drugs and surfing
OK, you got one point out of three. Now for the other two.
I've never mentioned our reader numbers so how could Ben have contradicted me? As for comparing daily web stats to monthly mag circulations, well, it's a fraught old business. Apples against oranges and all that.
And yes you are wrong, we ran many articles and forum posts regarding the AI topic. It's a very tired old issue on Swellnet and that's why I resent you thinking there is some sort of censorship going on. If that were the case nothing would've appeared on Swellnet and nor would the 1000's of comments (yes, 1000's). I feel like I should've jumped on the bandwagon, banged out a boring old opinion piece just so people like you think we have some integrity. But then again if that's what it takes what does it matter?
Finally, after all this feigned point scoring ("about Andy Irons death, the silence on Swellnet was deafening!") I still don't understand your point.
sypkan, just use your old tyler handle.
Excuse me powers that be... Not exactly on drugs in surfing topic, but as Blasphemys names been mentioned I'm sure Sid Stu.. indeed all of you, will be devastated to learn he has been suspended from Twitter...
he musta farted one 2 many stinky times in his bubble.
hey BR, how's that media 2.0 workin for ya now ?
Not at all surpising, he sure upset a lot of folk and the industry, last couple of weeks
"I assume Swellnet would be classed as "modern surf media" (seeing that we reach more surfers than all of the surf mags combined)" ~ Ben Matson, Page one of this very forum thread.
The rest... is history.
Predicting swells as science is right up there with weathermen. You are connecting dots and hoping they converge based on your knowledge and mankind's minuscule knowledge of weather.
Congratulations! Your next job will be picking onions out of my burger.
And yes Sid, Media 2.0 is working out fine. You should see what Slater wrote on Twitter in response to my supposed "suspension."
And Stu,
Name a single article, other than the one's by Fred Pawle and Brad Melekian that have said anything beyond repeating a press release and licking balls? All those articles, yes, they are boring.
Articles telling the truth and filling in the holes in Melekian's article? Not boring.
That's what journalists do.
As stated before, you aren't journalists here. Just guys trying to predict where all the surfers should go on the weekend and recapping shit everyone else says on the internet.
And Stu,
Where are these horrible and dangerous stories you've supposedly written here that would be more dangerous than asking Paul Naude what Michael Tomson and Kaiborg did for Billabong and how they handled Andy Irons near the end?
If that question bores you... then you have no interest in truth. Just keeping your job at Swellnet and hoping Bong (as Ben has stated) will advertise with you before they collapse.
give it up BR, no one is listening, if your crusade had legs, it woulda run by now.
the man is gone. Now get off your own meds and confront your own demons instead of unloading your baggage on other people.
You & Rolls musta taken the same bad acid cos fair dinkum, you'd bore the fake titts off a BayWatch coke whore.
how is Yasmine Bleeth BTW ?
Fair enough Sid, you think I'm a bore. But Lewis Samuel,s asked me to write for him as well as Steve Nug. I've declined every offer from the surf magazines because their mere acceptance of anything I've written means I've done something wrong.
Oh, And I wrote a blog that didn't shatter any records for OG IP hits, but everyone in the Surf Industry read it and some, including your fearless leaders here, even commented on it.
If you think it was all a bore, and my Tweets are a bore, that's fine. Plenty of good, safe, homogenized bullshit for you to swill. Starting with this website.
So go ahead and put that in the Pipe made out of your "friends" at the Big 3 and smoke it. You were bought and sold long ago.
really don't care what you think, the world is better without your stink.
Ah well, nothin' better than a few hooves on the bong after a sackfull of waves I reckon...One of my favorite things really.
Well done BR I for one enjoy your no bullshit - all out in the open approach...at least you have the balls to put it out there! @Why doesn't swellnet have a cannaboost/cannagrow add? Surfing has always been a rebellious/against the norm artform..How many historic moments in surfing were obtained through drug use..Shane Beschens triple 10's at Kirra...Tom Carrols snap at pipe....Greenoughs trippy barrel footage..why can't these interesting funny stories be told openly and honestly? I think we all know the answers to that.
hear hear turns... this is just another thread taken over by seriously immature industry "insiders" trying to outhate each other (go start your own haters thread!). i for one dont give a flying fuck about the industry.
Just surf... oh yeah, and take drugs!!
you guys will be needing some enablers,
BR won't allow any of that, only Big Pharma drugs allowed, sorry boys.
Good comment barley. It all started to go downhill when Nat declared surfing a sport not a lifestyle. Then the money came into it. I think the hassles from cops etc. would have been worth it for the uncrowded waves of the time.I've smoked more than my fair share of the green but stopped when it started to affect my health. Many of my friends still take drugs and I don't have a problem with it. I'm all for people taking responsibility for their own actions. Andy irons included!
It's amazing how the mainstream media spin the drug issue. They had some chick on ACA who they claimed turned into a killer on weed. I thought how many people die as a result of booze and related misadventure.
P.S. Except for your support of B.R barley. He bores the shit out of me with his endless rants!
Poetic words from Sid
"really don't care what you think, the world is better without your stink."
Didnt go away for long did he? His surveillance knows no bounds...
Suspended briefly for a Bestiality photo posted I'm told...
Portayal of an unnatural act with a Fish possibly...
whatever sJoe, he's much more relevant to your world than mine ie: not at all.
Big make or break game for you guys tonite, gltu, I'm still white knuckle riding with me cowboys. mooooooooooooooo
"I reckon there’s a rising fury in the hearts of men, a grand, brimming fervor and madness that can never again be quelled by force, by equal action of fury, by the weapons and mechanisms created by men to suppress and oppress men. I reckon I see it rising evermore swiftly, see it beginning to overtake the once-calm fields and offices, those reaching chasms of darkness into which men flee desperate as the predators and vultures by which they are hunted and stalked. And that fury, when – not if – it finally achieves that peak of effervescence, bubbling beyond the surface constraints of boundaries, borders and all other useless lines of limitation, it will be a damned sight, indeed, a picturesque landscape of the fortitude and resolve of men so besmirched and hell-stricken that they decided they simply could not bear the tyranny of men another moment.
There will be a show for the ages, a rupturing in the stale wombs of life gone frigid from all the years of war – goddamn war – and devastation at the hands of those who seek it – need it even – because they know of no such things as patience, as virtue, as the connectivity that all men share to one another, to the world, and, above all, to the stars of their most laborious and destitute fortune.
There will be a memoir written of mankind as if it were a single creature, a story of a troubled childhood, a youth squandered by totalitarian parenting, the cursed and dreadful scourge of all ages: the wanton and woebegone, misplaced fear of god.
And when these balloons of rapture do tear to shreds all the woven threads of manic humanity, left strewn about the crumbling vestiges of civilization, a new something will be known, a new everything will be reaped from the sown seeds of peace planted deep in the soils of reason from which men fled so very, very long ago.
There will be vengeance of a sort, a cold-platter spattering pattern of blood on the walkways that line the streaming streets with great images of mirrored and indelible greed, so fashioned with twigs and sands as to never have possessed the potential to stand against any test of time, and time shall be remembered as a master of mirages itself, a billowing black cloud of disenchantment that was born of the cruelness and juvenility of consciousness unkempt and unruly, victim of perfidious intrusion, perpetrator of masked villainy behind doors of gruesome wayfaring and warmongering, and dirtiness crept beneath the fingernails of those wielding the scepters of god-lords and plunging daggers in distended bellies, wounds and scars of an unseen sort, a caption to the variety of evil cast upon goodliness as something less poetic and more mutinous even than the duplicity with which men strangle themselves to sleep."
BR, wha? For the love of god...
"God is dead" - Nietzsche
Stop feeding the beast...............eeerrrrr, I mean rabbit.
"This thread is dead" - dlt
dlt, it was never alive, it was a loaded topic from tylerD under the disguise of sypkan.
and in more current news,
I cant believe they ran the contest today at all, let alone started Round 2 as someone said elsewhere Bong doesnt do rest days..
Indeed Sid I fear the Dogs are Barking... Broncs last stand.. facing the Brewing Storm!
Speaking of Brew... I need subtitles and interpretation to understand that rant!
With not much size above what we're seeing today on the cards for nearly the entire waiting period, they basically had to run today.
A stark contrast to last year.
Yes Craig
I had a look at the forecast.. Its all doom and gloom, next spike next Tuesday and thats nothing special, theyve really got to do something about the rigid scheduling... not the right fit for such a fluid medium.
1972 "Surfers Mike Cook,Mace Stanley & friends smuggling pot to US
tbb tip! Plot is more gripping if you skip the SBS rundown
SBS Locked up Abroad S9 E6 Mexican Prison Escape
Just wondering if people think drugs are still a big part of surf culture or whether those days are long gone? reading modern surf media it seems the sport has moved on, but I hear stories of pros smoking joints before running down to heats at cooly, ex pros turning up to deserts, doing acid and lines of coke on the dashboard, and big wave 'pros' getting charged on coke before charging the big ones. I suspect things have not changed that much, just the pathetic marketing machine is covering the culture up. just wondering what others think?