Big Waynker!

Shaun is that directed at me??????????? state it if it is, i have no connection to BIG wayne
Delusions of grandeur, just opinions, A sad day when even online people cannot handle differing opinions & dissent. take your bats & balls & run home to mummy

Were has big wayne gone run away i cannot read his posts, he was a tech head not a surfer

Beach thats an interesting fin setup. How does that board turn and what sort of waves is it good for? Dimensions?

rees0 "Beach thats an interesting fin setup. How does that board turn and what sort of waves is it good for? Dimensions?
what fin set up????????, more sydney tech heads invading
rees0 "How does that board turn and what sort of waves is it good for? Dimensions?"
our imaginary board turns good our imaginary board is good for 1-10ft waves, i cannot give dimensions as it would blow the little office in sydney out of their non surfer minds
Surfing the internet is not SURFING

rees0"Beach thats an interesting fin setup. "
what fin set up?>????????????????????????

Your have a picture next to your name. With a quad. With your largest fins at the furtherst point back in the fin box. I don't understand your confusion. Where did you get sydney from?

that board looks hideous

thankyou for the heads up big mr shaun, one did the count and found there was an invitation by 12 for a little get-together, not authorised by one, and one is compiling a dossier on the would be intruder/s,being the humble and devilishly handsome (un)disputed heavyweight champion of the fine art of origami that one is , one has to reflect upon his own huge life and remembered that, being one of the founding members of the whole surfing movement, may have come on just a tad too strong in the beginning!? . did one ?.and all of you finally became one with the juggernaught that is bigwayne and have a better life for it! (one dares anyone to challenge that). so upon that mighty revelation ,there will always be the great unwashed that want to be "cleansed" with bigwayness.
little mrs backfroth, heard this phrase before? imitation is the only real form of flattery? you wont , cant and never will be the one, one is the one, and having to quote everything that everyone says points to the fact that your retension of the facts as presented is limited , your grasp of this whole swellnet "thing" is very loose indeed. having someone with as much time here as huge mr shaun , worreid for ones mental health, when normally mr shaun would be doing eveything in his considerable power to destabilise the 22, has not rung any bells? oh thats right you have done no "research" , so your boorishness has shone through again.whats with not knowing that your picture is a quad , you put it there ,also the wrong posts in the wrong place? WTF?.... so backfroth just relax , have a coke and a smile and just watch and learn how thw big boys play before you paddle out eh?
mr o , dont concern yourself with mrs backfroth , with all the advice that he has , and all the amount of quoteing he does would it surprise you that he has a set up like that ? the set looks like it would be good for going straght and ramming and not being able to go with the flow of the wave, much like the grey matter that it took to come up with that set up..... anyhooo
this was bought to you by a still worried that the new bloke wont get the hint HRH bigwayne

Eloquently put as per usual dear leader wayne Jong il, the one and only one. Maybe you should offer little miss muffetbeach to be his mr miagi so to speak.

I think that just about says it all. Brilliant....

rees0, sorry for mis understanding, its from a sailboard
wayne "one has to reflect upon his own huge life and remembered that, being one of the founding members of the whole surfing movement, may have come on just a tad too strong in the beginning!? . did one ?."
wayne" and all of you finally became one with the juggernaught that is bigwayne and have a better life for it! (one dares anyone to challenge that). so upon that mighty revelation ,there will always be the great unwashed that want to be "cleansed" with bigwayness."
What a twat, still no spellchecker
WAYNE" little mrs backfroth, heard this phrase before? imitation is the only real form of flattery? you wont , cant and never will be the one, one is the one, and having to quote everything that everyone says points to the fact that your retension of the facts as presented is limited , your grasp of this whole swellnet "thing" is very loose indeed.
I dont want to be the one, obviously you think you are, why quote people because they talk rubbish, retention (note spelling twat) of facts is why i quote than its not limited, obviously my grasp of the swellnet thing is very loose as it seems to be a marketing advertorial vehicle for large corporations with multiple sign ons for the people running the show & a few people like myself who thought it was a surfing forum,
Wayne "having someone with as much time here as huge mr shaun , worreid for ones mental health, when normally mr shaun would be doing eveything in his considerable power to destabilise the 22, has not rung any bells? oh thats right you have done no "research" , so your boorishness has shone through again.whats with not knowing that your picture is a quad , you put it there ,also the wrong posts in the wrong place? WTF?.... so backfroth just relax , have a coke and a smile and just watch and learn how thw big boys play before you paddle out eh?"""
Yes wayne i concur in surfing the internet you have it over me, in the real world you do not.
wayne" mr o , dont concern yourself with mrs backfroth , with all the advice that he has , and all the amount of quoteing he does would it surprise you that he has a set up like that ? "
, quoting just shows the stupidity of comments that i respond to feel free to quote me & retort, you have chosen to run away when i critiqued your opinions, whats your point your a mindless jack russell biting my heels, who runs away when it is kicked
wayne "the set looks like it would be good for going straght and ramming and not being able to go with the flow of the wave, much like the grey matter that it took to come up with that set up..... anyhooo"
going straight (spelling)& RAMMING WTF, ideal for sailboards WHATS RAMMING i thought that was something poofters did in the privacy of their own home,
wayne" this was bought to you by a still worried that the new bloke wont get the hint HRH bigwayne"
What hint that the new bloke (non local)will expose your inept attitudes & views & your totally wrong views & tips on surfing, no critique of what i have said has appeared just primary school name calling, obviously the locals are a bunch of RAMMERS

Choc Top & Jaffa's at the ready.
Multiple sign on's for BW's 23,oops 22?

are you allowed to roll jaffas down the aisle spongebob, if your only been here under a year

Yes you can,but I prefer a sling shot

I thought it may have been a SUP.
the fin set up looked like a bonza expanded for the extra width.
I like it.

back b ,
The continuos quoting can be a little annoying as your posts become hard to read , regardless of content .
Maybe put all quoted text in " inverted " comma's with persons name preceding or after said quotes .
apart from that all this juvenile female bitch fighting is entertaining .........

and show one has mr shaun , ones absynths , um absence from the line up has gone unexplained and seeing as though every single one of you asked one what the reason was, and also inkeeping with the rules of being lord and master, one will have to say that its none of your business what you betters are upto and well lets just say that your feerless leeder , competition consultant, and all round man of the moment, bigwayne, has come to the conclusion that love does not last! there its out , one has said it, but before you start thinking for yourselves and questioning your very existence,the LOVE you all have for your favorite demigod remains ...........
now , as you all know one is , was , the only true "pro" in this lineup , what with all ones comp winnings and that, that,ones major sponsor, and one have parted ways, now overt outpourings of greif aside,one has come out the other side , lets say , scathed but alive.
wipe your tears , dear throng of masses and rest assured that HRH bigwayne is a boomerang , no matter how one is thrown , one always comes back! one doesnt become heayweight champ of the local primary school by having a defeatist attitude.
by now mrs backfroth will be doing just that frothing and thinking up ways to render one asunder , it wont happen . one has the ability to rise above , turn the other cheek , have mercy on those less endowed with the grey matter that come with being bigwayne.
see one understands , alittle, what its like to be not one , and the apiration to be one must be like a moth to a flame for you , see one has got the gist ! does one not?
so , seeing as though this thread is about one , and two ,and three and all those other irksome blatherskites, it would seem to one that its all about bigwayne, lord and master, feerless leeder , high performance coach of (il)repute, and the man with the most swagger in his step
this was bought to you by a wanting the masses to love one for who he is and not step on his heart as it pounds out of his chest HRH bigwayne

Big Wayne - one likes one who describes one as oneself, although sidthefish is not one oneself.
for the records, have meet numerous big waynes in me days, and they've always been good value and some.

mr thefish , thank you kind sir, you adoration has been duly noted. ones oneness is what one strives for. and yes one is absolutly one.
this was bought to you by a feeling a hell of a lot better now that mr dan has replied HRH bigwayne

Mr dear leader hrh bigwayne Kerr Jong il , my loyalty seems to be wayneing , may have to start following mr bigbackbitch as his depth of knowledge seems to be bottomless

HRH Mighty High Wayne, one would like to ask one question of one if one would grant me one favour.
If one was wanting to become one without being one, would one have to be anointed by the only one before one would become one?
Waiting for ones reply.
Fuck I've lost it!

mr neil, come now my good man , the need to seek greener pastuers is expected dear mr neil , after all one is mearly a god, but the main thing to consider is where your loyaltys lie , by this one means that after all of the blood sweat and all of those late nights helping all and sundry with whatever was needed and this is how one is repayed, with the new toy that comes along, thats ok mr the neil one does understand, one wont bother you again on this matter. sniffle snif..........
mr seal, oh contrere mr seal you are now one means, on the path to bigwayness!!!. now being one with one does mean that ones annointement of oneness must be cleared with 2 3 4 8 13. now take a knee mr seal and listen to one pass another peice of gold, the main thing mr seal is that the main thing remains the main thing now that is the main thing! with me mr seal? you are not lost dear fellow just giddy from the euphoria that is bigwayne
this was bought to you by a everlovin HRH bigwayne

Big wayne how do we get the filter you use to make no sense, must be as i said before computer geek trying to keep the bandwith down

I'm sorry HRH for seeing some humour in your posts I must be as deluded as you!
How should I approach my life Backbiter, as someone with as much knowledge as you and a waterman to boot, must be able to point me in the right direction as I'm feeling very vulnerable at the moment. Please Help!

Come now brother seal, dont be feeling so vulnerable and blue, let us bask in the glorious all-knowing wisdom and general figjamness that surrounds hrh mr backbitch our lord and saviour! Halleluya!! (anyone now how spell that?)(backbitch?)

mr seal , apologies accepted , what intrigues one is this one, why is ones knowallness not sufficient for you? ones oneness is in jeopardy.......
mr theneil, while you make a good case for frothy , one is the one and mrs backfroth is not, one realises mr theneil that although you may have a small amount of posts , you sir have been watching from the sidelines, and as such should be aware of ones (un)deniable model looks , and all round nice blokeness , blaphememing in this way will end in tears for all concerned, namely ones goodself.
this was bought to you by a thinking his bestys are looking for a new GURU HRH bigwayne

Seal shutdown your facebook twiters etc & stop feeling vulnerable you ball bag, take a big can of harden up & go out in the real world.

Thanks Backbiter!
Now that I've hardened the fuck up, I joined twits and facefuck so I could shut them down just like you said, then went outside into the real world. Although it was absolutely pissing down and the surf was shit, I took my quiver of logs, alaias, single fins, twinnies, short boards and quads down the local (hardcore local) backbeach and surfed all and sundry while cleaning up the rubbish that all those Sydney tourist cunts left until nightfall. 'cause thats what a waterman with a hot wife would do, hey.
Got home and traded some shares,made an absolute killing on the market and have you to thank for it all!!
Now just one question for you Backbiter, When your wanking off about yourself, do look in the mirror or just write shit about how fucking good you are on swellnet?

Seeing what happened to the Priminister and Opposition leader yesterday, just want to check if BigWayne's security is up to scratch?
We would not want anything happeing to HRH.

Funny, that's what Julia said.

Thanks Backbiter!
Now that I've hardened the fuck up, I joined twits and facefuck so I could shut them down just like you said, then went outside into the real world. Although it was absolutely pissing down and the surf was shit, I took my quiver of logs, alaias, single fins, twinnies, short boards and quads down the local (hardcore local) backbeach and surfed all and sundry while cleaning up the rubbish that all those Sydney tourist cunts left until nightfall. 'cause thats what a waterman with a hot wife would do, hey.
Got home and traded some shares,made an absolute killing on the market and have you to thank for it all!!Now just one question for you Backbiter, When your wanking off about yourself, do look in the mirror or just write shit about how fucking good you are on swellnet?
By: "seal"
Sweet seal hope your life is better for my input. Sounds like a fun simple existence for you, now you;ve hardened the fuck up
Seal" Now just one question for you Backbiter, When your wanking off about yourself, do look in the mirror or just write shit about how fucking good you are on swellnet?"
The funniest thing is seal i have been honest here in my responses & posts & if thats your summary i feel good, as for wanking in front of the mirror i'd take a target/bigW underwear catalogue over my mirror , but each the their own seal, your weird sexual quirk is not the worse i have heard of. Next time you perform in front of the mirror post it for the gay members of swellnet, BIGwayne & shaun might appreciate it, you all may be able to get together for a surf drinks than a big gay day out, nothing better than bringing like minded people together

mr qback, ones has been beefed up scince this fracas, that could have turned into a melee and as you may or may not be aware one is quite handy, good looking and sartorial to boot so one expects no qualms from the great unwashed although ones oneness has been shacken by this whole sordid afair. what has really set one aback was this one, 17 , worried as you all are for ones well being, has come forward to offer assistance to one , to help one be one with one and all, which is no small ask , and mr thorn in ones almighty paw , the reliability of the 22 to protect one is (un)questionable , and the inference of a lacsadaisical attitude of said 22 , is at the least isulting and at best......well......isulting! so one has taken the liberty of adding your local to the round robin of the G.M.R.C and you wild card will.... one means could possibly, get lost in the mail. so when one is ripping the feaces out of your local break and making all your women folk swoon , and the men folk admire ones swagger , you mr thorn inones paw will be adjouning to the setee to sleep and one will be sleeping in yor bed with your one meant to say pillow
this was bought to you by a thanking all for their concern for one alrightness HRH bigwayne

qback Way to live up to the stereotype... stealing people's shoes. i have a used single thong double plug if they want to trade, its red makes you go fast

Big wayne improve your posts they are unreadable maybe use full stops commas paragraphs & even spell check, people crack the shits over upper case your blocks are beyond unreadable
Are you dyslexic seek help, your like a mumbling hunchback in the 16th century
BIGwayne"one is ripping the feaces out of your local break and making all your women folk swoon , and the men folk admire ones "
Maybe the women will swoon gay men do that to women all the time but you might get a man root or be man rooted more likely as you noted they admire you

@ hrh mrginourmouswayne, tis immensely relieving to learn of your current state of alrightness
ps- i have resolved to repledge my allegiance to your highness as the stench of racism and homophobia and allround intolerance that envelopes mrbackdouche has become a bit much

How may sign ons do you have BIGBIG wayne,,,,,, or even more scary like a christian cult how many mindless followers

Don't get Backbeach Local hero confused with BigWayne. They are miles apart. Backbeach is the kooky "i'm a local surfer" dude who can't surf, has no idea and is a full wannabe with a ridiculous quad while Bigwayne has history.
Backbeach, I hope you had a great day of whinging about touro's on Australia day!

and BigWayne - I'm certain you had a legitimately great day sinking a few at the rubberty!

mr ando , thank you kind sir for your post and ones royal rubbity was well and truly glad to see the back of one! cant understand why? onesself was in fine form and everybody else just couldnt see that the fun that one was having was better than theirs , and after a great deal of persistance on ones part, and being the kind feerless leeder one only managed to convince the taxi driver that it was all happnin at the palace and he obliged to come round, to ones total surprise mr driver declined to even stop, mearly slowing to a crawl, let alone ask one for a fare he obviously could have charged ones double? see this is what your FEERLESS LEEDER , mentor and guru , lover of humans the world over has to deal with on a fridaynightly basis.
ok frothy, once you said that you cant read ones musings any longer? is this not so? then why mrs backfroth do you continue to comment on and quote one? oh thats right you are one are you not? and if so why the need for a quotes? one can remember everything because one knows everything. waste no more time on you little man........
my goodness (not) mr shaun, is that it ? acuusations of the lowest order? you poor misguided littleman. yes one has taken offence , not to what you pass off as a post but, the fact that you , sir , think that one has more than one! shame (not)mr shaun shame
this was bought to you by a basking in his smugness because this whole thread is about him HRH bigwayne

Shaun is your biggest follower BIIIIG wayne respect your disciples.
Ando the touro's are gone thanks for asking on my well being, lifes good & uncrowded like the surf

Backbitch, if only you knew Shaun and Waynes history................

the realneil, were is my stench of racism & homophobia, quote me twat, i have extended aboriginal family members & friends that are full on poo punching homos, what all around intolerance have i shown, i only respond to stupidity, not race or sexual orientation,
so your a a big wayne follower noted, the cults growing
BIGGGG wayne maybe suicide bombings at crowded breaks in the future, ha ha scary even online people need someone to follow Big wayne the alan jones of swellnet

Backbiter, no sledging just some simple questions.
Are you Big Wayne's alter ego?
Why don't you like pro surfing, is it because you are not much chop yourself and are therefore jealous of them?
Have you reread your posts and still don't think you come across as a bit of a tool?
Can you come up with some valid reason why the majority of posters on this site shouldn't regard you as a bit of a tool?
Is your wife as hot as you say or are you talking yourself up to try to impress?
How long have you been a Nth Coast local?
Can you answer these questions truthfully or is your nose going to grow and then we will have to call you big nose backbiter bullshiter bitch?
Thank you for your truthfulness in this regard and remember karma will catch up with you if you lie!

seal"Backbiter, no sledging just some simple questions.
Are you Big Wayne's alter ego?"
No i take offense to that question big wayne is a fool
seal"Why don't you like pro surfing, is it because you are not much chop yourself and are therefore jealous of them?"
i've been surfing for 30 years, i am happy with my standard nothing to prove, jealousy NA corporate surfing brands should die i do not buy the products to support twats to surf the world
Seal"Have you reread your posts and still don't think you come across as a bit of a tool?"
i have been honest here no stories or lies, small minds with no views get upset, misquote & carry on like pork chops, Am i a tool probably to some, but from responses they are bigger tools with less knowledge
seal"Can you come up with some valid reason why the majority of posters on this site shouldn't regard you as a bit of a tool?"
sorry for being honest, sorry using 20 surf vehicles and getting joy from them all, sorry for experimenting with fins, sorry for not agreeing & giving cuddles for every comment, sorry for not agreeing, sorry for not allowing stupid posts to be unquestioned
Why am i looked at as a tool by some posters, who cares i dont
seal"Is your wife as hot as you say or are you talking yourself up to try to impress?"
Again another misquote, by memory it was some twat like yourself seal trying to get me to bite i bit hence it became the hot wife, Sad individual you can all term my wife as the ugliest woman in australia who cares i dont, online kudos weird
seal"How long have you been a Nth Coast local?"
Is this like the latest abo thing. was i born here deserve more rights, been here 20 years, been here 10 years, your all scumbags till 10 years
simple minds, lots of private waves sessions lack of work, change of career no career, most sydney flee back to sydney as they cannot handle the lack of good clothing stores
seal"Can you answer these questions truthfully or is your nose going to grow and then we will have to call you big nose backbiter bullshiter bitch?e
Thank you for your truthfulness in this regard and remember karma will catch up with you if you lie! "
i have been truthful from the start seal call me what you want i do not care, karma does not exist you twat, why do child rapists not self implode
Waynke, could you please do a head count of your own personal little kingdom, I think one of your personalities has escaped and is roaming the corridors of this forum alone and creating his own delusions of grandeur, please don't ignore this warning as he may develop his own multiple personalities.