going wacko

lest you forget big boy you are thou one that thou said to the schmuk "wanna go a cupl rounds lil man" did thou not?? if thou didnt mean it then he'll forgive you coz he hasnt had a altercation for a long time, so why you try to provoke a loving man big wayne?? i suggest you not that big and that you a lil man with lil man syndrome and that ok coz thou seems to be dealing with thou issues at hand...xxxx...hows the shot of morninton on WOTD with the locals ripping?? is that a south ozzy sharkboat in the background??

big wayne?? WRU..?? u staying at fredos joint?

hmmmm u mystery man ay...havn a dig ---runnin away....you much like the southern calamari tryn to take the jig...one day you be hangn...cheer up its a beautiful day

waynker you really are a total waste of space, put up or just plainly fuck off, bet you think you rule cresent head, jeeze that would be real hard

Put up what??? gromfull, it's the internet.

cmon wayno...you started the thread..."wacko"...presuming you meant punches when you started about punchn things in your first post....cmon big fella i know its the net but you back down like a blowin out the island on a 6ft day...english comp?? baha whatever...you makn the rules what happens on here?? and you shauna?? whats that crap?? cmon you too better pull ya finger out and give us sumthn worth reading!

Schmucko I think what Waynker wrote in this thread went straight over the top of you, I think he was trying to point out the futility of it all, posting your(or someone you don't like) on the forum was a bit childiish. Gromfull want waynker to put up, well wanyker always puts up, this is the internet and all you can put up is words and big wanyker is never short of them.

wynka...u run you duck you weave....but i only see you confusing yourself as such...so its good there is only you in your lil kingdom and around and around you may go...now shauna well he or she is another concern....it seems to applaud you waynka very muchly to a point that even you are so bored you have to talk to youself here n the passages of waynka time x net....you are the one who threw the aggression mr big...i not lay claim to that...if u krak me or throw it dwn then i'm happy to oblige...juz fun una??...cmon admit you like acting tough on here then back dwn and try to confuse all 3 readers that you never said anything....if anyone wants to make up their minds let them read your last couple posts on "penong localism thread"...you're a pussy in the real world and you're a pussy on here ...i thinkn you even scare yourself....oh thanks for the joust! i like it coz its boring out here steaming 15 hrs home..xxx

ok so you got a response which was what you were lookn for now you are gunna just read responses....cmon you are the pussy of the net....you are not goin over my head...i can understand what you are on about and have some compassion for you my lil internet friend...you keep on about the aggro like i am after it but you know i'm not....so drop that crap and get real lil wayne....u will get no aggro from me as i see that you are a dribbler not a fighter of any type....dribble on big wayne its what you do! ...if you get shacked on the next few sunrises tell us about it plz big W....i be surprised

big wayne i juz realised that you are an even bigger kook than i thougt you were...have a go at me for bein a new poster??? far out you peanut i have been on here for a year longr than you....not that it means anything to me really you were the one throwin the mud....you swelnet forum local you!! tut tut ....love from wishin i could believe wat i'm see'n HRH jeff

my god how many personalities have you got

trip odd....how many u got?

One thing I will agree with jeffos is wayneo is a wanker..speak fuckn plain english so we can at least understand your crap!
schmucky, old mate , ones days of catching thrown punches and returning them are still with him and as such am going to have to ask you for my appaeance fee in advance.
why send one your number over the intraweb? and then tell all and sundry where you will be if anyone wants to knuckle on? boorish maybe? one thinks in the affirmative.
now we all need to be heard and that is a right of all in this big wonderful world of bigwayne,but you come from a little country town that just might have a good wave from time to time but that is definately notyour ticket to "punch on" with one. while one admires your pluck and certainly likes his loyal follwers (thats you by the way schmucky)to shoot for the unobtainable , but has to admit that ability of said admirer (also you) needs to be honed a little more, in other words (just so one hasnt lost you), threats of violence and giving one a "deadline" to respond just goes to show that your perceived abillity to "surf" here with the likes of HRH bigwayne and his loyal subjects is just that perceived.
not understanding the 4 character thing schmucky? please explain!
this was bought to you by a wishing that one had a lille more patience with the new blokes who have no respect and threaten violence HRH bigwayne
one lives on the east coast and we all know that between coffs and bega ( thats in nsw schmucky) has the most consistant surfable swell in aus .