
bingo! mr logger , lord and master , righter of wrongs , devilishly handsome , the list goes on and on and on . okay logger your upset , having a winge , one is totally empethatic to your plight oldmate , but would it be fair to say even though you probably wont respond to this post you will most certainly read it and to you sir one says , what was the use of posting this thread ? just skip mine and one cant upset you ! but as you know one has a knack of being read mr logger , and am a little concerned as to why you even botherd to in the first place? posting that is ? anyhoo......
this was bought to to you by an empethatic of mr loggers predisposition to have a whinge HRH bigwayne

Gentlemen please. Logger these treasonous comments against our beloved fearless leeder must stop. Almighty Wayne please forgive your humble servants brash remarks, he knows not what he does.
Yours faithfully, and awaiting the fierce backlash.
The noble Sir Whetu of White Point.

the more you notice them, the more they come back :( :( :( :( :( :(

mr rasda , up until this morning one has been understanding of your missives and would gladly have you keep your retoric to your goodself , you have a nack of saying things in few words that takes ones almightyself a good deal more and for that one is jelous and will have onesself in a pickle about it by the end of this sentence!!!!.
arise sir whetunui , fear not the backlash of your feerless leeder , comp director to the stars and high performance coach of illrepute , this high treason will not go unpunished , one is in consultation with the 22 voices that ihabit bigwaynes wonderful world and although we very rarely agree on such things we are reaching a concensus as we ( that is you and ones goodself ) speak!
mr logger , while the " prediction " of having ones almightyself do your bidding is admireble , you could have set the "bar" a little higher for ones goodself . by posting a topic such as this , you , my pour misguided little man have really only stated the obvious , that , one would reply was a given . as your pitifulself said you are trying to garner support for the mutiny that will see the only one to champion the rights of the downtrodden amongst us , cast asunder and banished for all time?? to you sir once again one says , why bother? one thinks that secretly you admire ones almightyself and just want to be part of the juggernaught that is bigwayne . its okay , bigger men in the world of surfing than your pitifulself have been swept up in it ! dont fight the love mr logger . its all about onesself , um , the love mr logger . come on loggy you love me , you know you do .
this was bought to you by a in strenuous bi-lateral talks with the 22 voices HRH bigwayne

Where do find the energy to write such longwinded crap, 22 script writers.

mr rasda , up until this morning one has been understanding of your missives and would gladly have you keep your retoric to your goodself , you have a nack of saying things in few words that takes ones almightyself a good deal more and for that one is jelous and will have onesself in a pickle about it by the end of this sentence!!!!.arise sir whetunui , fear not the backlash of your feerless leeder , comp director to the stars and high performance coach of illrepute , this high treason will not go unpunished , one is in consultation with the 22 voices that ihabit bigwaynes wonderful world and although we very rarely agree on such things we are reaching a concensus as we ( that is you and ones goodself ) speak!
mr logger , while the " prediction " of having ones almightyself do your bidding is admireble , you could have set the "bar" a little higher for ones goodself . by posting a topic such as this , you , my pour misguided little man have really only stated the obvious , that , one would reply was a given . as your pitifulself said you are trying to garner support for the mutiny that will see the only one to champion the rights of the downtrodden amongst us , cast asunder and banished for all time?? to you sir once again one says , why bother? one thinks that secretly you admire ones almightyself and just want to be part of the juggernaught that is bigwayne . its okay , bigger men in the world of surfing than your pitifulself have been swept up in it ! dont fight the love mr logger . its all about onesself , um , the love mr logger . come on loggy you love me , you know you do .
this was bought to you by a in strenuous bi-lateral talks with the 22 voices HRH bigwayne[/quote
Will you go get a fecking dictionary. You're an insult to the English language.

mr mardi gras , as you may or may not be aware ( one thinks you are ) , one was given carte blanch to bastardise the english language with bigwayneisms and will continue to do so , please "dont taze me bro " its my right as your feerless leeder lord and master and swellnwet reserve wax caddy . but the one thing that puzzels one is this one , why did you just regurgetate what one has said ? why add 14 words and then try to make your feeble little point ? and the use of profanites directed at ones almightyself does not help the case of your minority group seeking recompence for the years your goodself and your " life partner " were trying to be recognised in common law .
to my esteemed wrestling partner and all round thorn in the lions paw that is bigwayne , sir big mr shaun , one does have quite a fondness for your bigself , and look forward to the (un)educated and (mis)infromed postings that you send in ones direction .
now ladies , we all know of the greatness that is ones almightyself , moreover , one is aware that even though you all know that ones musings might not necessarily be amusing , or even factual for that matter, are none the less entertaining , your loyalty to one knows no bounds and to that , two and three thank you . four and five wish they could say what they feel ( but one resists) and six through to sixteen have started up a "brotherhood" ( one calls it a union) with seventeen , eighteen and nineteen still undecided , and the last three while letting them loose might be good for a laugh it will end up in tears , as the old saying goes its all fun and games till some one gets hurt . now do you people see how hard it is for one?????!!!! one keeps the others in check , reminds them of his position in the lineup and makes sure that all concerns are aired and duly noted so as to keep the uncooth in bigwaynes wonderful world happy and cooperative . one is the one untill one is not
this was bought to you by a keeping his loyal subjects in touch with his decisions HRH bigwayne

Bigwayne; gay, lame, boring, virgin.

all of the above and some , little man , go as hard as you want on this site bozo , but you respect the ground rules of the man who brings us this site ! which are very few by the way, and you cant abide by this very small request? one thinks that this is a blight on your parentage that a (little) man like your foolishself cant help but be just that foolish ,
this was bought to you by a wanting the people of this site to respect the rules and abide by them HRH bigwayne

iu brawn aka brian wu winner of the prestigious 2010 Swellnet Fuckwit of the Year Competion.
You still havent told me which name you want on your trophy & the dog shit's nearly dry.
Looking good for this year too Brian.

sir spongy , lucky that your on the job , one was flumixed as to the identity of this littleman .
so spongy , mate , buddy , pal , who is the judging panel for this award and how can one get on the short list ? ( as if one isnt already the front runner)
this was bought to you by a wanting another trophy to add to the other one that one won HRH bigwayne

Changing user name =50points(only 1 change per year will be awarded points).
Having a thread deleted by mods=50points
Having a post deleted by mods=25points
Copping well deserved flak off 4 or more users on the same page=5points
Copping WD flak from 3 users on the same page=3points
Threads & posts judged to be bogus will NOT be awarded points.
The competition is open to all,judging is carried out at 11.30pm on the 31st of December,by what ever sad creatures are logged on at that time.No chance of brown nosing or brown paper bags here BW.
No late entries will be excepted after this time & the winner will be announced at 12.01am on the 1st of January by whoever has not colapsed face first on to their spew covered keyboard.
As is the tradition.
Last years inaugural champ has opened up a big lead & is known for his last minute dash to the post.So once again we all have our work cut out to catch him.
So good luck to all!

mr spongy , and what better place to announce the start of highly sought after prize such as this , this thread was created by some numpty called mr flogger and stars yours truly . just between you me and the lamp post , one has an abundace of wealth ( big thank you to mrs bigwayne) and if one does not get nominated , then one will have to let the last three loose and as one said it will all be fun and games until someone gets hurt.
big mr spongy , one has always admired you and the undoubted intellect you poses and would like to know if there is anything , ANYTHING at all that one can do for you goodself? one has a few irons in the fire so to speak and can do just about anything thats needed , of course thats only if one dosent actually have to "do" anyone , um... one meant to say anything
this was bought to you by a ready and willing HRH bigwayne

I really hope your taking the piss there BW.But..
As in the courts of old Europe the jesters ruled,as it is here.
Someone must tell the King he is fat & stupid?
Just keep doing your"thang"& try to keep your head.

mr spongy , your hopes have been realised and the urine that has been extracted will be returned at one earliest convenience .
the thing mr spongy , that perplexes ones ever so humbleself , is this , how does one go about telling onesself that one is rotund and intellectually challenged?
this was bought to you by a wishing that he hadnt tried to be so willing and ready HRH bigwayne

No BW no the question is who is king of the court,the king or the jester.
If the jester rules the court is he not the king?
If the king rules the court is he not the jester?
The king is a jester & the jester is a king.
And who else can tell a king he's fat & not lose his head?

Wayne just needs time to settle himself as a regular contributor to the forum. Even though hes been here for a while, some take longer than others, learning to surf...the net.

mr spongebob , your words are deeper than the dalai lama and vrishna combined!!!!
mr ed , hows wwiillbberrr , one just needs some time to settle in? , one is the young cow and you are the old cow eh? well sorry ones (un)doubtable ability to right the wrongs of man kind and "surf the net" is unsurpassed and it was remiss of your equineself to even suggest that one needs to "settle in" . and just how mr ed do you propose one does that , without of course , throwing a big mantrum ( too old for a tantrum) and getting ones egotisticalself to bend to your way of eating grass , um.... one meant to say , thinking?? one has horses and they dont think alot one can assure your equineself of that!!
this was bought to you by a curious as to why mr ed joined on april fools day HRH bigwayne

Big Yawn

worse than tomtom. really.

Lighten up guys for fucks sake!!!!
Keep it up Bigwayne! Love ya work mate!
Gotta say, i'm much less interested in this forum nowadays - i know i'm adding fuel to an already enlarged ego debate, but i'm sick of having a thread interspersed with this dickheads ramblings, sure there are some valid points contained within the infantile drivel but still - it sure ruins the reading of some interesting discussions.
....awaits the inevitable bullshit response, something along the predictable and well worn vein of "your lord,master, righter of wrongs" whatever.