Does anybody like the name Ours?

nah. its just childish the way the bra guys did that. wouldnt loose sleep over it anyway, they can have it and we can have all the rest :)

G'Day Rosso,
I'm the one who writes the captions and text for Swellnet and, as you figured, I don't like the name. I think it's small-minded, aggressive and exclusive.
The reason they named it Ours is because they displaced the lid riders who used to surf it. There's a sad irony that the break is not two kilometres from where Captain Cook first set foot on Australian soil and did, at least symbolically, the same thing to the Aborigines. 200 years later, what have we leaned?
Also, the original guys who surfed it in the mid-60's called it Pikers Hole and I reckon that's a great name - see todays session.
Despite all this I think Ours is here to stay. It's entered the vernacular and will be hard to get rid of. Yet you won't ever hear me say it.

Wonder what Blake Oldfield and the Mucca Mad Boys would think about all this forum?

Name aside, the interest in it on almost all South and East swells keeps the circus in Sydney and not the South Coast. We love it

it should be called "any kook with a jet ski can surf here".

I dont mind the name our's but i dont live/surf in the area but have come across the bra boys in Indo, and they mostly seem like knobs with no respect for anyone else in or out of the water.
Funny thing surf spot names, how they can change, and how people beleive in nameing rights etc
It is cool though how swell net refer to the spot with a different name.

good call mr 1 , mr floyd who or what is a mucca mad boy? and blake who? , cape solander still is one of the best waves in the greater sydney area but the way that it has been "claimed" by some troglodites as "ours" is a travesty , but the fact is that its not anyones at all ! hugewayne ( my dad ) took me there in the late seventies and everyone who surfed it back then and right up to the late eighties shared it as not many people actually good enough to surf it , no jet skis and no leggies back in the seventies, hard men all . and yes your feerless leeder has gone there a number of times and only ventured out once , and soiled onesself evey other time one saw that monster!
go cape solander !!!!!
this was bought to you by a wishing he had the balls to surf cape solander when its up HRH bigwayne
Seriously, it’s an agro and aggressive name for an awesome surf spot, renamed by a small gang of surfers whom the media had a brief interest in.
I was talking to an old time Cronulla surfer from the 60’s and he and his mates didn’t like it. I’ve noticed swellnet refers to it as Cape solander, so they must not like it either. Does anyone like it? It goes against the whole vibe of surfing.
So I’m making a stand! Sure I’m just an average nobody surfer, but for what its worth I’m never going to refer to it as Ours again. Who’s with me?