I accidentally two Bra Boys last night

hmmm, sounds dangerous, did you wear protection?

Go easy therealneil, it's scary when you accidentally someone.

See a doctor, get blood tests. Can't be to careful when your dealing with the men who wear Bras, specially up that north end.

Depends how you accidentally someone, I accidentallied the shit out of the missus for a good 2 mins last night and it wazallgood!

Just to clarify, where I come from" accidentally" loosely translates as " horizontal folk dance ", I assume that's what you meant? Ps protection can be obtained from most pharmacies

I applaud your stamina accidentally two bras, WOW. Now if you had intentionally them it would have been a different matter. You could get a starring role on Engrish.com

This guy is a fucken noob, he even has a bra boy profile picture..?

Do you tow your bat boat with that Brian?
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