Cronulla Thong Thief

rosso's picture
rosso started the topic in Tuesday, 14 Feb 2012 at 8:46pm

I got out of the surf today at North Cronulla and some lowlife has stolen my thongs again. Thats the third pair in less then a year.

Second hand thongs have no resale value, and even the poorest person can afford to buy some themselves. So why steal them? I need them to avoid stepping on glass walking to a surf. It's pure bastardry!

In the unlikely event the thieves read this.... STOP STEALING MY BLOODY THONGS!

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Tuesday, 14 Feb 2012 at 11:49pm

I had my thongs stolen off a Junk laden East Bali beach a few years back . The Balo , just walked up witn us watching from the Water , and he must of thought that it was incredibly lucky that both had been washed up together .....
The new discovery was the aptly named RED THONGS / No THONGS from that day forth . Not sure if it caught on though . May have suffered the same fate as my trusty Pluggers .

PS. i usually are not that " soft " , but the beach was literally littered with all sorts of Flotsam and Jetsom , and we had to wade though a few dodgy creeks to get to it ...

rosso's picture
rosso's picture
rosso Wednesday, 15 Feb 2012 at 8:14pm

I was once buying new thongs and another customer in the shop told me he surfed the point and was always getting his thongs nicked. He blamed school kids.

A surf shop owner down the coast told me his thongs stopped getting nicked when he switched to a lesser known brand of thongs.

I think I'll go to Best & Less or Lowes and get the uncoolest pair I can find. See if that helps.

mrsbradpitt's picture
mrsbradpitt's picture
mrsbradpitt Wednesday, 15 Feb 2012 at 10:12pm

serves you right for wearing womens underwear you sicko

victor's picture
victor's picture
victor Tuesday, 21 Feb 2012 at 6:51pm

tie them together with 6lb or less fishing line and watch from the water as the thief trips arse over head...