WTF , Surely Not . Genius or Stupid ( Probably Both )

southey's picture
southey started the topic in Monday, 30 Jan 2012 at 2:22pm

Was down at one of my Favourite Spots on Sunday . Having travelled a bit to meet up with a relo
( who surfs and is a local in that region ).

Typical slow start and check one other spot before bee lining for / to my preferrred option . As promised by myself to other locals at the Pub the night before ( much to their disagreement ) that a cheeky new swell had slipped in overnight , and it was Picture Perfect 6 Ft on the sets . Perhaps a little small for its best , but consistant enough .

After a very short time looking, it was decided that we (2 , Cuz B&^& + I ) would make the most of the Lower Tide and average crowd (4) .
Whilst changing in the carpark , we both watch in astonishment some amazingly flash ( Electric Blue + $$$$$ ) sports car roll into the pot holed DIRT carpark . Being a fairly heavy Touristy area , we both looked at each other and Chuckled . Next a 12 seater mini bus rolls in , again we look at each other , then noting its not filled with Boards we smile contently at each other ( half in amazement , as the track isn't far off the main road but is reasonably inconspicous ) . Again we both take a moment shake our heads , thank Huey it's not a surf team , and put it down to totally random stories that tend to happen in this Neck of the woods . (There's always a handful throughout the Silly season ) ..

My Cuz , can't help himself and is off to look at the Blue Sports Car , I gather my board and start for the track . But can't help but stop and Gawk at the Super Car . Turns out The Mini Van is a Camera crew of sorts , " And according to one Bloke as he tells cuz " We're doing a Photo Write up for this New Jag " , being that its the only one in Aust , and they were Flirting with bringing them out here .
This Bloke looked Familiar , as did One or Two of the 4-5 Guys . Being a Non Media sort of Region , I smelt a Ruse ' .....
It was with some " Fishing / Feeling the Waters " Comment from this Familiar Face that I recognised him as the One and Only Ted Grambeau .

I may of crossed paths once or twice before , but it was his People Skills that re affirmed me with the recollection of many a tale from countless Articles he'd Organised and Shot Thru the Years . After all he is a Victorian ? .
Back to my Ruse ' , scanning my periphery for signs of Boards , I noted another Photog's familiar face , but not from personal experience ( Jon Frank , apologies if wrong .? )
Breaking my concentration , Ted fires away with " You guys from 'round here " , to which I fire off " Nah Peninsula , but B*%& is from Town . " Ted quip's with ' The island ' , and i can't help myself and introduce . At this point i A: recognise the sports car driver as Julian Wilson , B: that I've just alienated myself from any other locals that maybe lurking , C: Ted's weaving his magic in a sometime Hostile area . ( It's then that he confesses , that they " might take a few shots , from the water and land " . )

We go out , catch a few , JW joins the now ( 6-8 ) pack . I think he got a few , ( the conditions [ lighting ] was pretty good ) , not sure the wave was the right target for his style . He stayed in close trying to pick up the smaller suckier ones , whilst our focus was on the sets . He paddles over with water photog , to adjacent wave that due to low tide should be a waste except for the best or desperate .
Both waves can be dodgy on equipment with special access required.

Which gets to my point , Either this was all an innocent little Junkett . Paid for by the Wallet of Jaguar ( Ford ? ) . Of which Ted was coy on the Cheesyness of their trip .
Or there's a two sided Brilliance / Cheeky / Naive ( in a good way ) angle that ONE has followed . All i know is I spent a minute or two thinking about How i would be perceived by some locals to an unwanted visit , for years this area has been my escape , and rarely bringing a crowd I've reaped many a rewarded session with pretty friendly faces . ( And this goes for Everywhere I've ever travelled , as other Travelling Vic's like Dugga Warren and the like before him . " Low Key , don't leave nothin' but footprints , take only memories and be respectful . " )
This approach has seen good vibes , in the harshest of Climates .

Julian the lone Surfer seems to be a nice quiet Bloke , and for this alone I personally hold no qualms . I wonder what's worse , only one Pro so good water vibes as opposed to 2 or 3 competing against each other and ignoring the pack, OR a potential article / photo's that could be FAR READ and such could insight images of a place that in all reality rarely gets as Picturesque ?
I know a particular Heavy Locale that Vetoed a " Car Advert " a fair few years back , and that didn't even contain Surfers !!!!!

But back to Ted , quietly hats off for your approach . As for where these shots could end up with a Mainstream funded Pro ? .
I'm Glad the worst of the Localism " which personally I've only ever heard of , but does exist " , was not Present .
So another succesful shoot ? Maybe not , the SeaBreeze saw to that within an Hour of Setup . I'm sure the car shots looked good along the coastal roads , I wonder if it'll be penned into an arty-cle , perhaps this is the ultimate slap in the face to localism .
A very Larry Bertleman moment , where you can't help but like the Style of it all .

thankfully no-one or equipment was injured in this episode , unlike the fighting story that triggered me to share my weekend laugh .

So here i was enjoying a beautiful day , my first surf in atleast 6 Mths , on the First day in a fair while that one of my favourites spots had worked .

As we left , smiling like a Cheshire Cat . i couldn't but help Leave Ted and His crew ( including a probably uncomfortable POM in the Heat ) with ......... " yeah its nice , but how many boards can ya fit in it ? . Or do you get a Free Boogie Board " lar.!!!..

Perhaps , the only victory the protective regular can have is to " Ruin their Scoop " , by writing about it First ........

PS . can i Order the JAG in Red , Fat chicks love Red ......

niggly's picture
niggly's picture
niggly Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 2:53am

nicely penned, i made a comment about the forums being a little dull [in a diff thread], but the last few contributions have restored faith,
be well all

rees0's picture
rees0's picture
rees0 Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 3:10am

Yeh good to see something of interest rather than the constant hi jacking that seems to be going on. Good read southey hope the photos don't open the flood gates.

rasda's picture
rasda's picture
rasda Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 3:29am

somewhere he warned us they were on the way, wiv a Jag

bigwayne's picture
bigwayne's picture
bigwayne Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 4:48am

mr southey , one is the biggest down south , and dont forget it. after all one is the king of dolphin point. ones attention was captured and was most enthralled.
the one thing that botherd one was this one , one has been busy, but knew you were wanting ones approval for you writing ,ones effort to critque said tome is (un)questionable, why then no chance to digest this heavyweight tome? your apologies will be accepted in all forms of media. it was good mr southey , and wipe that narcissistic smile off your face , those smiles are reseved for royalty .
this was bough to you by a taking it one day at a time HRH bigwayne

zambezi's picture
zambezi's picture
zambezi Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 5:59am

Jaguar Magazine have been shooting a feature on the XKR-S on The Great Ocean Road. It's not a secret. You can follow it on David Burton's (editor of Jaguar Magazine) twitter feed. It's all about the car with a famous bloke driving it.

zambezi's picture
zambezi's picture
zambezi Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 11:05am

Southey, that was a nice story. I should have said that from the start. You were right. Jon Frank is/was in tow. A story about a million dollar car with a million dollar bloke driving it.

crustt's picture
crustt's picture
crustt Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 8:41pm

Southy, I think obviously ted is a good photographer, but not a genius, a good mate was telling me of his days of building the penguin parade on phillip island and ted was a labourer they had some amusing nickname for him to do with him being so slow a everything, but he said he didn't sack him cause he was a good bloke to have around. So the gift of the gab is probably his strongest point.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 at 9:27pm

"......I don't say this lightly as the only place I've ever considered myself to be one ( LOCAL ) was on a special island off WA . 'Spose thats another story for another day ."

Which one was that Southey? Give hints if you don't want to name it.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 7:13am

Crustty ,

That was my point . Ted has exceptional people skills , I have a few friends exactly like that . One could hold a conversation with everyone from the Queen to a serial Killer . Another can be hopeless but is a real lad , and good for morale . One guy is down right dangerous , but the entertainment is gold .
So either he flukes every single trip he makes to strong local regions or he is alot smarter than you give credit . Regardless if he meant it or not , and whether i agree with its harmless nature . It was quite a Genius Stunt . Or perhaps Franko is like the silent puppet master that has used ted's people skills or the fact that he's Vic Born & Bred .? Note that Photog's that usually get hassled the most are land based , Franko was in the water , Big Ted cliff top sentinel .! The other reason could be that he's from the Island , and its expats are spread allover the planet . I know many a strong local scene that has an older respected Island expat amongts its midst , or travellers from there just click with many people .
I think good photog's need good people skills .

Freeride ( steve ? ) ,

The Rock .

PM me if you really must Know .

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 7:30am

sent ya a PM.....

I found some that had been sent to me that I didn't know where there so just letting you know.

crustt's picture
crustt's picture
crustt Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 8:21am

Crustty ,

That was my point . Ted has exceptional people skills , I have a few friends exactly like that . One could hold a conversation with everyone from the Queen to a serial Killer . Another can be hopeless but is a real lad , and good for morale . One guy is down right dangerous , but the entertainment is gold .
So either he flukes every single trip he makes to strong local regions or he is alot smarter than you give credit . Regardless if he meant it or not , and whether i agree with its harmless nature . It was quite a Genius Stunt . Or perhaps Franko is like the silent puppet master that has used ted's people skills or the fact that he's Vic Born & Bred .? Note that Photog's that usually get hassled the most are land based , Franko was in the water , Big Ted cliff top sentinel .! The other reason could be that he's from the Island , and its expats are spread allover the planet . I know many a strong local scene that has an older respected Island expat amongts its midst , or travellers from there just click with many people .
I think good photog's need good people skills .

Freeride ( steve ? ) ,

The Rock .

PM me if you really must Know .

By: "southey"

The Gabb will always beat the brain, cept of course in court.

theblowin's picture
theblowin's picture
theblowin Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 9:14am

Southy- by the rock i assume you mean the rats nest ? You're right about Franky regards to him being a sneak. I held him in high regard till a recent issue of SW where by he basically declared TerraNullis on some locals in vicco. Labelled the crew small minded and paranoid when he rolled into town with ripper Brady in tow to shoot a low key rock shelf. The paranoid local fools thought our high minded artiste was going to sell the region for a couple of dollars towards that verandah extension he had planned. One of the unwashed few even approached the man whilst he was in the thrall of the almighty- channeling GODS divine hand to his chosen medium. Said native challenged Frank where by Frank derided him as 'small to the last'. Your right Jon, locals have no property rights by law but, like the original inhabitants of this land, many have a connection with an area spanning generations with a sense of belonging and spirit of place that is not so easily quantified. So rather than repeat past errors such as those perpertrated by the likes of Cook and His majesties fleet, maybe you should recognise that any region you wish to exploit for the economic betterment of yourself and company x may even have a established local sentiment that should not be so hastily dismissed or so vapidedly diminished. Locals are given only a small amount of positive press yet it still behooves us to recognise the fact that custodianship of this beautiful land did not end with the white man. Ps Mr Frank, hinterland shots betraying a locale are disrespectful and reveal spite on your behalf, spite being the quintessential attribute of the small mindedness you so openly despise. Best of luck with all future endeavours then Mr Frank

zambezi's picture
zambezi's picture
zambezi Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 10:18am

So Jaguar UK (Cook and Her Majesties Fleet} are using a million dollar supercar, as camouflage, to expose a sensitive surfing coast ?

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 10:26am

I think your onto it theblowin .

Frank has been residing in Melbourne for a while now .

he should be careful ruffling peoples feathers down that way . Although many won't be as Vocal as the Guys that Hole up there year round . I think he'll make more powerful enemies if he is up to a Revenge attack , So to speak .....

He possibly needs to remember that some of Surfings most powerful individuals still hold a special place in their Heart for that particular part of this Coastline . I hope that someone that knows he or Ted and speaks regularly reminds him of the Unwritten code .

This isn't NSW or QLD and People like it that way. i believe that many in the area are probably reeling at the loss of Two of their favourite sons . It would not be a good time to poke them .
Speaking of a particular slab , i beleive someone may have broken their Leg there Recently . I can't think of a worse place , maybe Tom Innes can .

anyhow , TBI . I thought i read you were off to Indo for Iggy . Or atleast leaving NW in a hurry . How'd that eventuate ???? Saw some pics from up that way yesterday . ;-)

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 9:34pm

No Zambezi . I beleive it maybe the ultimate slap in the Face to someone who vocally opposes exposure for a singular persons gain and many 's loss . Unfortunately its guys like myself and theBlowin who will wear the Burden . and i reckon if it gets widespread media coverage then we may see some old school skull duggery .
I stand neither here nor there in this , a very interested observer perhaps . The last thing we need is Gates Being Locked / Blocked and Burnt .

I'm just Glad that particular people weren't in that carpark last Sunday .

theblowin's picture
theblowin's picture
theblowin Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 9:51pm

Hey Southy
No indo for me mate, evacuated due to Iggy ,took the time to catch up with the inlaws- ill health in the family demanded it unfortunately, has been a great opportunity to be reminded how the other half lives, for better or worse. Never scored at your former hideout, my sole visit saw 60kt sou"westers. Beautiful joint though... Good luck keeping the devil at bay at the other.You"ll need it.

zambezi's picture
zambezi's picture
zambezi Thursday, 2 Feb 2012 at 10:27pm


So ya reckon that Ted Grambeau and Jon Frank have a hidden agenda, rather than just a "cheesy money spinner" for Jaguar Magazine ? I've looked at the photos on Twitter and all I can see is Julian Wilson driving a supercar past tourist spots on The Great Ocean Road. As long as no spots are named, then, I can't see a problem. The Great Ocean Road is in the top 5 tourist attractions of Australia. It's one of the great driving roads of the world. Would you be worried by Jeremy Clarkson and his mates doing the same thing for Top Gear ? I'm from South Oz, so I understand about sensitivity, but, hey, we survived having Mick, Joel and Koby do a full blown media blast to Rio Bay with the full entourage.

theblowin's picture
theblowin's picture
theblowin Saturday, 4 Feb 2012 at 11:13am

anyone know how to add a photo ?

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Saturday, 4 Feb 2012 at 8:39pm

Sid , I'm taking a stab in the dark here ( but please correct me if I'm wrong . )
I presume you are talking of far west coast SA .
But the Pete I've surfed with from there ( who turned 50 a couple of years ago ) ,
has been a Gentlemen to myself when in those waters . Infact I've had a pretty good chat to him one sunny morning whilst i was having Toast in the carpark . I believe the convo went along the lines of him asking " why i wasn't going out yet . I said that i'd driven non stop thru the night and needed my fill whilst the locals got their's . (I wasn't in a hurry as there was no -one in the camp , and there was only 4 guys out ). He liked that response , and told me when i was ready to come out that he'll introduce me to everyone .

Himself , Big Steve , little Johnny ? , and a couple other blokes who's names elude me . Nice blokes , even shared beers in the Pub a couple of days later .

All this without knowing anyone that knows them personally , although a few of them knew and respected my shaper .....

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Sunday, 5 Feb 2012 at 10:23am

I was talking Great Ocean Road...

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 5 Feb 2012 at 11:24am

That would be somewhere between Torquay and Adelaide? It's a Great long road.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Sunday, 5 Feb 2012 at 11:36pm

Apologies STF ,

I naturally have come to the defense of the most Parochial ? locals in the land .

Please fill us in , or just PM me .

Shaun ,
You just gave yourself away as someone east of Torquay . hehhehe

PS . West of Mt Gambier , is the Real deal . I'm tipping no one will be Drivin ' Super Cars Into Carpenter Rocks or surrounding NP .
Thread Over .....

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 6 Feb 2012 at 7:00am

Southey, read the tourist brouchers , all the way to Adelaide, I believe they are talking of extending it and making it a real ocean road all the way to Durban.
Damn , I thought I was the biggest fuckwit in the known surfing world, I will have to work harder at it, Well Sid, yes fill us in tell me what I am up against, what do I have to outwit this man, don't keep it a secret between you and southey this is a forum let the whole world know.

Southey if he does pm you, can you fill me in with a pm also.

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Monday, 6 Feb 2012 at 9:21pm

nuff said.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 7 Feb 2012 at 9:03am

Gee Sid, you just anonymously called a bloke the biggest ####wit in the known surfing world, without giving any sort of reason, as far as I can see he does not make a living out of promoting or exposing surfing, so he is not a public figure or a surf photographer or journo, who since they make a living out of surfing we can go open slaver on them.
Some times I come back from a surf and are so pissed of with someone, it would feel so good to sit down on my computer and slag them of on the internet, till about 10 seconds after I hit the enter button,My point being other other sites around that make personal attacks on real people by someone named anon, that's ok as these sites are mainly frequented by morons, quite nasty morons. I have noticed that posters on here only really name people that have already jumped into the public arena themselves, and when talking about some areas are very vague on detail, but they are sometimes coming close to shitting in there own nest. I know the Vicco coast quite well and I have no idea where the spot southy is talking about, but it took a minute on google and I know where your on about sid. So let's just say more than enuff said, ay sydney

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Wednesday, 8 Feb 2012 at 10:41am

I think sid should walk up to his nemesis and say what he thinks to his face, randomly slagging people on the internet is so uncouth. It is cheap and common behavior.

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Wednesday, 8 Feb 2012 at 11:08am

shaun, believe me I have, and he stays well away.