ryan callinan is the future of surfing

Every good surfer has a personal "fluffer". You sound like the right man for the job.

That Callinan kid came down to one of the local slab beachies down my way on a heavy six foot swell. Not an easy wave to surf. I was chatting to photographer Joli who was telling me Ryan was earning $250,000 a year at 17. I wasnt that impressed. He seemed unsure of where to paddle out and I suggested a left bank just down the beach and within two minutes of paddling out he jagged the wave of the day from way behind the peak, got barreled off his nut and ripped the wave for 100 metres down the beach! I was impressed! Hope he goes far with his surfing!

If you ask me, the best surfer on Blow Up was Jake Stone

Derek Hynde said that about Shane Herring once upon a time

I wouldn't say Ryan is the future of surfing - rather I think he's the present of junior surfing. Plenty of guys before him have shown as much promise and have either burnt out or never won a world title. All it takes is a serious injury, loss of motivation or someone else to come along that's as good or better (ie Medina, Andino etc). Let's see where he's at in 5 years.

Ryan rips, i have watched him from midget grommet to now, a great kid and very unassuming, I hope he continues improving, stays focused on surfing and don't let the beaver catch him yet.

Well M Morley here we are 5 years later and he is there...ripping.

Yes but not on tour in 2017. So is he the future of Australian surfing? Not yet IMHO. He does rip tho - no doubt.

jeez man way to put a downer on....JUST LET THEM BE....

31st Oct 2019 / Australian Olympic Committee
Ryan Callinan: Riding the waves of grief, loss and Triumph
swellnet crew salutes 'Liana Buratti' for high quality presentation.

Thanks for sharing tbb. RC sure has had a tough gig so far, and there is nothing more rewarding then seeing someone battle through adversity and win. Love to see him be a world champ one day.

Yes, thanks TBB. I love watching RC surf. Hope he continues to improve.
i was watching a movie called blow up and the kid is only 18 and he is pulling some of the craziest tricks off, did one of the most ridiculous back side 360s