne this evening for Stu's nude surf!

Sorry about being serious but spare a thought for the elderly and others who can't escape the heat. Interesting statistics are emerging about the numbers serious health events including deaths that occur due heat related stress.
Just don't try to convince climate change deniers its about man made pollution. Breaking a 154 year old temperature record is within normal standard deviations isn't ah Nick Minchin?

A bloke at our local beach wears a similar loincloth except his is fluro yellow so no-one will miss him while he prances down the beach. At least you have the good manners Stu to sun yourself in a semi private place.

Last night's southerly was like a shower of unicorn tears. How was the swim Stu?

I saw a nude briefly at Shelley beach was that you Stu?

Never met one I'd call 'good'.
Lionel Hutz, mebbe.

here's 2.....australian surfers lawers assoc. mark higgins ,peter strain, and a heap more on their website. ever need a top class barrister contact these chaps -garfied barwick chambers- whaaat you should become a member and join the team on there yearly telos islands trip.......wild times.

What's the difference between a lawyer and a sewer rat?
There are some things a sewer rat won't do.

@ Victor - Join? Then I'd have to play nicely.
@ Rushy - Letter from Mr Hutz in the mail.
@ Stu - Have photos, send money.
@ Ben - Unicorn tears? See recent article on drugs.

I would think it profitable to sell hats that have a built in umbrella (battery operated fan under the umbrella would double the price) on top would be a hot ticket item at the beach?
no photos?

I was wondering if surfing nude on the northern beaches of Sydney would get you arrested Stu! Maybe you could of compromised and surfed in a flesh coloured mankini?

Gidday, this guy is a deluxe lawyer.
About 35 years ago he got me out of a really bad situation where I was set up by some crooked police and had drugs planted in my car, when they stopped me while driving. To cut a long story short, he saw I was doomed and found guilty, without the money or means to defend myself. He helped me for pretty much nothing because he was sure that I was telling the truth and that the 2 police officers were lying. In an appeal, it was overturned, my conviction was cleared, I had all costs payed, plus received money for damages.
Later he followed up, and made sure that I received my money.
Just for the record, I don't think all police are corrupt, but some people are.
Anyway, he was extremely good, and a really honest, nice guy.

Really it's too hot to bear for a lot guy,s out there, specially for the elder ones. As they are most likely to effect their health in that much hot climate. So, everyone need to be safe and keep some precautionary measures to tackle such climate.
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Yeah...saw an older guy out there today...looked like he had heat stroke...so everyone be careful!

The purpose of the springsuit combined with booties for summer (no bucket hat / stupid coloured mal)is to enjoy viccos' lovely warm water & sunshine, without cutting your feet on the reef / getting to the jump-off rock before your 'rock dancing' m8s (more waves). Did get the comment last week though - "Hes' left 'is F*cken socks on today!!!'. No style maybe, but give me pure practicality anyday. BTW - anyone who needs anything like a steamer in Sydneys' climate is a full sook, you simply don't need that much rubber.

Whichever side of the fence you sit on in regard to "man-caused climate change",have a look at these latest results,check them for yourself,and create your own opinion.

I asked a old guy (68 ) why he was wearing a steamer when everyone was in boardies and he said it was for sun protection. He also reckoned it gave a bit of extra padding, when you get older your skin bruises/lacerates easily and the cuts take forever to heal and end up ulcerating if you keep in the water.
Juts having had a round with the surgeon for Actinic Keratosis I can see their point. I'm pretty careful in the sun, for the last 10 years or so only surfed in the predawn to maybe 2-hrs after sun up, or just on dusk and always cover up - long sleeve rashie, wear suncream - no hat yet. But the damage was done the previous 25 years. If the choice is wear a hat/steamer and keep surfing, or look cool and develope SCC the choice is easy.
All day I've been reading people on Facebook saying how hot is here in Sydney. People who state the obvious on Facebook really give me the shits. People who do the same on surfing websites, well, that's totally acceptable.
So anyway...fuck it's hot! 45. 1 degrees at Observatory Hill and that's just 0.1 degree from the all time, greatest ever, never-been-hotter, temperature for Sydney.
And as another point of interest I surfed with Craig our surf forecaster this morning and he wore a friggen steamer in the surf!
But back to the topic at hand: fuck it's hot!