moving to Perth, where's best to settle in surf wise?

Mate you really want to live as close as you can to the best surf, that's where.

mr matias , dont listen to him just dont surf anymore and you wont have to worry
this was bought to you by a wanting mr shaun to love him HRH bigwayne

I'd suggest Marg' River Matias, 2 and a half hours south of Perth. Nice waves all year round. Other wise if your stuck in Perth get a kite board for summer and a mal for winter and be prepared to hassle for super crowded 1 foot close outs. (Can we have some groynes please?)

Nowhere unfortnatly but I wouldn't go so far as to buy a kiteboard or mal, let's not do some we'll regret. If you have a boat you can check out some outer reefs. Otherwise anywhere along coast and you'll soon figure out where a wave is, the coast line is pretty much straight so everything is easy to find. There is a few places with potential but no shape i.e reef/sandbank, hopefully an artifical reef is being made when the Ocean Reef marina is redeveloped.

Perth metro is super crowded and small and shit. If you're going to live at Hillary's then expect to surf Trigg/ Scarbs. For your daily sessions.
A reef just north of Yanchep called the Spot, and a little Reefy/sandy 800m south of the spot are the best waves closest to Hillary's. If you're a boogie boarder and a pom you'll fit right in. Oh and there's a lot of boogie boarders that drop in and don't even do any turns- just go straight and scream "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Oh- and anyone pissed at me about naming the spot can get fucked. I gave up on that place years ago- its not a secret.

Mate, I'd love to give you good news, but the fact is, being a surfer in Perth feels a bit like you are the butt of a very poor cosmic joke on surfers. The waves just aren't much good, and these days it is increasingly crowded. The good news, as you probably know, is there are world class waves up and down the coast - and these are no secret either, so you won't have hairy eyed locals eyeing you suspiciously when you arrive.
As for Perth itself, the Trigg/Scarborough stretch is the main focus of surfers. Get your closeout reo sharpened up before you come though...

For locals, Scarbs and Triggs catch a bit of swell but unless the banks are good it's often just closing out - Trigg Point is great but way too uber crowded to be involved in. Few reefies that work if you drive south from Hillarys along the coast.
I'm moving to Perth and work is in Hillary's so will live by the coast, where is it best to live considering crowds and surf quality?