Exclusive pictures from Carbon Tax Rally
Ignorant little pricks like you can make joke now becuase you think that you are low income and will get compensations (kickback) from bob browns bitch juliar.
You won't be laughing when you lose you job at the cracker factory because china can run their wasteful energy intensive cracker factories without any emmisions restrictions so they imported crackers will be half the price and you buy these crackers instead because the are cheaper.
Ahh, I'm so happy when two stupid people find each other.
mr dobsy, that is funny ! but i dont think that i authorised the use of that photo your using but ill let it go this once ok ! next time the g.m.r.c will be on its way oldson,and yes i will be there to make sure all is right in my world.
mr brawn, isnt that a type of smallgood? anyhoo try your best to get the words out mate but not at expense of your standing in our i should say my little community. if you need any schooling on this matter please feel free to contact mr shaun or my goodself and i will be happy to tell you where to go. this heartfelt conjolence was made by ones self
And after the rally they all went home to watch gladiator movies. Beautiful work dobsy.
wayneker tries to get in