legal rights??

I do not know about legal rights but Surf Life Savers do an unbelievably good job mostly as volunteers so they hold the high moral ground and personally I want to do anything possible to make their job easier. If that means moving off a peak when asked that's the least I can do.
I must say when I saw the topic heading on the homepage I thought it was going to be a discussion on legals rights on vacating the water during a pro surfing contest; alas I was disappointed because I am looking forward to the day locals tell contest directors to fuck off.

hi Leigh,
bad news im afraid, yes we have to move when asked by a life guard. as we know they can move the flags location on the beach through out the day, due to changing tides, rips & conditions, etc. yes its painful, the only thing i can suggest is to, make the nearest point break your local haunt, & surf it EVERY TIME, it breaks!!
good luck mate.

Just suck it up and move. These guys volunteer their time and do an amazing job keeping us safe. Be grateful and make a donation.
I'm with Floyd here, but it's not the pros that bother me, it's junior/club contests that think they can take over the best breaks on weekends. I get 2 chances a week to surf, if you want to run your little comp on the weekend take it to the open beaches. Taking over somewhere like D'bah is just ridiculous.

My wife's sister and husband are life savers on the Central Coast (NSW). I once asked them how they determine which is the best place to put the flags. They said "We put it in the same place each day".
Go figure.

i'll probably gonna get banned for this post, if not receive so much hate mail by fellow swellnetters that i'll simply leave this forum, but i hate clubbies. i hate their flags, i hate their surf ski's and i hate how they think the own the place. They're like a virus, they're bloody everywhere. And with summer around the corner, it's going to get worse. But then again, they do an awesome job saving people.
Hello People,
What is my legal right when I am sitting on a peak for a good hour then I get the local surf life saving club come down and set up in front of me. Then they paddle out and tell me to move off the peak and out of the flags.
Do I have the right to tell them to get back in their box or what? Do their legal powers end at the high tide mark??