Fix the Fleurieu

anchorman's picture
anchorman started the topic in Thursday, 4 Aug 2011 at 1:57am

I am an SA surfer who is growing very tired of such limited surf potential on "the hoax coast." We do get some very good waves on occasion but they are mostly sand dependent and can disappear in a day, leaving the local surfers wondering what the hell happened. There are proven ways of helping nature to get it right, but it seems that the Fleurieu surfers would prefer to complain about the lack of surf rather than doing anything about it. There is no lack of swell or offshore days in this region so why we haven't done something to improve the surf quality is beyond me. There is likely to be some resistance to this idea, but if we don't do something about it we will continue to have a great deal of frustration floating around the area. Lets petition the council, hassle the people in power and get something happening. Wouldn't it be great if we looked down off the knights headland and saw a reeling left hand pointbreak? Gotta be worth a try i reckon.

andro9515's picture
andro9515's picture
andro9515 Saturday, 10 Dec 2011 at 7:05am

Hello everyone!!! I am new to this and only joined because of this thread. Amazing ideas thrown around, first idea I don't like is changing knights. Knights is an amazing bodyboarding wave when it is on. I believe we should leave knights and rather focus on other breaks such as boomers and chitons. Pumping of sand may not work so well as the sand might move and pile up in other areas.


As shown in the video above, they have constructed an artificial reef in England and as someone posted before a reef in India. With both videos the waves were even worse then what we encounter down south at places such as Boomers, Chitons, Basham's beach, Middleton and Goolwa just to name a few. The only issue with both ideas is the funding. If there was enough money to help make the ideas go ahead we will see lots of improvements not only for surfers but for the state. More money will come into the economy as some surfers may travel to Adelaide to experience an artificial reef, this will then make the breaks more populated and will create more surf rage. I honestly don't want to see South Australia being filled with idiots fighting over waves because one dropped in on the other one. Over the last few days, D'Bah in QLD has been on the news because there was a massive fight between a surfer and a bodyboarder, one dropped in on the other and this sparked the fight. A key contributor to this was the amazing surf they had and the dense population of surfers in the area.

I honestly don't know what you guys feel about having a populated surf zone, and surf rage to be honest. But I for one had bodyboarding a spot which is filled with people.

If the money required is not so great, the reef is beneficial for fishos, surfers, bodyboarders etc. And the state is willing to create a few reefs, then I am for the idea. But only having one reef will spark surf rage.....

Thanks for listening, now I am back to surfing the net for amazing surf footage as I had no way of getting down to victor :/


yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Saturday, 10 Dec 2011 at 10:36am

In the late 90's I nearly bought a house in Victor Harbor. I had a good job offered to me in the area and financially I would have made a killing on the property.
But at what cost to my sanity as far as surfing goes?
I bit the bullet and moved west of Adelaide.
It meant earning less money but better surf. There will never be any improvement to the wave quality on the south coast. It is what it is. If you dont like it move somewhere with better surf!

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 8 Apr 2012 at 9:03am

And now your a richer man.

anchorman's picture
anchorman's picture
anchorman Thursday, 5 Sep 2013 at 1:41pm

More pumping swells and nowhere within hours of adelaide that can cope with them. The mid may have been 3ft maybe even 4 but the recent swell activity should have produced epic waves as it did on the other SA coastlines. I really hope that Andrew Pitt is planing a trip to the fleurieu region some time soon!

anchorman's picture
anchorman's picture
anchorman Thursday, 5 Sep 2013 at 1:55pm

Andrew? Did you get that?