Seven Ghosts

It's hypnotic.
You'd want the ski driver on the ball though if you came off.

That is incredible. Any guesses as to how it happens ?

Pleased to hear you and your family are safe Zen. I have friends in Sendai and we had a bit of a tense wait while we waited to hear from them. They are ok but very shaken.
Bloody hell, last month it was my family in Christchurch we were worried about now this ! I hope you find a way to get your business going mate and that your family are coping. It seems to make the world smaller in a way all this, and has reminded me lately of what is really important too.
Our thoughts are with you guys.

Thanks whetunui, we're all good here now. Still havn't had a surf but thinking of doing a trip down south next weekend. Gotta get back on that horse so to speak. We're just under 3 hours from Sendai, they got smashed poor buggers. Glad to hear your friends are ok.
The business is up and running, didn't have the start we anticipated but we're profitable and growing already so I'm confident for the future. Just have to recoup the outlay and that will take a while.
Yeah, been a lot about, quakes here and NZ, floods and cyclones back home. Mother nature is definitely cranky about something.

mr again, please excuse my utter ignorance (would you expect any less of one?) but what is your business? what are you doing for a yen over there? as you can imagine i am the business advisor to donny trump (i call him donny) and if you need any golden advice just drop one a line and one will do what one can for your goodself.
it is good to hear that its all starting to roll along for you now and all the best with it. scincerly bigwayne

Looks like Sulaweisi. Rideable bores are nothing new but that acute refraction angle from the bank driving up those A-Frame peaks is something else. Not sure I coud sit through 90 minutes of verbal diaroeah and ripcurl ads in the movie though just to see it at the moment though. Look forward to someone ripping the surf scenes onto youtube.

Good morning nuncle.
Thankyou for your enquiry.
Our core business is an 'Eikaiwa' or English conversation school. We teach kiddies basic English and grammar to help them pass their school 'Eiken' tests. We also teach business English to regular salarymen and basic English conversation to bored housewives and grandmothers. In addition to that, we provide translating services for anything from menu's to technical and legal documents. Recently we completed subtitles to a DVD with the most pretentious, conceited, condescending, sychophantic journalist you could ever imagine, interviewing some banker. Rivetting stuff but happy to take their money. Finally, we are delving into the largely untapped market of providing support for those wishing to travel to Australia or NZ or any English speaking country for that matter. Providing advice on securing visas, having someone meet and greet at the airport, arranging accommodation, information on how to catch public transport, great pick-up lines etc. A personal favourite of mine is licking your fingers, wiping them on the targets dress, feigning mock horror and exclaiming- 'Oh my god! lets get you straight home, out of those wet clothes and into a warm bath'.
You can have that one for free. But those days are behind me, I only have (round) eyes for my red hot smokin' Japanese babe.
By the way, we had another big quake yesterday arvo, shook the shit out of everything. Dozens or aftershocks since then. I am sooooo flippin' sick of earthquakes. I just want to go surfing. Good waves yesterday morning, fickle local reef working and again, not a soul to be seen.

PM update...
And if yesterday wasn't enough, another strong quake this morning and another thumping quake this afternoon. Don't know if this arvo's has made the news there yet. Was about 6.4. Yesterday was 6.1.
We're all getting pretty tired of them now. Gets the heart racing though. Since the big one, there has been over 400 aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 5. Amazing.

Hey Zen,
I don't think you could every get used to those - I know I couldn't.

It has been a shakey-quakey time of late. I got shaken out of my futon all the way out west here in Niigata a couple of nights ago. Mild though, compared to the east coast.
Hope Kashiwazaki stays quiet...
Regarding the original thread, I saw some more footage of the Seven Ghosts... that split peak double barrel action was wild. Great for novelty viewing. Still, seems a long way to go to float around in brown water.
This is the most amazing set up I have ever seen,
Take a look at the video and let me know what you think!
Cheers Zac