Need a connection

one does not know wether you surf or dont but if there is anything one can tell you is that if you can avoid going to goldcoast beaches for at least these 2 reasons: 1) if you are an intermediate surfer or better you will get frustrated at the amount of kooks hassling for waves there. 2) if you are not up to said level then you will get frustrated by the amount of kooks hassling for waves far as a "hook-up" one does not just "hook-up" one thinks these terms mean different things in our respective countries.
there are plenty of places that you can hire a board and wetty but the hire wetty will have certain "things" in them. whats one of the first things that you do when you put your wetty on? nuff said.
hpoe this sheds a little light on your darkness
this was bought to by a kind and generous HRH bigwayne

What sort of board do you want mate, I had a good Easter so if any of you are interested I've got some beauties coming up on ebay shortly. Sorry mate don't do wetsuits as the owners usually have them on in the surf whilst I a quire there spare boards, if I was you I would slip one of ya mates wetsuits into your luggage, he'll never figure you took it.

from what i've seen on TV the easiest way to acquire a surf board and wetty on the gold coast is to remove them from the corpse of one of the many international visitors that have hired them and can now be found floating face down in the surf as they have no idea how to swim or general surf knowledge. As they have already forked over the coin for the gear its technically not stealing until the surf shop shuts for the day.
oh and shaun the same team of US seals that accounted for Osama Bin Laden is currently in training for a nighttime raid on your compound to recover your stash of " borrowed " boards before they reach ebay. Now might be a good time to flee the country, then send me a message letting me know what surf-riddled island you find yourself on.

excuse me ,for a second mr ral while one admonishes the unruly lower class that frequent this site, mr master, one thought one told your goodself about the need for utmost secrecy about the incursion into mr shauns secret lair! he can get very cranky and he might even shout swear words in ones direction! so this disclaimer big mr shaun: we as your betters, distance our goodselves from rif-raf so you can assured big mr shaun that, one will have nothing to do with the rattling of your cage. that being said one will still need the requisite "tax" to be paid to the "taxman" read bigwayne so one can be kept in te mannor that one has become accustomed to.( two minute noodles and red cordial)
now mr ral , as you may not be aware one is a pro ( big thankyou to mrs bigwaynes bank account) and riding a longboard has just endeard your goodself to ones goodself. how good is that?!!! anyhoo , one recommends the taking of a long board to theses places on the "goldy" because you will be paddeling around alot just to keep your position in the line up go for paddle power and speed. there will be enough wannabe mick and joels there already and one assumes that you dont want to be (or may have already been) mick or joel , so have fun there mate and one rule that you need to remember about the "bank" is dont look over your left shoulder and just go for it .
I'll be traveling from the US to the Gold Coast region in late June. I'm in need of a hook-up to get me a good board and wetsuit to use while there. Any help?