Invasion Of the NC of NSW

where on the NC?

All 3 points are ridiculous to anyone who surfs! If you're in the line up,in a sensible (not wide) take off point and it's sort of your turn, yet some fool has decided to go inside you out of fade him into the pit and teach him a lesson! Only a kook would not know this...and if you play the local card, then that fits the category of legend kook,,,,,differnt perspective hey!

yes, we're all very sorry for "INVADING" your nth coast.....should we turn ourselves into the cops after we surf for this dare anyone surf outside their own suburb/town...especially on this sacrid NC!...let's start a jingle as well...look to the right, look to the left then walk across the road...From my experience,the real local who can surf never claims to want or need local rights and never carries on like I'm a local ....a decent local surfer knows the break so well ....can surf and therefore gets his or her share of the waves from developed local knowledge.....oh...the holiday crowd factor as well...sorry for working and having a holiday and going surfing as well

Ummm.... 'puter glitch.
Was welcoming back long lost BW.
Things just havn't been the same.
How were the Crusades Nuncle?

mr beach, one has been presiding over the north coast now for at least a lifetime and have never seen my kingdom so quiet! one has refrained from communicating with ones ones because one had lost ones oneness, but alas one has been awoken from my slumber(drunken stupor due to the fact that one had to leave mrs bigwayne). not as many people around due to many things but methinks it related to the fact that not all my admirers are as fluid as me with the bugsbunny
this was bought to you by a not missing the touros between port and coffs hrh bigwayne

Agree with backbeach, the general lack of respect by tourists at this time of the year is apalling, surfer and non surfer, camping wherever they want, ripping the enviroment to peices to get wood for a fire and then using a months worth in one night, Shitting in the bushes, leaving rubbish everywhere, using car parks as private campgrounds intimidating other people not to venture into "their" space. Sorry for the local attitude, but it all wears thin after you have seen the beaches and local enviroments raped by the tourists that come from enviroments where a local coucil cleans the beach for them each day, kind of like spoilt kids who expect thier parents to pick up after them

OK...In my opinion Big Wayne and Freeride are the only ones making sense in this thread...and that's a scarey thought!
I'll concede and now go to MY LOCAL and have a surf and try and identify evil Sydney residents who are holidaying here are not obeying the code-of-conduct rules displayed on the beach and I'll tell them,I'm a local and you're not and even worse,you come from Sydney!

Yeah winkle,you don't make any sense,How can you agree with freeride when he did not even comment? Just an observation.

I have found most people who claim "local" status and whinge about invasions of tourists and water crowds and hasseling and also fly the we live in paradise and not the city scumbeaches...that these people are generally ...(let's do the point form routine here)
1 - Barely local as they often have moved in from somewhere anyway
2 - Sub standard surfers and hence simply frustrated that other people are in the water enjoying themselves
It'summer....people are having holidays....they might even kick a football on the beach with their kids --- these are great things to do....and the dads and mums that also surf -- generally they'll know there'll be an occassional grump who doesn't like thembeing there, but they'll laugh it off...sense the negativity and surf rings around them because of the bad vibes.
Free rides query was never answered either....where onthe NC are these horrible things happening? I've surfed about six popular,crowded spots with my 2 sons and seen nothing but a lot of people enjoying themselves --- which is a great thing -- aided by consistent swells!

... have never seen my kingdom so quiet! ... not missing the touros between port and coffs
By: "bigwayne"
With limited camping / accommodation along that stretch and plenty of surf spots, it's not uncommon to find low crowd numbers, even during these "peak" holiday periods.

I had a bad day today -here's what happened -
I went to MY LOCAL beach and just as I turned up a damn SUV family of TOURO's parked where us LOCALS like to park and check out the surf!
He and his wife and three kids stayed there, even playing racket ball on the beach -- I even saww the ball land near some other people and these kids were smiling and having fun -- why do they come to our beaches during their holidays?
Then the father went surfing and caught waves and he was smiling!Fortunately the waves were not very good - we don't want blow in's getting good waves,not like the waves we locals get in late summer/autumn
I suspect they were from Sydney....finally they vacated the prime car park spot but then some other touro pulled into it! Now get this, this TOURIST was helping his daughter surf BUT he was giving her the wrong info! How funny is that -- me and a couple of other NC locals -- we call guys like this Kooks/legends from Sydney HAHAHA!
So, These are the Australian's who INVADE our local NC beaches in their own country and state and they give Australian's bad names overseas??

mr again , greetings and salutations from ones goodself and hope all is well in the land of the rising sun! my goodself and the 22 voices have been in as you know strenuous tri-lateral talks
tsk , tsk , tsk, one does realise mr winkle that you are trying to be ones goodself , incoherent , spelling mistakes, and to top it all off bismerching ones good name with allegations of being a drunkard! how dare you sir! one is bigwayne (notice the no space mr winkie) you are not . if the holiday crowds bother you take a read of this thread from start to finish and find the spot where it says that if you are a local you should know your break (shifting of banks, the best tide and wind etc) and therefore have no problem in getting the waves you want right? now that makes sense to ones almightyself. one can always fire up the G.M.R.C. and get the bi-monthly comps on at your local ,
water patrol and all
and to my esteemed wrestling partner and all round thorn in ones paw MR shaun how was crissy and the new year? any new trips planned with the proceeds of this years tax collections in your kingdom
this was bought to you by a hoping that he wasnt too hard on the new guy thats just blown in HRH bigwayne (notice the no space mr winkie)

Just been hiding in the cave, will come out in a few days to help clean up the mess. You have to understand that Perry Winkle is most probably from Torquay, the capital of surfing so he has delusions of grandeur and the right paddle inside wherever and whenever he pleases. His breed is worse than any Sydney surfer, as they all consider themselves in the know with the surf industry. So when he travels outside of his community, he expects the place he is visiting to live by his rules cause he knows better. As a Mexican friend observed many years ago when I took him for a surf at Winkipop, "so you have seppos over here too".
Glad to see you are out of therapy Bigwanker, though it obviously had no effect on you.

There's been a few turkeys around.

All together now - " kumbaya my lord, kumbaya, oh lord, kumbaya"

Frustrating surfs can be had at any time of the year. Sometimes it only takes one individual, doesn't matter where they're from. The challenge I reckon is to get your own mindset right.
Like Shaun has expressed, what I am most disappointed by is the way some visitors are treating places.
There's quite a few people getting around with an apparent belief that normal standards of behaviour and patterns of use established by local communities to protect places and maintain health and wellbeing do not apply to them because they are on holidays.
Sure surfing and some level of social deviance go hand in hand but the search and destroy end of the spectrum ain't so tollerable.
Book 'em Danno.

Amusing thread this one -
Seems like during festivas season NC locals we should watch out for -
Sydney People
USA people and
What happened to the spirit of Xmas?

Backbeach has revealed his true self!

Maybe your 3 yr old is getting a kick out of the fat lady in the bikini?
Whose to say?
Taste is a hard thing to quantify.
I think Jarvis Cocker from Pulp nailed it though: Every body hates a tourist.

I expected better Free ride -
Does the local shop hate the tourist? The family businesses staying afloat and feeding the kids with no strain on the welfare system and paying taxes...does he hate the tourist?
and do we hate people being happy and having a holiday -- during Xmas week?

No we hate them for all the previous stated reasons, General disrespect for the environment, wherever it might be in the world.

Settle petal Winky.
I was havin a larf.
While it's a pain the in the arse and depressing when touros show up and trash the joint most people visiting are happy, respectful and having fun.
I realise a lot of the economy here relies on the tourist dollar and I hope all the local businesses do well out of it this summer.
That means dollars in the pockets of plumbers, sparkies etc etc .
I'm happy to lay low for 6 weeks or surf out of the way spots.
Like anything it's a two way street.

As I have been this whole thread, but....a nerves been pinched, only a tiny pinch but I too get irked by some people - Not USA people - some of the nicest crew I know....not Victorian's - hardened by weather and epic surf.....not sydeny crew, especially family sydney surfers enjoying their own state during precious days of family time....not Turkey's, Not BigWayne ..but maybe....the local card player, hero in his own mind, try hard surfer, rider of absurd quad's and most of all whinger about a coastline that's no better or worse than many in Australia or the World and of which he certainly has no rights over any other Australian --- but the good thing is,I reckon there's a natural balance ...such a player normally gets sensed out and surfings unwritten rules come into play and he gets circles surfed in and around, as BW would put it...oneself! and then he goes home and cries a river!
BW now remains the only one left talking sense IMO...I'm done!C U on the Goldy Freerider....

I loved today's wave of the day photo "somewhere on the mid north coast".
Looks like its really packed with tourists!
Bunch of whingers, just get up earlier FFS.

As I have been this whole thread, but....a nerves been pinched, only a tiny pinch but I too get irked by some people - Not USA people - some of the nicest crew I know....not Victorian's - hardened by weather and epic surf.....not sydeny crew, especially family sydney surfers enjoying their own state during precious days of family time....not Turkey's, Not BigWayne ..but maybe....the local card player, hero in his own mind, try hard surfer, rider of absurd quad's and most of all whinger about a coastline that's no better or worse than many in Australia or the World and of which he certainly has no rights over any other Australian --- but the good thing is,I reckon there's a natural balance ...such a player normally gets sensed out and surfings unwritten rules come into play and he gets circles surfed in and around, as BW would put it...oneself! and then he goes home and cries a river!
BW now remains the only one left talking sense IMO...I'm done!C U on the Goldy Freerider....
By: "upper-winky"
So Winkle is one of 22, only Bigwanker would would quote BW

Like all sections of coastline, the North Coast receives a range of visitors exhibiting a diversity of preferences relating to how they engage in sea and beach culture, how much they spend and where they spend it.
The best visitors are low volume high yield who travel in small groups stay in small establishments and shop at authentic local businesses.
The grey nomads in their 250k motorhomes, the visitors that bludge of their relos who live at the beach, the drop-outs and the dudes overstaying their visas in crappy old vans with funny spray paint that run on 2 minute noodles who shop at Coles or Woolies or bring everying with them and are low yield.
Some visitors, however, produce a net cost to the community due to the resources required to clean up after them or make-good the damage that they do to special places, the experiences of others or public infrastructure.
Perhaps reverse psychology is the key. Next time you come across a net cost visitor who's smashed his way into the beachside picnic area near your place in his monster truck, set up camp, chucked a few empties around, crapped outside the dunny block, snapped off a couple of trees planted by old ladies, made a fire on the beach and stained it with charcoal and burnt rubbish, if you can manage to get eye contact with him, just give him a big smile, wish him a merry xmas and encourage him to come back next year. Else, tell him how nice the Great Ocean Road is this time of year and that friendly Captain Coulda will welcome him and all his kind down that way with big open arms.

Well said stranger, Right now I'm packing the van to take the family up the mid North coast as the worst crowd has gone or on their way back to work, booked into a caravan park and looking forward to putting my feet up.

Maybe Shaun and Backbeach can catch up and compare their quad fin set ups and also set up a Klu Klux Klan meet to discuss tourism problems and how to deal with them!

well good morning lovers, admirers, and various hangers on of the juggernaught that is bigwayne, that photo of me was not passed by the correct authorities who is paying ones fee? and of couse one is the only one that is making any sense,
one is the one!
mr shaun umbrage has been taken at the mere thought that mr winkle dinkle is one of the 22 finest minds on the planet!(what condition those minds are in is anybodys guess)
tourists as was stated are the life blood of alot of coastal communities and the ability to get on with fellow human beings is paramount to sustain blood flow , one should know one has been allowing the great unwashed (your goodselves)blood to flow for a while now and look what it gets us........ cranky little men who probably go sit on the shoulder of their own break and cry into the preverbial schooner while all the "touros" rip it apart and then when they go home you can try your best to inprove your sufring by getting the odd two or three but alas , and considering it is only YOUR local , you will find that there will be something else to "cry" about because you could not read the surf at said local
this was bought to you by a ready to go for a wave at MY local and not worrying about the touros HRH bigwayne

mr beach , one has the feeling that one has hit a nerve with your not so goodself, one could be forgiven for thinking that you dont really live in a "coastal community" just by the very statement you made in regards to how that beloved lifeblood is distributed
1)dont locals normally own those coffee shops? thus employing locals?
2)small "coastal community" councils sold off their vanparks many eons ago why would that be mr beach? small amount of rate payers compared to most citys maybe? now owned by locals who are in the chamber of commerce and active in the community also employing locals
3) cant be said for all but , ones rubbity is localy owned thus employing locals.
4) fuel,milk,bread everything really, has always been dearer
and as for your statement that one underpays his employees is laughable, bordering on being a joke, ever heard of small town gossip? that in its self is enough to send your business under.
oh and if you feel the need to call one names just come right out and say it, trying as you do to veil it just underscores your intellect ......
this was bought to you by a not understanding why an edit was needed for littlemans post HRH bigwayne

'Rubbity' is rhyming slang for pub. As in see you up the 'rubbity dub' for a few coldies.
Are you an Aussie backbeach?

Backbeach exposed himself as a fool long ago in this discussion. He's full of hate and like a small number (thankfully) of surfers on the coasts of Australia, he comes across as the guy who like to call himself LOCAL. As a few observers noted, including Bigwayne, the surfer who carries on about being a local is always the biggest kook in the lineup. That's a fact and Backbeach fits the mould perfectly. Good to see him exposed and cleverly the exposure began with Freerides flipant question of "where on the NC?" which by the way was never really answered.

Was recently on the NC lovin it. this thread got me pretty confused, seems practically everyone has a point.
I'll dd just 2, the first has already been addressed,
altho', I will mention for those not maybe been here too long? HRH is HER Royal Highness :)
Point 1) yup, visitors ripping out shrubs, branches, trees FFS was hard to take this visit, as it is anytime I see that. Very sad :(
Point 2) which has been addressed, now I realize but after a few sad beers too early I'm a bit slow today, slow-cooking the yella catfish!!!
Um, back on track, where was oi, sound like her royal...
Oh yeah, not exactly a cubicle occupier, but anyone that (who) kicks up a stink about anyone who isn't LIVING PERMANENTLY IN GOD'S given, frockorf 'cos you're only making it worse, if you get the gist, without SPELLING IT OUT

e wrote:i surfed twice on the discarded bank today by myself down the beach away from everyone & a pack of 20 who was to lazy to walk
e wrote:I never surf in crowds as i get no pleasure from it
So you are now telling us you can get waves to yourself at your local so you should have no complaints there right?
and as to some of your earlier grievances...
did you tell the footy boofheads to move along down the beach, did you suggest to fatty to cover up or perhaps do some exercise, did you pick up the bottles and bags of rubbish, do you walk to the beach to surf, do you have evidence of local businesses underpaying staff?
If you can answer yes to any of these then good on you and I have nothing further to say.
If not then please don't come on here and complain about the behavior of others if you aren't really doing anything about it yourself.
and please stop ripping into everyone who disagrees with you, its getting fucking boring.

hold on fellas just winding in the fish.......
mr beach, well what can one say exept that a guy who lives in japan has to tell you aussie words? maybe one is all those thing that you have stated and a couple more even! lost as to why you shout ones incorrectly spelt name and then proceed to quote ones almightyself? one knows that one has an obligation to lord it over any and all so dont fight it, bigwayne is THE guru go with it my son,go with it. oh and yes mr da is spot on.
surfing twice on tiny 1/2 footers on a sand bar that didnt even allow you a turn is not a claim on an uncrowded bank , you mentioned ballina in your post to ones self (now that a crowded spot very good surfers everywhere and if its was at all surfable it would of been packed old son , get my drift littleman?) that place is not a small "coastal community" hasnt been for a long time so all the words that wernt mine and actually yours are all lets say slightly misguided . yes mr beach intellect is a wonderful thing ,name calling only gives weight to what one said about said grey matter (not hair mr beach). your philosopy is that you are a global local is it not? but your attitude towards "touros" is get rid of em so does that equate to you will be the only surfer left to ride the unridden? if so let me know this is true cause one has a wave you could ride mr beach and you can ride it all day all by your boorish not so goodself!
this was bought to you by a stooping down to the level of mr beach and recognising his folly HER ROYAL HIGHNESS bigwayne

Beachy, thought you might have calmed down by now, but seems for your last post you havent.
anyway, yes, there are wankers everywhere, but not everybody who enjoys the beach, coast and surfing the great NC are. you seem to be lumping everyone who isnt a local at YOUR local a wanker who desecrates the land and doesnt abide the laws and rules of surfing. yes there are some, but i find they are not the majority.
and as for you deriding a father teaching his daughter to surf, thats just plain and simple old age angst and beyond the tether. let people enjoy their holidays, dont tar everybody with the same brush.
keep cleaning up etc, that all cool, and more should do it, but try and be a little happier with your lot, and let people enjoy the beach, as the do.
anyway, keep cleaning, and enjoy the surf that the NC has. there's always an uncrowded wave somewhere.

I haven't read every post in this thread, so sorry If I'm repeating something.
Why don't you try getting up early??
My "local" beach has a caravan park right next to it, so at xmas it's packed out.
For the last 4 or 5 weeks I've been getting down there at 5.30am and there's only a handful of people out.
By 7.30 - 8am, all the holiday lot are dragging themselves out of bed, so I go in and let them have it.

ms beach , your vernacular points to an upbringing in the colder climes of the northern hemesphere ( whinging poms) . while some of your points are valid the need to ram your view home comendable one thinks that your ability to surf here is still in its fledgeling state it would be remiss of somebody like ones almighty self to not inform you that as being a "local" here requires a little more humility (like onesself) and a little less trying to ram your opinion ( that job is already mine littlegirl) so one thinks that leaves you on the "shoulder" . mr dan has the recipe!
this was bought to you by a having tatts , riding longboards , and dropping in from time to time HRH bigwayne
Every year at Festivus i get inundated by kooks, self described legends, tools & the deluded, of various ages what happened to my local, you wonder why local kids vandalise your cars, you get in fights in the surf, & your told to get out of the water, but you fail to realise your indiscretions
Here is a guide
1)look before you paddle for a wave, thats right you should do that, straight ahead and left & right its not all about everyone else avoiding you.
2) If you mastered point one do not drop in, ITS NOT SYDNEY.
3)Do not drop in on anyone that has taken off deeper, simple, wait you turn