no J-Bay?

mowgli's picture
mowgli started the topic in Wednesday, 23 May 2012 at 12:03pm

Either i'm trippin or blind, but why is there no ASP WCT comp at J-Bay this year?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 23 May 2012 at 12:11pm

Been downgraded Mowgli. After 'Bong hit the sharemarket skids here in Oz they pulled the reins on a few of their spends - the Billabong Pro Jeffreys Bay being one of them. It's now a 6-star prime.

gcam's picture
gcam's picture
gcam Thursday, 24 May 2012 at 11:40am


mowgli's picture
mowgli's picture
mowgli Sunday, 17 Jun 2012 at 9:32am

I guess the Warbrick and Co. are laughing they stuck to their guns and didn't list.