Directions to Redsands and regular Redsands forecasts.

What a tool.. How Guardesk.

mr king firstly you dont dominate any breaks on the coast of this country i do bigwayne shortboard phenomenon long board guru and no longer comp director to the unruly lower class i have seen you and your pathetic domination of this so called break you obviosly have been turfed out from so i will make this as painless as possible for you kingy the only reason that you give out this info is that you have or are about to be "spoken to" by the locals there and got booted now i have the biggest ego on this poor excuse for a forum so step back and let me "school" you on how this works never and i mean never let out these secret spots on the intraweb that is seen to be a little silly from anybody and {i should know about silly} mate you have marked your self so get ready for what comes your way oldmate this rant i mean comment was autherised by his highness bigwayne

let me "school" you on how this works never and i mean never let out these secret spots on the intraweb
By: "bigwayne"
wayne considering bodyboard comps were held there at least as early as 2001, it was on an online guide to surf locations in the illawarra well before that and any day there is even a HINT of a wave there at least 10 or 20 guys will be watching from the hill (many with video cameras), it is safe to say that redsands is NOT a secret break.5-10 years ago it was possible to get an hour to yourself most days if you wanted to paddle out in the pitch black before sunrise, these days though there will be several carloads of bodyboarders waiting in the carpark for the first hint of light and by the time the sun rises there will be at least a dozen in the water if the waves are any good. Seriously it has got to the stage where road signs might as well direct motorists there from the highway.
The situation is no different at most of the other heavier waves from shellharbour to kioloa, it merely reflects a growing number of surfers and bodyboarders competing for a small number of quality reef breaks. From my observation it seems that many standup surfers are more interested in the heavier reefs than they were 5 years ago which is also contributing to the increasing crowds. while sites like swellnet and coastalwatch do tell everyone what size swell and direction to expect, at the end of the day its just the fact that there are too many of us looking wanting our share of scarce tube time that is the problem. A few back to back world wars, a black plague outbreak and a couple of nukes dropped on sydney is what's required to see empty redsands again. now if you'll excuse me i'm off to see how the bubonic plague culture is going..........

scoop , please don't get him started again.

I'll second that motion shaun.

scoop , please don't get him started again.
By: "shaun"
it's all good shaun, i've got a plan..... the more of all your time i can waste reading these forums, the less time that leaves for making babies. Less babies now = less stoked groms in 2027, meaning that heading towards 2030 i may once again be able to enjoy some uncrowded surf on the south coast. Unfortunately by then i'll be far too old to surf heavy waves making the whole excercise rather pointless. time for plan B.........

okay, i've got it. I will enforce a 9-5 working week monday to friday, with only 4 weeks a year annual leave. Having such little available free time should leave everyone with far too little energy to check the surf. Pay rates will be innsuficient to allow travel other than by pushbike. Oh wait, thats already in existence and it has not eased the surf crowding situation.

it seems the only solution is to litter as much as possible and leave every available electrical appliance turned on 24/7. avoid the use of ethanol in vehicles and protest against the use of generating electricity by any means other than coal fired power stations. If we all work together and implement these simple everyday measures we can accelerate global warming and the associated sea level rises, causing inundation of new coastline and giving us all the chance to find new SECRET spots. When this occurs i promise not to reveal that Mount Cannobalas is a sweet offshore bombora, at least not until it gets crowded.

bet you are all busriders

I have a theory that Foamballs, Scoop and Big Wayne are all the same person just different personalitys

I think your right there Shaun,the words Big,King & Master are a bit of a giveaway.
It's old leg rooter back again.

yes i will accept your collective apologies and will admonish your [not really] witty retort that being said messers pro shaun and my favorite leg to hump spongy are all still in a quandry as to my authenticity i am your feerless leeder i have stepped down read been turfed comp directing [still dont understand why] my meds are working i think and all the voices in my head seem to be saying the same thing at the moment so you can stop worrying and get on with the buisiness of worshipping me. so mister king you have surfed 10ft reddies on what? and in what dream? i dis coverd redsands and surfed to myself for fifteen years oh wait was it me or mymate clarky anyway my sponsors have upped my paychecks so i will claim that i have. reddis was good and still can be [when i surf there] live long and ride longboards big boards for bigwayne little boards for the little people mr king just get on your knees and you will be converted kiss the back of my hand and all shall be well untill i dont get my own way. this tome was brought to by the long board legend shortboard dynamo and all round top bloke tell your wives to stop calling me i have enough kids to feed

i think i'm becoming a wayneker fan .......
someone help me! ............................................................................. anyone!! ..................................

The similarity's with another deluded character are mind boggling, Wayneker / Gaddafi

Can someone give directions to blackbox? I heard it shits on Redsands.

arise off your knee mr kieru you are converted!mr shaun good to see that you are still waving my flag read holding a flame for yours truly but i have to say i dont think i know this gadaffi fella but i will convert him aswell he seems like the sort of person i need to keep all the unruly lower class in line!anyhoo mr tom never heard of blackbox but have seen a few over the years.dont worry mr tom i will find it then as you can imagine dominate the line up set up the g.m.r.c pro comp and send the watermen out on skis to clear the lineup so i can surf it with four of my mates{i think i have mates dont i} so keep the home fires burning i will send word when all of this happens! this was not a rant autherised by the bigwayne surf promoter and longboard legend

Dylan and Brian Ferry summed it up!
A hard Wayne's gonna fall!
Probably got hit hard in the head at an RS forum.

I have a theory that Foamballs, Scoop and Big Wayne are all the same person just different personalitys
By: "shaun"
you're totally missing the obvious fact that "big wayne" and his "long board" (compensating for something??) is clearly an old has been who probably needs his walking frame for the path out to reddies, while with his lack of a grasp on the english language "Foamballpilotking" is clearly just some bored teenager with too much time on his hands, and a lack of parents willing to drive him to check the surf.

Well multiple personality's aren't the same, other wise they wouldn't be multiple.
It's a good thing these forums have name tags so we don't have to ask Waynkere who we're talking too.

well mr scoop seemas though you fancy yourself as an intellectual! thank heavens that your here to set us all straght on these matters. has mummy made your din dins oldmate? maybe she can pack your bodyboard read speedhump in her car and she takes you to the kiddies pool with your floaties? is that why you are so recalcitrant? there is no room for two spoilt brats on this forum and i am king shit of turd mountain so get back in your corner of the afore mentioned pool and leave this up to the real one man is bigger than bigwayne remember that scoop doggy dog.alittle upset at an earlier date there shaun about dyslexia but you have no problem dispariging mental health issues of your feerless leeder shame on you my feelings are hurt. mr 1949 is that your birthdate or the kilograms of dribble youwipe off your chin every day? a little man of your chronology should be better spoken should they not? anyhoo reddies is a good surf given the right conditions and the frame of mind of the "locals" like any where else is muddled at best go and educate yourselves and loose the aggro but what can i expect from the great unwashed masses that i lord over with the greatest aplomb. this sermon was bought to you by shortboard genius the man with the most swagger and all round nice guy

Waynker, I never said you were any less of a man because of your mental illnesses in fact your more of a man or many men for that matter.

no wayne, KFC provides all the sustenance i require. Well okay KFC and a generous serving of home brew. your longboard should prove more suitable for the kiddies pool than my bodyboard, hell if a few of the bigger kids jump in you may even be able to recapture your youth by shooting the curl on a few "boomers". Either way at least you won't have to worry about the abrasive nature of churning sand particles on your frail old skin. Don't forget to slip, slop, slap though.

Waynker, I just read your posts and you just gave me brain cancer

well mr goat glad i could scoop dont come the raw prawn with me old son, struth when i was your age young'uns were seen and not heard!are you calling my fairdinkumness into question? how dare you sir will want a duel at ten paces if this keeps up! i will have my second contact you at my earliest convenience you scoundrel.

bloooooooooooooooooooody boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogieeeeeeeeeee boggggerers

So are we going to see the two "alpha"male silverbacks FBPking and Bigwayne duke it out over who has the biggest foam balls. Or shall we just continue with meaningless antagonistic postural intercourse?

sorry jaffa it seems they have been otherwise occupied, quite possibly dominating the peak at redsands despite the atrocious conditions undoubtedly prevailing over the last few days. Perhaps they are like those protesters who climb up a tree and refuse to come down for fear of the tree being felled? Maybe they fear that if they are not there to insult everyone else's wave riding ability every time there is a sign of oscillation in the pacific ocean that they will lose status in the crowded lineup and will have to spend what has apparently been many decades in bigwayne's case regaining the unquestioning respect of the masses. Foamballpilotking being the ageless super grommet he is will have no trouble inspiring awe to anyone witnessing his display of deep, fully commited tube riding and massive aerial maneuveres - so the occasional abscence from the redsands lineup when he is surfing blenders will go largely unnoticed.

Today i feel compelled to dredge up this topic again, much in the same way as a thick redsands lip dredges up the water in front of it. This urge was brought on by the sad realisation that lately i have been spending far too much time weighed down by the workload at the office and not enough pinned to the rocky, sea urchin infested bottom out at redsands. it's such a shame that us taxpayers have to fund the pensions of those that should have hung up the longboard and been euthanased years ago (you know who you are), if the government cut down on spending it may be affordable to work 4 days a week, leaving an extra day to sample the watery delights of breaks such as redsands. Other ways in which the government could save money include automatically refusing entry to "assylum seekers" (lets call them what they are - trespassing criminals), eliminating the need for expensive detention centres in the process. This rant was brought to you by the disgruntled racist employee formerly known as scoopmaster.

why thank you mr master, imitation is the sincerest form exultation in this nation it forms the foundation of bigwayneisation the sooner you all jump on my band wagon the better.lets get one thing straight from the get go, wippersnapper, i have allowed you to dominate reddies you cant do it by yourself you are not bigwayne,that being said i am a self funded professional ( big thank you to mrs bigwayne ) short boarder long boarder and all round top bloke with the most swagger! but this racist thing oldmate i know you want to be me (a blind man can see that) but i am not racist i just treat you all with the disdain the lower classes deserve. as you are undoubtedly aware i lord over you all and do it with aplomb. so please, do try, mr master to have your own life and veiws to world domination and not live vicariously through the juggernaught that is bigwayne!
this was not a rant by your feerlees leeder heavyweight champ and lover of the contents of mrs bigwaynes bank account

Hey Scoop , thanks for showing us the small ugly person you are.Unbelievable.

Scoop your a hero! How could our country function without an idiot in an office shuffling paper...

scoopmaster, you made a tiny mistake.
i know both you and foamballpilotking.
while FBPK is the master of deep tubes, he / she doesnt do airs.
long time no see mate,back when when taboo,cape solander and nuggan were secret spots.
good to see you still have a sence of humour.

cheers "marcus", though either you are mistaken in your sherlock holmes-like detective work to uncover our identities or N. Hill as we like to call him has also left a certain gravity related forum and shifted his attentions to a forum of a more watery nature under the moniker of "marcus" - so which is it?

sounds like you have been getting some good waves lately foamballpilotking, unlike those of us stuck here on the south coast. Thanks for the link to your website, there's some really good advice in there and i learnt a lot from reading it.

mr "son", why tell eveyone that one is going to grace reddies!!one thought it was a "secret" surf at a "secret"spot but one is used to you shooting off your mouth (and one should know about shooting off mouths!!!)

Just a quick note to let you guys know that there will be no sausage sizzle at reddies tomorrow, so you will all need to bring a picnic basket along with your video cameras. Unfortunately it is too difficult to find the motivation to go to redsands tomorrow following the horrendous experience of checking it today. Sure graham miller looked to be enjoying the 2 foot conditions on offer but the pack of 8 groms and a few older guys checking it were quite offputting. If there is to be ANY good waves this swell (and i'm not confident) it will be on monday when i'll be at work anyway. Perhaps if foamballpilotking has had some success on the pokies he may have the fuel money to drive there for a session.

if anyone has any doubts as to the popularity and media coverage surrounding redsands one has only to look at - 2 of the recent galleries "Leite feat Neto" and "red-daze" are both redsands. And there has been many other shots of reddies on both swellnet and fluidzone, i just can't be bothered looking for them right now. Seriously it must be the fourth most photographed wave in australia, only (just) behind the superbank, cape solander and shark island.

its all good foamballpilotking, i must say though i am stunned by your humility in allowing Dave Winchester to take out the 2011 Shark Island Challenge by virtue of your abscence. I have no doubt that were you among the competitors, not even mike stewart could match your experience and fearlessness in riding through those thick shallow tubes. Am i correct in assuming that you continue to shun this event due to contest organisers insisting in holding the event in june, when your preferred north - east swells are far less likely???

I actually am a Shellharbour local and Redsands is considered Albion Park Rail beach or the Bra bombie.
Don't much care for Redsands, perhaps because it's towed by non-locals at 6ft.. Maybe Pines will set up a surf school out there soon?
Don't like crowds? Drive straight past the Shellharbour turn off.

Adam Switzer is still the pit pilot and air King of Redsands.


am i reading this right, foam tart and scooppoop are lid riders, who don't (can't stand up ) what dribble, and you wonder why you gut sliders cop the shit you do

What a interesting post

Nick Bone wrote:What a interesting post
wannasurf comment section vibes from this one.
If heading south from Sydney turn left at Lindays land just south of Albion park. Follow that road for a km or two, then turn right at Addison Street. Follow for a minute or so until you come across Wentworth street in the main part of town, turn right there. Turn left at Darley street then immediately turn right at Boolwaroo Parade( this turns into Bass point tourist road) Continue for a few kilometres and turn left into the dirt road just past the gate to the national park. Park down the bottom near the Jetty and follow the track to the end of the point. Redsands should be straight in front of you. If its a great day you'll see me charging and dominating the pack.If its only 5foot you'll see the peak infested with kooks.
Reddies likes big southeast swells and mid tides to get the rights cranking.SW/S winds. Light westerly is fine as well.East swells and northeast swells are also great and gets the lefts pumping, though the rights still remain good.
I also know of a spot further down the coast called Blenders. This is an epic wave. I used to OWN the lineup and Reddies until I discovered this spot. For your information Blenders makes Redsands/ Ours/ Shark Island look like a mal riders paradice.
Also, I'll be giving a everyone a heads up before the next good swell at reddies. Check back here for regular redsands forecasts!