Twenty Thirteen.

Nice words Zen.

Right on ZA. I resolved last night to be more present for my sons in 2013, give them all my attention and care.
Went to bed last night with that noble thought on my mind. Got woken at four thirty this morning by my eldest one, Samson, holding buckets and spades, saying "dig?". So I marched bleary eyed over the dune to dig fucken sandcastles in the dark. There were dying embers from a log fire down the beach with a couple of people crashed out around it under rugs. An acoustic guitar sat off to the side. Then an old couple appeared out of nowhere holding a bottle of champagne and fluted glasses. I wasn't sure if they were kicking on from last night or seeing in the day in style.
As Sam and I dug the sun came over the horizon and he got a total kick out of it. The moon was almost full above us too making for quite a setting and an awesome way to bring in the new year. But now Sam's asleep I'm knackered and minding the other two babies while looking for a window to slip out and get into this new swell.
Oh, and my partner bought me a new board for Xmas. It's got red and white candy cane stripes on the nose and the first three people who saw it all said: "where's Wally?" or some similar smart arse remark. Still, it's a great board and she went to a huge effort to surreptitiously find out what I wanted. Recruited mates to secretly grill me about design and relayed info to my shaper. Love this woman, might even marry her this year!
Many happy returns to everyone who reads Swellnet.

Well said Zen! All the best to you and yours.
And a Happy New Year to everyone else as well. Thanks for your support over the last ten years. We've got a massive year ahead for Swellnet.. I can't wait to get stuck into things.
But more importantly I can't wait to get wet. Looks like tomorrow should be fun with a small south swell.. ahead of a staff trip to South Oz next week. Just not looking forward to the heat over there.. how's the Adelaide forecast for the next week!
32°C 36°C 42°C 41°C 30°C 36°C 42°C

Pack the beers for that road trip Ben, and don't forget the Aeroguard!

Cheers Zen, you too mate and also all the other contributors!
Classic story Stu, I hope every one saw the new year in with style :)

Happy new year u mob' well done on the site and thanks for keepin us all informed of everything surf. much love and respect

Best to all.
So many people I spoke to towards the end of 2012 had just had a tough year, no time for farking around, just work eat sleep. Bitch of a year.
But it's all over now. If you're reading this, you made it.
Let's have a better one 2013.
I'm going to be surfing a lot more this year than I did last, that's for sure.

Marry that woman, goddammit. Stop farting around man, get on to it.
But only if she wants to.
Sounds like a gem.

Hey big brother Zen,
Early night for a well rested New Years day surf. Caught a few of lago 4 footers up the spit (caught a couple for you too). Hope you and the better half had a good New Years as well, and you got a few waves too. Will try to keep in touch a bit more this year.
Happy New Year to the crew at Swellnet and all contributors.

Happy new year to all, you guys do a great job with Swellnet; and there are a lot of good forum discussions too.
Started the year down this way with some cruisy surf coast waves after a quiet NYE - hopefully many more to come throughout the year! Positive vibes and 2013 will be a cracker!

Goodonya Zen for getting the ball rolling on this thread. Pray you and the family have a safe and productive 2013 - with no natural disasters to contend with. You've had your fair share already.
Thanks and best wishes to all at Swellnet. i've only been surfing a short time, but your website has been a big part of my progression so far.

Asking around it seems a lot of people had years to forget in 2012. Cant remember anyone with reason to celebrate the year just gone. Here's hoping everyone has a better year in 2013.

I'm a tad tardy to wish everyone at Swellnet a Happy New Year, but better late than never. So Happy New Year Swellnetters!
I will only add that in my own golden years of celebrating New Years and Surfing combined I have the good luck to be in Costa Rica this year and I would hope everyone gets to come here once to smell the flowers and sample the surf.

Cheers for the well wishes and present Zeno!

Marry that woman, goddammit. Stop farting around man, get on to it.
But only if she wants to.
Sounds like a gem.
By: "batfink_and_karate"
Funny you say that B&F. While we were up the North Coast my partner and I decided we'd get commitment rings to display our, well, commitment to each other. We strode off to the town jeweller and perused the rows of shiny rings under the glass. I'm not much of a bling man, the only exception being a ring I bought in Chiang Mai when I was 13 that is now a permanent fixture due to a teenage growth spurt.
A white gold band caught my eye and I asked the platinum blonde clerk if I could slip it on. It felt tight but I was aware I needed a snug fit so it wouldn't come of while surfing or swimming. It twisted over my knuckle and fell into place, I stretched out my hand and admired it - it looked good. Then, when I went to remove it the fucken thing wouldn't come off! Not for twisting, forcing, trying to drain blood out of my finger, and then finally soap on my finger, would it come off.
The only thing to do was buy it, so we did, and I'm now wearing a ring on my wedding finger.

You're a romantic devil, aren't you Nettle?

Best I stay away from Costa Rica z-man if I want to remain a happily married man!
Nice words to start the year off with Zen.
All the best to all in swellnet world for the year.

So as not to be disparaging to females nor to your preferences I'll simply say you and I have a very different taste in women. Those lasses pose no threat to my fidelity.

All the best to you all for 2013. A special thought for the Bong staff inadvertently caught up in your Board's mess - I hope it works out for you.
And Stu, whatever else you do, stay in the good books with your missus's seeing eye dog.

Thanks Craig, I deleted my un-inteligible message re 4cast.
Most of you young bucks will still probably be out on the piss still as I type and the older bulls, sound asleep dreaming whatever it is that you dream about.
For me, I would like to wish Ben, Stu and Craig and all our mates that frequent this site a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
Whether life has dealt you a dud hand, from this point onwards there's only one way. Pick it up and run with it and whatever you do- DON'T STOP SURFING!
I read something once that sticks in my mind:-
'As surfers, we are defined not by the land masses that divide us, rather by the oceans that connect us'.
Happy new year all, may peace be with you.