Ever been bitten?

Crashed out on some skanky mattresses in my time running under the radar, so yeah bed bugs.
But I witnessed a fully sick biting waiting at some traffic lights in Punchbowl a while back (see under the radar above).
A few of the babaganoush brothers were lurking about outside a pizza shop when, as they do, one of em starts adjusting his salami and olives through his Everlast shorts. Cuzin with a mastif bully passes by and mutt sees this finger action on the brother as invite to bite. Bite too loose a term here. The mutt done locked down on this bro's gear, he's shrieking and hollering 'aawwmagoud!' get im orf!" cuzin can't pull his mutt off so a brother's cuzin grabs a nearby bin lid and proceeds to bash the mutt but the mutt still has a shaking hold till the owner goes and pokes it up the date with his fucking fingers. Mutt released straight away. Brother's hysterical with pain, got blood streaming down his leg, reaches over to his cuz with the bin,grabs it and proceeds to bash the dog some more as the owner pulls it up and makes to do a runner.
Lights changed and I didn't see if the brothers caught up with the cuzin to meter out some justice. Guess he figured letting the mutt sik em would have left him at the brother's cuzins mercy.
Bed bugs, fucking irritating.

bumfluff wrote:A mate of mine has a pet Indian Ornamental Tarantula. A large one. And he picked it up today and got bitten on the finger. He immediately started cramping up lol... and is currently still complaining of uncontrollable cramps and excruciating pain around the bite area..haha. The cramps, he says, are such that you cannot stretch them out and they are all over his body from his neck to his calves.
Of note, he regularly lets this thing crawl accross his face.
So. Have any of you been bitten by anything like a spider or snake, maybe a swarm of wasps etc?
get bitten by your garden variety spider often, just have to zip down the backyard in the dark and hey, practically every time. Last camping trip came back with maybe a dozen nasty bites in various places, still have a couple red spots, seemed to be multiple fang marks grouped together and partly mosquitoes too tho, the zip failed a couple times

Ticks can be a real problem when camping at some of South Oz remote surf spots! Late one night around the campfire I felt an unusual pain in the groin region. I shamelessly dropped my pants and started feeling around till i felt a small, hard disc latched on between my sack and my old fella! The little bugger just wouldnt budge! I put a fork in the hot coals of the fire and waited! One minute felt lika an hour! It finally glowed red hot and I began the delicate task of touching it on the tic's back causing it to release! The smell of burning pubic hair I will take with me to the grave!!

The ticks at the Surfers camp ground used to be outta control.
As soon as it went dark I used to watch with my headlamp as they crawled towards my feet and tried to crawl up my legs.
The thing is there were tiny ones which looked like bits of dirt, while there were monster ones which were as big as finernails.
I got home from one trip, had a shower and saw a bit of dirt on my chest. I tried to brush it away but it didn't and on closer inspection the bit of dirt has a body and legs :o
I just got tweezers and pulled it straight out and it was all good.

When I was little I used to like to swim at the beach. When I got bigger I rode a surfboard and got bitten by the surf bug. I've never tried to get rid of it but some times it can be annoying,

vicks for ticks. I'm deadset - put vicks vaporub on a tick and it'll back out so fast you (insert inane metaphor here)

rron wrote:vicks for ticks. I'm deadset - put vicks vaporub on a tick and it'll back out so fast you (insert inane metaphor here)
rockin - have you done it yourself?
I fucken hate ticks. Had too many to count, from small grassies to the mature fingernail size. Hate em all. North coast to south coast - all bad. Usually just pull them straight out with my fingers (except the grassies, you have to scratch them out as they're too small to grab). Never heard of using Vicks. Do they still leave the anticoagulant poison shit in you if you hit em with Vicks? I get golf ball size lumps from the bites that weep and won't heal for days.

I thought you had to burn them off. If you pull them out with your fingers or tweezers, the head breaks off and stays in there, which is why you get a problem ongoing.
Or this that just an old wives' tale.

I hear if you piss on them they come straight out. If it does'nt work the first ten times, keep persisting.
Ironic the day after starting this thread I nearly stood on a 6ft brown snake at the beach.. perhaps I should start a thread about 100 easy virgins today.

Never heard the vicks trick for tick's rron! mite keep a tub in the glovebox! not sure i would have used it on my groin tick though! the remedy could have have been worse then the tick bite itself!

Not on me Duck, haven't had the chance since i heard about the vicks option, but on the kids and the dog and seemed to have no problem thereafter with any leftover nasties. The one on my sons chest backed out so fast we lost it! the one on the dogs eyelid was advanced but the thing fell out within ten seconds which was just as well cause the dog went apeshit over the inevitable vicks in the eye ( worse than groin I'm tipping yorkie)
Not sure what kinds they were just know it worked.

I got a nice big fat one on my nuts down the Broken backbeaches.
My wife was trying to pull it out with tweezers...and I could the thing pumping poison into me.
I staggered out into the lounge room and dropped like a sack of spuds with an angry rash over my whole body.
My throat started to swell and my wife called the hospital....they said call and ambulance he's having an anaphylatic reaction.....
Just drive me I said...those ambo trips are fucking expensive.
It was hard to breathe the whole way into Byron Hossy.....they gave me a shot of adrenalin or anti-histamnine or something and it mellowed out.
Next day my figs were swolled the size of grapefruits and I couldn't walk for 2 days.
Love them ticks.

thats a pretty full on reaction shearer...d'ya take a photo of the grapefruit? Post it on realsurf...

There may be a photo of the swollen appendages somewhere Ron, but I fuckking hope it never see the light of day.
Those things made a harlequin baby look like a baby lamb.

here's anothery, nearly as good as Ron's by the sound of it, never it tho http://medent.usyd.edu.au/fact/ticks.htm#remove tho there are some truly fucked methods when you google it

Anyone watch River Monsters the other night ...that evil fucking Candiru fish that swims up the eye of your penis if you piss in the Amazon.

Yeah Udo, seen that one;)
Great doco IMO, just makes you realise what is under there!

I've been bitten by a few things .
Dogs, cats, lizards, ticks , birds, fish , scorpions , a spider and a couple of snakes - non venomous .
Though my mum got bitten by a brown snake.
My worst would be a mystery animal , either a snake or a spider - I never saw it.
I'd spent the afternoon checking a dam in a rainforest gully barefoot - not the smartest thing I've ever done - and felt something bite my ankle. Kept walking and forgot about it.
Got back up the top of the property and had a splitting headache then began vomiting intermittently.
Felt extremely fatigued so I went to bed early, sleeping on my own in a shack without phone or reception.
Went into a freaky fugue/ delirious state that was not unlike tripping . Strangest dreams and imaginings I've ever had, sweating like a demon.
I can still recall the paranoia of thinking the distant neighbor was coming after me fully armed after I killed his dog ?!
Fucked if I know what that was alluding to as I've never met the guy and not aware of him possessing a dog.
Woke up feeling rooted, but strangely serene , again not unlike acid.
Unlike mushrooms, I wouldn't recommend the experience though.

I was sitting in a crowded lineup minding my own business a few years back and all of a sudden something latched on to the fleshy part just under my bicep. I screamed like a little girl and wrenched my arm up out of the water. A filthy little puffer fish had latched on and was flapping around and wouldn't let go. I ripped the fucker off and hurled it is far as I could along with a chunk of my flesh about the size of a 5 cent coin missing. I'm sure it was pretty funny to the crew out there but it sure hurt like a mo-fo at the time.
Also, I got bitten by a wombat once. Those fuckers can be nasty.

I had the tick bite in the pubic hair too. I played golf in the arvo at Teven, lost a ball, lay on my stomach to retrieve it. Lying in bed that night I felt itchy in the pubic hair, wouldn't go away so I turned the light on to see a tick half embedded. I just wrenched it out...

Tell us the real story skull, not the one you told your wife at the time.

the crab story?

The truth skull this is swellnet, it will just be between you and us hardly anyone will read it.

putting on my wetsuit once.got both legs in and felt repeated burning pains on my shin.didn't know what it was but i could see the lump it made on my wetty.i held the lump with my fingers,peeled off the wetsuit and it was an inch ant.my leg swelled up but no other damage.been bitten a couple of times by these buggers and they're mean
A mate of mine has a pet Indian Ornamental Tarantula. A large one. And he picked it up today and got bitten on the finger. He immediately started cramping up lol... and is currently still complaining of uncontrollable cramps and excruciating pain around the bite area..haha. The cramps, he says, are such that you cannot stretch them out and they are all over his body from his neck to his calves.
Of note, he regularly lets this thing crawl accross his face.
So. Have any of you been bitten by anything like a spider or snake, maybe a swarm of wasps etc?