
feeling lonely , big mr pro? even though you feel the need to call onesself names big mr pro , one still feels the love , some numpty by the name of flogger started up a thread that is all about onesself (about bloody time ) and anybody is free to have their say , but as your lord and master , high performance coach and roy stewarts test pilot , one will have to ask you to adress one there and not take up any more space on this thread , one has always said that one was irresistable and we have to make sure we dont crash this whole web site due to the overwhelming love of one , bigwayne , swellnets only true swellhead um... "pro" , and yes littleman one has been surfing , everyday , one invented this sport with the help of a few mates . ones contribution to mankind knows no bounds
this was bought to you by a needing his loyal subjects to not drink and post HRH bigwayne
hello my littlewayne i have given you surf have you been using it ? maybe you dont surf or u think you are the greatest only too be shown the diference what happen to your love of the world i still love you big wayne i hope it is not too much for you, i think you need too wax up your board a bit more hope everything has been going well for you look forward too seeing you soon too everyone else love littlewayne he needs it he is a lonely man