Indo land camp options

Wave park is located in sth Siberut, nth mentawai area heaps of waves there and few fun to world class rights, but there is also a few other surf camps in area so can get crowded but tends to be hit and miss had a fare few surfs with 30 guys then suddently they all go have lunch or something and there's only four guys out, other camps/resorts in that area are
Wave park btw the first surf camp in mentawais
Kandui resort
Kandui villas
Botik resort
Pitstop hill
Mentawai surf retreat
Playground resort
Peipie lodge also known as mentawai surf camp
One more forgot the name run by French google mentawai adventures
Telos also have a few camps but all expensive some in th crazy expensive range, lots of rights but mostly average waves and not as consistent as mentawais
Telo island lodge
Resort latitude zero
Surfing village
Two more camps opening this year telos 101 and telos surf villa
Edit: new 2018 Telo Island Surf House offers an affordable accommodation option win the telos.
Further north past nias is banyak islands also few options there now and two really good rights, treasure island and rights of bay of plenty, think there's three camps there now just google banyak islands surf camps and you will find them

Pitstop hill would be my pick, think run by Aussies and pitstops right is only 50m walk down hill fun warm up wave, can get crowded but being so close can see it from camp, so can time surfs.
Telos my pick would be surfing village best right in telos straight out front.

Yeah they have good reputation
Mentawai surf retreat may be worth a look too it's located just next door and is only new opened this year so should be doing good deals,

Not that I have been there but there is a camp on South Sumatra that gets pretty good reviews..

Mainland south sumatra is kind of a totally different kettle of fish, it more budget basic style, get to breaks by road, waves are okay, but not as epic as the offshore islands of sumatra, the main wave down there is a long left point, not world class but fun all the same there is about half a dozen or more losmen/surf camp on pt most around $25 a night includes food, few other accommodation options in the area, the most consistent waves are lefts although theres a few odd rights and beachies.

Slightly OT, but why land over boat? (bar seasickness) ~Trying to grab general comments here not just the OP~
Having done both I get much more surfing done on the latter.

Agree with you blow-in - I've done 4 boat trips and 2 land camps and reckon you get way more surfing done on a boat.
Problem I can see for some tho is usually boats require a minimum number to book it out exclusively and if you can't get that minimum number (usually 4 or more) then you have to jump on another boat with a crew you don't know. Could be a nightmare if you didn't get along as not many places to hide.

Also OT but I think Swellnet should set up a dedicated travel forum...

Agree get more surf time on boat plus more variety, but I prefer land much more personal space, boats drive me crazy after a few days I never feel quite right and feel traped.

Boats can be great but if ya get a couple of dicks on board it can make it hell for all.
Telos can be fickle with swell.
Try awera island resort ,right hander out the front,3 great left close by i can't rate the place high enough.

Telescope is the prime wave in awera area and pretty popular with boats when it's on, needs a bit of swell to get in there, super fun, world class left suited to all levels of surfers also handles a crowd okay as different sets hit either deep or wide so normally breaks up the pack, plus can also sit on the end section.
boats also surf icelands and scarecrows, but normally don't bother with the two rights out front of awera Ariks and ombak tidur, there ok, but can be a bit funky.
BTW Ariks is often called suicides, including by local grooms, but suicides is actually a rarely surfed shallow left across the channel!
Boats don't normally bother with the few other waves in area, sll lefts as there kind of average and apart from twiggies the others need solid swells,do if there breaking most of the mentawais is pumping.
Yeah telos can be real fickle to swell direction, sth swells totally miss them, comparing telos with the mentawais a perfect way to put it is like comparing the gold coast with the sunshine coast.

The ments can be crowded but over a two week period you will get waves to yourself.
Icelands if get sizey won't be crowded and it can handle almost any size swell.
Chris scuzza the mentawai legend has it high on his big wave list.
Just go any trip to indo is a life experience and great waves the icing on top I've never
Come home thinking wished I'd stayed home.

Sounds like you have done the hard yards in that part of the world indo-dreaming! Thanks for all the info, much appreciated.
By: "uncle"
Spent a bit about a year of my life in Mentawais, hopefully few more to come :)
Hi. Anybody got any recommendations for a land based surf camp in indo with good reliable rights close by. Like the look of the wave Park in the Ments.