FIG JAM & Exposure

Brutus, tell me about what I heard on the grapevine, involving 60 minutes RCJ and port campbell, got any comment on that please.

It hasn't happened yet, I have heard it is going to.

Shaun, your sources appear to be consistently incorrect. "I have heard it is going to".. well, I can confidently state that it'll never happen.


So why post so much incorrect information, that you admit you only learned of secondhand? If Brutus or I hadn't been here to rebut your claims, who knows where this discussion might have led.

I reckon the channel 7 thing happened, RCJ & T Ray. The 60 minutes one, well we'll see hey. Brutus by the way has not actually denied anything has he?

60 Minutes won't happen. Ross lives in Vicco, contrary to your claim. And so far no-one else but you has heard the Ch7 story (of which Brutus said 'RCJ has not taken aany commercial film crews to PC'). Happy to be proven wrong but you're being rather elusive.

Well, don't believe me, that is quite alright by me. But let's get back on the topic and the topic is brutus's obsession with for the past 6 weeks to ridicule Jeff Rowley for doing the exact same things he did in the seventies, I remember as a grommet reading an early edition of Backdoor of brutus's trek down to a well known shipwreck, pictures and cryptic directions, I knew where it was within a week.

What's this then??? ...............................
a forum with my name in that i knew nuthn about...and with a well known forum philanderer baiting and prodding a not so well known forum follicker by the name of Cole.
Mr Cole seems like he's done a backflip according to Mr Shaun
hear hear...great news for SA surfers;;;;;;according to mr Matson of SWELLNET fame.....the SS3D phenomena will not be schweeping South Australia with Schmucker on the charter vessel SHARK RAIDER 2 any time soon...however 60 minutes may be doing an exclusive story with rowls and young schmuck..

How long ago was backdoor published? 2nd or 3rd issue

after you have attended to shauns question....what was the q for me in brief again please mr cole??

Hey Brutus, you gunna answer any of the question I have asked, Ben issued a few denials for you, but your silence says otherwise

cmon brutus...ansa plz or u in therapy?? surley they got wireless in therapy??

only one person around here in need of therapy... Jiffy/Damir/Schmucko et al., not everyone has the same obsession with this site as you. People can't answer questions if they havent seen them. It is understandable (well maybe not to you, but most normal people) that some people have better things to do than check these forums every 10 mins just in case some mentally unstable individual has asked them a question.
and i dont know why anyone would bother explaining themselves to someone as credible to come out with this doosey.
"It hasn't happened yet, I have heard it is going to." Great source!

oh ok poo man

Just wanna see my name up on the forum board. Join the riot, be a hooligan.

The relevance is, why is it okay for you to do the same thing in the same area as rowley at the same age. You are really obsessed with slagging off the guy but you have done it all yourself. And I bet at that time there were some crew that didn;t like the backdoor article and I reckon you would have listened to them as well as rowley is listening to you right now.

Wasn't storm riders the one where you had to put on a barrel at the bluff to pacify the guys that had been surfing the place for years you guys got there? And a day in the life, well things were simple then , but you still felt the need to mislead your audience where you were surfing, though not very well. You tried to cover it up back then, you thought it was wrong then and it was, just as it is now. But how can you take the high and mighty stance when you did the same thing for the same reason,ego and ego alone, I don't think anyone would do it for the money, get a decent job and you'll earn more.
The only thing I believe Brutus is I want to go surfing.

Shaun,you are a bit stuck like a scratched record. Maybe Brutus can speak from experience as he is trying to portray to you,just as Laird Hamilton has and Jeff Clark and many others.
Different era mate,today's surfing environment and attitudes in general have changed. Would Brutus have done what he did back then if the majority of other surfers at that time were opposed to it??
You will have to ask him that question but you simply cannot compare surfing now to 20 years ago! What was "Ok" to most back then is not so "Ok" now.
FIGJAM did what he did knowing the majority were opposed.
FIGJAM just went ahead anyway.

That's the point I have been trying to get at redneck, 30 years ago the majority of surfers were spewing about what brutus was doing, there were less surfers back then but there was still a "majority" it was wrong 30 years ago as it is now, brutus is the pot calling the kettle black. Ya reckon I'm a scrathed record, brutus has been bangin on about this for 6 months now, there's alot of hate in that man.

Well Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Well Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus? Brutus?
Brutus? Brutus? Brutus?

Shaun you seem to have forgotten to take your medication. Nice pattern you have formed on the page, your phychiatrist will be impressed.
How many ways do you need brutus Maximus to explain to you something that happened 20 odd years ago and which he regrets and most importantly has learnt from. History does that.
Perhaps a double dose of Lithium for your fragile mental state today.
Hugs n kisses

I can see a love-in happening , just north of Gero, I'll pick up Smucko on the way and Brutus can supply the drugs.
Let's all get together and self medicate.
Can someone bust BigWayne out of rehab, I'm sure he would want to come along for this one.

Take a dose of lithium or watch Morning of the Earth. It was filmed in the 70's (same decade as MC's Backdoor article) and exposed a break, nay a whole island. It received a very different welcome then if a filmmaker tried the same thing in 2012. As MC has said repeatedly the times were different, you keep missing that point. Context is everything, especially historical context.

Or are you so angry that you also hate Morning of the Earth and Alby Falzon? He is surf media and he exposed the waves of Bali.
Go on, hate on him.

Pretty much certain Brutus won't be traveling with you any more than I will Shaun. Guess a love-in is your idea of a boys weekend away with your good mate Shmuckook. Don't forget protection.
Enjoy the thought of a man train on your own Shauna

@abc I;m not angry at all mate and I don't hate anyone. I'm just pointing out to brutus the hypocrisy of his campaign of hate and abuse of fig jam, although they are 2 very different people they are very much alike and making the same mistake for the same reason"EGO" and not listening to the "majority" I'm just surprised a at the venomis tirade of abuse brutus has been directing figs way for the past 6 months, it's a bit over the top. I'm sure he would see it differently if it were Taj on one of his boards, probably ride shotgun for him on the jetski.

@pussy.........puss..puss,,pussy have I upset you what a shame, I reckon your local would actually be about 200k west of torquay at port timboon, home of the sour pussies, you guys should wake up to yourselves, brutus has exposed your local more than anyone by whining about fig exposing it every chance he gets on any site on the internet, if it was not for him it would have gone away by now,

Hey shauna I've been following this fig jam stuff closely but not quite sure where you stand? Can you please run through your same mundane story again for the fiftieth time and maybe the penny will finally drop for me!

With pleasure Tractor.From the start? Well it started with brutus in 1973 on an article in backdoor surfing magazine exposing a break just west of Peterborough.................................................................................................................................................................

1973! 39 years ago?! If you think nothing has changed in the surfing culture in 39 years you're an utter blockhead.
Context boy, context.

Hey Brutus you kept this thing alive when you started this thread, I'll leave it at that. As for all you guys having a go at me, it's been fun winding you up, like hunting guinea pigs in a bucket with a shotgun.
I think it was south of Peterborough, doesn't matter fellas I'm off surfing to get my share of barrels tonight(east of Gero) Yee-ha

Hey Shauna has been a laugh for sure., sad to hear that you feel like a lowly guinea pig being hunted by shotgun wielding humans. I thought you were probably at least a gerbil.
Enjoy the surf, talk soon

How was the surf shauna? Hope the softlite was holding an edge in those barrels for ya!

Yes tractor it hung in fine, my doctor says I will be allowed to use fibreglass boards again in the near future.

Do "jeff-schmucker" and "shaun" sound like the same person to anyone else? Either way, credibility for one and the

You may be on to something kink. One stops posting every five minutes and the other one starts...........

funny tractor I was just thinking that of you and the pussy, is there a post you have made when the pusspuss doesn't backup, just sayin.
Me and Smucko the clown one in the same, now we really are trading insults aren't we. I will have you know I am my own clown thank you.

Geez some crew get up early.
The pussyrioter walks to the beat of his own drum, and shauna ain't no Shmuckook.
Remember that a pussy can take a fair beating.....

cmon maurice....what are you really suggesting should be done about this "Exposure" problem you talk of?? we can leave rowley out of it coz he's not even in the picture...i see what you think of him and what he's doing so we dont need to go there any tell us what it is you think can be done about it?
i have a question for you....what is it that you think is going to happen if the surf continues to get exposed at the rate it is atm?

Hang on.... who is asking the questions here? Or did you just write a reply using the wrong account? is out of the bag so to speak? Is it shaun or is it jeff-schmucker... Pick one and stick to it champ.

you are a fukwit ...get on the discussion and at least show some not shaun thats for sure....i guess he is pikn maurice for good reason......i sorta do have an alter ego on here if you watch closley....sorta

you are a fukwit ...get on the discussion and at least show some not shaun thats for sure....i guess he is pikn maurice for good reason......i sorta do have an alter ego on here if you watch closley....sorta
By: "jeff-schmucker"
I've watched closely and it's a disgrace and as a surfer it's embarrasing. No alter ego's here, just ego's.
Totally over this stuff. May as well just tune into Jerry Springer.
If this is what we surfers have become, then we're no different to a bunch of meat heads.
You don't see this level of crap on MSW or CW.
Yeah...yeah...I know, if I don't like it, I can just piss off. Good bit of self advice.
I'll take it.
If only some others would follow my lead.

I can't be the only one who thinks this is weird. Joins almost same day, backs up eachother's stories and arguments, has the same mental health problems evident in posts.. Go back and read some of the posts and tell me I am wrong!
By: "4kinkrail"
Ha, never noticed that. Me back Smucko up??? Smucko back me up??? what forum have you been reading? we haven't been backing each other, we just both disagreed with Brutus. But read into it what you like, so why did you remove the post kink?

jeff-schmucker - I actually feel sorry for you. Refer to a previous comment about credibility, and keep referring to it.
shaun: finger trouble mate.. Jump on that if you will.
nice one shmucks,now tell us what you really think.....and don't hide behind someone elses comments ....
I can only take your reposting of Mavericks comments that you endorse and agree with his summation of me,and the philosophies that we have tried to air here??
So lets analyse what you have done in readily admit "living off the spoils of the West Coast" and that you are readily exposing all the west Coast spots...have you ever given anything tangible back to the community...or the word "parasite" comes to mind?...
Do you honestly believe that I have NOT had my share of paddling,pioneering,towing....etc??
your guarantee ,that under your custodianship, that by naming and promoting the west coast for.....well more surfers is part of your is your many surfers in your area before its crowded??
you would welcome a couple of teams of Brazilian surfers with their skis and film crews,as i hear they are on their way??
were you elected a custodian....or you just named you have any parameters when it comes to exposure....
lets start here and see if you can answer all by yourself....or if you have to go back and find someone elses post that you can hide behind!!!
By: "maverick2426"
By: "jeff-schmucker"