Directions to the Right

mr brawn, if one may? mr king is not the person to ask these perplexing questions!! one is bigwayne, swellnet knowall i mean intellectual dynamo so where is the question you are to ask onesself?? one is the undisputed heavyweight champ of the great monarchys the world over, have been eveywhere, done everything and seen it all , but no question for onesself?? does one not spread the "love" enough? does ones self appointed royalty make your goodself feel inferior?? if its yes to any of these then one is truly sorry . one strives to be the best bigwayne one can be although one does have failings.
it never hurts to go to these places you just might get rewarded with perfection or it could be a waste of time can that not be part of the surfing? the travel ?
this was bought to you by a rightly concerned HRH bigwayne

some interesting speculation there. I can neither confirm or deny the presence of "the right" in that location, however there is an equally impressive right located at
-32.446822 , 118.892455
BYO water, and avoid peak tourist season.
and wayne, one should know that that is not how a surf trip is organised these days! it is now socially unacceptable to undertake surf travel unless thorough research has been first undertaken including, but not limited to - swellnet/coastalwatch forecasts, BOM website, google maps,, and most importantly youtube. Long gone are the days when one would load one's kombi and head off for a trip up or down the coast and gratefully accept whatever the ocean provided.

sorry mr master, one should know this but as one said one has failings and thank you for the heads up ! must be showing ones age by thinking that the surprise of showing up and getting good/bad waves was all a part of it. when one was little bigwayne one knew what breaks worked in what prevailing conditions and just headed there for the "surprise", and still do mr master. one must admit that bigwayne jr loves it when one packs the royal 180b and just heads north or south to find the "surprise"
this was bought to you by a now reconsidering the way one plans a surf trip HRH bigwayne
Does anyone know where "The Right" is? My Guess is -35.029311,116.747932 but I don't want to go all that way and find nothing there.
Please help mr foamballpillowking