my mates

theblowin's picture
theblowin started the topic in Wednesday, 28 Dec 2011 at 4:49pm

most of my mates surf. some are kooks, some rip. to varying degrees they all live to push over the ledge and set that rail. it's an old saying that still rings true, that a stranger is just a friend you have'nt met to all my mates out there, those that know me and those yet to share a peak...hope the next year is your best yet. see you out there people.

mrsbradpitt's picture
mrsbradpitt's picture
mrsbradpitt Monday, 2 Jan 2012 at 11:12am

lay off the drugs

away's picture
away's picture
away Tuesday, 3 Jan 2012 at 9:08am

Come on mrsbradpitt, that's a bit harsh. The guy just wants to spread some joy and if this is the effect of drugs, I say stay on them mate. Hope you get some nice ones this year Mr/Ms Blowin.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 3 Jan 2012 at 10:52am

I agree, peace be with you theblowin and you too away.

And mrsbradpitt, let me direct you to an awesome post theblowin submitted a few months ago. It was titled 'Of Sharks and Men'. A brilliant read, you'll find it if you do a search in the Wax On forum.