Out of date surf reports

Apologies dobsy. Our Noosa reporter (Phil Jarratt)'s taken a few days off post-Noosa-Festival-Of-Surfing, and our monitoring system for out-of-date reports didn't pick up on it.
In any case, it also goes to show you should always check the use-by date on any consumer goods before consumption.

Dobsy, if you solely rely on internet surf reports for planning your sesh's, you're an idiot. Take some responsibility yourself ffs! Are you that lazy?

Actually, keep doing it. More waves for me.

Typical of kids today, it was swellnets fault you missed out on pumping surf, not because your dumb and lazy?

and dont always trust that Maroochy reprter, he is dodgy......

So swellnet has a specific "monitoring system for out-of-date reports" eh?

^^^Yeah, well, that's me and Craig.
But 'monitoring system for out-of-date reports' sounds more impressive.

Actually Benski, we do have internal monitoring systems in our database but we're still fine-tuning them. Same for our surfcams too. Both should be operational in the next few weeks.

You better sort it out soon man. I can't be missing surfs because of out of date reports. I mean, you know, I pay you a shitload of money for this info.

Dobsy - maybe you should pay attention to the local weather conditions a bit more. Checking swellnet is not the same as checking outside.
Nobody else to blame but yourself.

I've got a bit of a bitch about these surf reports me self, how about the blokes who do them, get up a bit earlier, here it is 5.30am and no surf report posted as yet, how am I going to get the jump on everyone else if I don't know where to go. oh yeah, I live in Vicco some where, I'm not quite sure at the moment but some nice people are making enquiries on my behalf , but so far no one will own up to knowing me. So anyone one who is missing a grumpy old fart from there family here I am. I'm not holding my hopes up too high though as the police have told me my situation is very common these days, the family takes the old fart on a surf trip a couple of hundred k's up the coast, paddles out with him for a surf and then promptly disappear, leaving the old man alone and disoriented in the car park when he paddles in. Any way back on the subject, it's been light for ten minutes now and still no surf report, pull your finger out please!
Checked the noosa surf report this morning, the rating was 1/10 so I gave it a miss and went to work. Turns out the report is out of date and hasn't been updated since sunday.
In fact the conditions this morning are 8/10 and "PUMPING!!!" according to the maroochydore report where the reporter actually bothered to get out of bed and check. Thanks swellnet.