Australia's Heaviest Wave: Put Your Nominations Out There...Waves to die (on) For...

The shorey at Bullies

The zone,the box and shark island are some of the squarest waves in oz per foot of swell, but they simply don't get to the size of some more exposed southern coastline waves such as shipsterns or luna park. Cyclops could well be a contender but i don't know of it being ridden above 6 foot or so - does it get bigger than this??

main beach, Nth straddie... broken lots of legs.
and back Bunga. whoa, good luck.

Rox .
Ask Kerby Brown or worse still Tom Innes how Gnarly it is .

The Right.... nice preview of the drop on the link below
&feature=fvwrel... and this one gives you an idea mass of water

Headies, near thirroul

Far out thermalben...get back to ya commune you commo....what happened to freedom of speech?? why do you weild tha axe o presidenti??
can i believe you have a forum on here then feel like you hav the power to remove it....are you the fucking doctor thats gunna fix everything??
you have started the media machine that these guys think fucks the surf around the planet....stand up you
morning xx

Jeff, we haven't removed a thing. The article in question is still live, as is every comment made by anyone. Nothing has been deleted, moved or otherwise tampered with.
I simply closed the comments on the article because they were way off topic - the original article was about the 'Billabong Pico Alto 2012'.
You're more than welcome to discuss anything you want in these forums - feel free to start a thread (which you've done numerous times before).
Now, can we please keep this thread on topic?

Oh yeah, knights. :D For even on the best waves you are surely taking off on a closeout with very little between you and the sand. More injuries here than anywhere and i've snapped over a dozen boards at the beast.

moose never took me anywhere zeph...the lids found and wanted cavs....probably the heaviest wave in oz ......good onya ben...ta

bondi beach, just near backpackers rip must be pretty bad cause people are always getting smashed on the tv show Bondi Rescue. Thank god Sam from home and away is there to save everyone. Hasnt he come a long way...

I'm not up to speed where in Australia is the heaviest slab on to dry reef that offers up the wave of your life if you succeed. I would like to see some photos of the spots some here above me have mentioned, I imagine I might have seen some photos not knowing where they were taken at. Please provide road maps and comfortable accommodations that are nearby - OH and the nearest Mex. Rest. with better than good tamales and refried black beans. - the 'silver zsunami' .

OR should I have signed off - the 'Zilver Zsunami' ???

The hundred dollar special near a smelly point break in the French Quarter of KI at anything over 6 foot makes my guts heave just thinking about it

CYCLOPS at any size is No.1
TheLeft in WA makes theRight seem soft. No.2
Cyclops Big Brother No.3
just sayin.
and OURS no.4
my opinion only. have surfed all a few times, except Left, only Once!!!

BPP AT PI getting dragged across that shelf on your arse is nasty

did you forget about cancers jug or is that a diferent class?......i thinkn cancers and cavatys....both will park your broken body high and dry on the granite so i guess ya wont drown!!!

The shorey at Bullies
By: "funpeeler"
I know we don't talk secret spots guys, but I've been musing on putting this question out there to the forum. My take is that the nastiest, spine breaking drops are hardly a secret matter, is not a matter of where they are, it's a matter of are you ready to toy with bringing your expiry date way forward. To start the balls rolling(or breaking)I'd put up The Nulla's Shark Island up there with the meanest when it gets very hefty. I too have gone very quiet with the crowd on the point, as we've waited to see if someone surfaces on the dry ledge, after getting too far back inside. Couple of other nominations would have to be Blacks at Elliston South Oz, and of course Shippies is a definite contender. Put up your nominations folks, if you reveal a remote location, chance of drawing a crowd of grommets out there, is lower that Buckley's...s