SA - more surf cams and reports!

Jamesony - we're about to launch a Middleton cam in the next couple of weeks. The ADSL line is already installed - we're just waiting for the hardware to arrive from overseas.
However, surfcams are very expensive for us to purchase, install and maintain - so it's unlikely we'll be able to justify much of an expansion in South Australia, given the population density of surfers here compared to other states. We'd love to install another hundred surfcams around the country, but it's just not cost effective to do so.
As for other SA surf reports - it's not really necessary. Unless the report is daily, there's no interest in hearing about the surf unless it's good - and we often have galleries on the site when that happens (although we usually don't name the location or the state).

Thank you Ben - we don't need a daily report for Yorkes. I was over there last week and it's busy enough without it. Wouldn't be much use anyway - by the time you read it, packed the car and drove for 3 hours the conditions would have changed anyway.

Maddog - do you remember Brian's Yorkes surf report site back around 2003? He used to upload daily pics and videos.

Ben - I remember a site called SA Yorkes - is that the one you are referring to? Think it was hosted by 'www.takeoffto'. Anyway yeah I remember seeing his report - was kind of frustrating cause he would say Chi's was cranking but knowing it would take me 3 hours to get there it wasn't much use to me cause it probably would have gone onshore by the time I got there. Having said that I loved his pics and video libraries - reckon I looked at all of them over time. Not sure why he shut it down....

Yeah, it was SA Yorkes. The site was built in Flash and didn't always work properly, but Brian put in a lot of hard work. Caught up with him a few times - nice fella.

We definately don't need anymore surf reports west of Adelaide. If you did they would be found and destroyed immediately. Not trying to sound tough but that is what would happen. Most of the Victor photos on the surf report are of middleton anyway and knights is a stones through away. Brian Hoppy was pretty cool his son seanos was an absolute ripper.
Hi people!
I think its about time SA got some more surfcams and reports. They dont have to be updated daily, but maybe a weekly thing... in terms of breaks, maybe Middleton, KI or even yorkies? Middleton would be easy to set-up as there are LOADS of people with Beach break views all along the cost there. As for KI not so easy, with a lot of the breaks with only 1 or 2 houses within good view... Yorkies could be a good option though? no video, just a general update and a photo... Anyway let me know and maybe someone can sort something out?
Jamesony (SA surfer)