Smuck me dead another Smucko thread!

I think your right shaun. Nothing wrong with that, but it's bring attention to things other than himself that's the problem.
"Loose lips sink ships"

haha kick me hard!!

Well Jeff is posting under his name and your posting as Spongebob.Cant see how you can take the piss.
As for who ever is doing the kicking be sure to film it, could help to pay for your medical bills.

Maybe just get the whole thread deleted.Its bad taste.

Read back a bit lopez, I think Smucko got laugh out of it.
As for using your real name in internet forums it might seem a noble thing to do, but there are good reasons why you shouldn't.
Shit on the internet should stay on the internet.

all you pussys wouldnt say what youre saying if ya real name was up here beginning to think youre scared of ya own shadow!! that goes for you too lopez ya pussy!!

haha morning boys....its pumpn here today!!

who is this jeff schmucker impersonator. i am the real smukka! the real smukka tows waves as big as mountains,wrestles great whites with his bare hands and catches more fish single handedly than the rest of the sa marine scale sector combined. with all this on my plate how could i have the time to wast my days away crapping on and contradicting myself on the computer ( plus with fists the size of christmas hams i find it hard to type anyway). So don't believe this impersonator basically he lives in a mythical world created by his own ego and actually believes his own crap. there is a serious mental issue there so take pity on the poor soul. so believe me as i am the real smucka and it all started when all the original guys on this coast didn't want to be my friend any more so i went in search of better friends. i found a group called the bra boys and started bringing them over to show off to my old friends.Next thing i know they think i am a knob as i can only tow and can't paddle even when its two foot so i became a bitter screwed up individual and began a campaign to exploit and blow out the coast that i, like a lot of others love. Now it seems none likes me, only my new found internet friends so thanks guys, i only hope you are real friends and not five year old bodyboarders or nigerian bank account scammers but at this stage i am willing to take the risk. Hang on i got to go there is a small 1.5 mtr swell and light north wind here so surely there is some kids learning to surf on softlights somewhere that i can tow my jet ski through or better still maybe a 40 kilo hippie chick i can abuse then run over.
love and peace everyone
ps i will be back soon as i fuck up someones fun day in small surf

thats great for a first poster too!!! hope you were smiln- not frowning when you wrote this... hmmm as for the bra boys u seem to be close ta home real smukka?? cmon stand up and tell us who you are...i bet you cant. good stuff shaun...your posts are strange. happy days fellas....the swellnet keyboard is right here on the dash so ill chat to ya after the next shot.

Can the real schmuk stand up please? he's a smartarse so they are probably both him.

smiling, sorry no. frowning, again sorry no. these days its all tear jerking laughter that you bring us jeff.
sorry i took a while to get back that stuff they make those softlite boards out of is real hard to clean out of the intake grate of the jet ski.
still can't believe the water etiquette of these young school holiday learner surfers. i was clearly on the inside of that 2 foot back beach shorey and they were calling me off. bloody blowins!
After the success of the "ASK SMUCKO!!!" I thought "KICK SMUCKO!!!" would be a good thread as I see that some are giving him a bit of stick on the penong localism thread so I thought that it would be better to do it here where the subject is Smucko.
Sorry Smucks, can't help being a smartarse. But hey, any publicity is good publicity isn't it.