get f#*ked garcia

Looked pretty over the top reaction by Garcia for someone dropping in on his son?
Feel sorry for the young surfer and the cameraman who got bashed, but also feel sorry for the families who were forced to witness the incident, whilst trying to enjoy a day at the beach.
Media was reporting that a guy dropped in on Garcias son, is that all that happened?

Lovely behavior for ambassadors of the 'sport' of surfing.
Runs a 100 meters down the beach to join in the uggliness,surfing royalty Pfft.

Another Burleigh child with a chip on his shoulder starts
starts a fight surprise surprise!!

what a tool

Fuck that, Sunny is a legend. How would you react if a guy was threatening to punch out your son? Flores was the man on the spot. This so called Burleigh local is a tool. If he was a real local and one of the boy's do you think the rest of the burleigh boys would have stood by without joining in?
I don't condone violence, but I don't think Sunny over-reacted either.
I know there are a few people who will be reading this and boiling their blood over my comments. Now if the cops havn't charged him then I don't see what all the fuss is about. As for the camera man who copped a bit of Sunny disposition, I bet he didn't keep his mouth shut either.

For Sunny to run from 100m down the beach and then headlock the guy into near unconsciousness in the surf is way out of line, and assault!
I expect charges will be laid today (the police are still investigating)
I'd also expect Sunny and co won't feel very welcome at all up there anymore.

I was just speaking to a mate that was at Matt Hoy's 40th party that night. He spoke to Jeremy Flores and got his version of events. Apparently.....
Sunny's kid was floating off his board, cooling down in between waves when the local, who everyone says is a aggressive tool came off the back of a wave and ran into him. Instead of apologising, he ripped into Sunny's kid, and then proceeded to hassle him, drop in on him and be a idoit as Jeremy said he might've though Sunny's kid was a 'japanese surfer of average ability'. Eventually Flores stepped in and told the local hero to FUCK OFF and leave him alone. The local then called them all into the beach, where Sunny took over and the news footage tells the rest of the story.
Make up your own mind....

thanks for the details, I thought there was more to the story than the news reported. I have met Sunny a few times and he is a really nice person when you get to talking to him. He is a staunch man, he is not someone who will back down when his family or friends are being threatened. I bet the local tough guy who picks on kids was shocked when he found out who he was hasseling. Called them into the beach, what a hero!

Agree with you lon-local that Sunnys reaction seemed totally over the top for a kid just dropping in on another kid. Had to be more to the story that was being reported.
Regardles of whether Sunny is an all round nice guy, I cannot understand how it got so far. He is a pretty daunting looking bloke and I would imagine a death stair would have done its job. The consuquences will not be good for both Sunny and Jeremy, I would imagine that sponsors will distance themselves from this pair and they will both face criminal charges.
Considering the consuquences, what was achieved out of this altercation?

a little respect for one another does a long way. sounds like not much was shown here.

Sea Abilation you are a sorry thing, you decry violence on one hand but the very title of you gave this post suggests you are prone to a bit of violence yourself. Your title smacks of aggro!
I would have a bit more respect for you if you started out this forum with "Love to Sunny".
A bit of argy bargy is part of human nature ... get over it!

True Floyd,
From what I've seen talking about this, most Surfers kinda understand why Sunny arced up, but may not condone his actions. My mate thought it made Sunny's actions ok. The general public's view will be very different, all they see is a thug smashing some poor swimmer.
My opinion is this is just the same as someone seeing a provocatively dressed girl and thinking it's ok to rape her as "she was asking for it", it's just wrong. Sure, local hero should've just left it all alone and paddled away, but Sunny should've pulled his head in and gone and spoken to the local hero instead. I doubt the local will have learnt his lesson, rather will probably use this to increase his intimidation factor.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind - Ghandi

Seems to be a dearth of actual eye-witnessess for something that happenend in front of hundreds if not thousands of people.
And a third hand "report" from Flores is hardly an impartial testimony.
J-Flo has shown a real talent for making a prick of himself and getting into strife...
Any actual eye-witnesses out there?

surely a man with sunnys experience could of handled the situation differently if what supposedly happened to his son did in fact happen, then again he does have a long history of anger management issues.

Kind of funny really.The local bully thinks he is fighting flyweight Jeremy and then has to deal with 90 kilos of Hawaiian fury.
Lets be honest many of the Burleigh locals are just morons.Last time I surfed there some older guy lost his board and was expecting a local guy to just push it back to him which the guy did but fins first straight into the old guys face.
You wont find much Aloha out at that break.

Did you miss the "apparently" in my post Freeride? I never stated it was gospel...
I guess the only way to find out is to hear from Sunny's kid, the local and Flores. The truth probably lies somewhere in between what all say.

But that kind of stuff quickly gets taken for gospel truth on the Internet.
Appreciate that wasn't your intention though.
So, you know any eye-witnesses Evo?

waiting to hear from someone today....

trouble is that the drop kick is a roll model and young kids looking at that then think it is OK to carry on and thump anyone. This is how Surf Rage came into being. Shit heads like Micky Doran years ago used to pull this sort of stuff in California and garcia looked up to the great Doran and thought it was all OK. ole model for his poor kid.

Dora, Miki Dora

HaHa, Mickey Dora was only about 5'4" and as intimidating as a pussycat, he was sly not mean quite a mellow guy in fact.

Remeber a thread a while back, on Burleigh locals punch a kid. Well i never liked Garcia but im happy to hear of a Burleigh local getting their just deserts...

lol, Surfing World Mags in the mid - late 60's had Mickey Doran as the real aggresive guy in Cal. Dora is a different guy. Buy hey you get my point. Garcia is a serial offender in this regard. Anyway oneday he will meet someone who will belt the crap out of him once and for all

So did you see this with your own eyes?

I'll bet that if those that were DIRECTLY involved, told their story, they would all be different. Let alone those that "witnessed" it.

hey freeride76, wasnt there mate, so i have deleted the comment.

I would have thought any kid of Sunny's should be able to handle himself...

Flores so called 'version' of events is total bullshit. I was up around the headland, but I have seen a couple of photos of Flores clearly throwing punches and missing until Sunny run ins with his thug act. A Quiksilver surfer (Flores) banned from the Quiksilver Pro?. We all know it will never happen. The ASP have already 'deferred' judgement until after the police investigation. E.g. they will keep 'deferring' until after the Pro so Flores can surf.

id love to encounter garcia! no way i would of stood back and watched as 3 blow ins stood over a young aussie surfer!id wrap my board round his head so quick.. "GO HOME GARCIA" you burn out!

Ooooh steez-none tougher than you pal!

steez is awardred the medal of internet bravery...Wow what a hero

can't believe that after 4 fecking pages, all you grrls are still carrying on like a roomfull of CWA jam makers.
'i would a dun this' and 'i would a dun that'.....
anyone a father out there who might sympathise just a little with Garcia Snr?.....NO, not condone what he did, but out of natural paternal instinct, and a fear - fcuking-some reputation for not suffering fools or kooks lightly...did (albeit with the dial maxing out to 11!) what any self respecting father would do when confronted by the sight of their child being abused.
If....and ONLY IF, as has been speculated, the local had a rep for carrying on with attitude, then really ladies, he bit off more than he could chew...and got what was coming.
Ideally this will sort itself out if we get a statement from Big G. The local AND G light.
Some facts would go a long way in understanding how this hideous incident got so out of hand.
And if, as many of you claim, this sort of behaviour is common place round those parts....why all the handwringing and posturing when a real piece of evil comes reigning down to show you how it's done back home ,bro!

Nobody here apart from Windjammer seems worried about poor Sunny Jr,does anyone know if he's ok?
Poor little thing being dropped in on & barked at by the local fuckwit.
No wonder daddy was so upset.

One thing to drop in.
'nother thing to call your drop-e to the beach- if that was the case- cause they had the audacity to express their displeasure. Let's not get all biblical here.

As to date, I have not heard a consistent story on what actually occured that day. Seems to me that there is more to the story than any of us know, Sunny's reaction was totally over the top for a simple case of someone dropping in on his son, which suggests that something else happened. I am not suggesting that violence is ok, but the facts to the story would be good before calling Sunny a thug. If he was infact protecting his son, he would have been doing what any father would do to protect his kid.
I am guessing we will never know, as the cops are not pursuing the other surfer, it was the guy who filmed it, who made the complaint.

Windjammer I'm a father and I sort of agree but the fight was between Flores and Clarky, (the Burliegh local), not his son. So his actions were over the top.
Having said that I'm guessing Sunny was on the beach watching it unfold, so by the time he ran into the surf, he was already "on the boil". Protecting your children is a natural instinct so Sunny did what a lot of fathers would do. Remember what happened to Nat, the father probably regrets it now but at the time, his instincts took over and he gave Nat a hiding.
At the end of the day it was just another day at the Goldie only this time it involved someone who is an identity and has a reputation. I think you'll find the Gold Coast's reputation is a lot worse than Garcia's.

Here are they facts as told to me!
A friend of a friend's Nanna was having her hair done and someone was talking about how a touring Italian surfer or something had a fight with a Hawaian world champion kick boxer who they thought was trying to protect his son's friend who dropped in on Kelly Slater at Burleigh in the Quicky pro. The kick boxer has been in trouble before you know for all sorts of things and probably uses drugs too, cause most of those surfers do that sought of thing you know.After he finished on him he attacked the camerman from channel Ten because he didn't want his face on TV or the police would know he was in Australia and then the Hawaian police would seek extradition for his crimes in Hawaii.
So folks those are the facts about what happened and Nannas are never wrong! So we can all carry on with our lives unless we get an eyewitness account from someone who actually was there and who has alot more credability than a friend of a friends' Nanna!

i met garcia back stage at a chilli peppers do. he is a big cunt

Of course he has.
You're a gynaecologist, you know these things.
Oh, is. Sorry. Misread it.

This is now making front page news on Mixed Martial Arts websites.

Seal, viva la Nannas, the ultimate in over the fence 'journalism'.

Firstly, I wasn't there , nor do I know any of the people involved. However, it seems that one of the all too common breed of young, Aussie "Terry Tough Cunt" got what he was really looking for, true violence. The violent posturing and bravado of the youth of Australia, and the Gold Goast especially, is sickening. Seeing or hearing about people hospitlaised after fights in Surfer's Paradise or wherever is pretty damn common these days and you can meet these fools in the water as well as in the pub.
I have often wondered, what it is that has created so many wannabee tough guys in Australia at this time? Perhaps it is that this generation (my generation) is pampered and soft. We have grown up in relative luxury and never had to prove our manliness or whatever you want to call it by finding food for our family in times of famine, by fighting in a huge war or searching through the blood and debris of a recently detonated car bomb searching for body parts that belong to a close family member.
I am in no way condoning the actions of Mr. Garcia but it seems from my vantage point, albeit a distant and under-informed one, that one of the common, garden variety Aussie hotheads got to experience the real primal violence he was searching for at the hands of someone who is much better at it than him. Perhaps he and others that saw this will think twice before picking another fight.
I for one am happy to have lived a sheltered life compared to what I see on the evening news.
Keep it peaceful fellas.

Did someone mention Nanook of the North? I just happen to have watched it last night. The bit where he sneaks up to the sleeping walruses with his harpoon and spears one of them as they bolt into the shorey and then together with his mates wrestles it back in is incredible, my jaw was on the floor watching it. And when it was finally dead and they'd rolled it up out of reach of the waves they all got stuck in cutting strips off and scoffing them down right there! There's some tough cunts for you. Right on, Clif - viva Nanook!


Did someone mention Nanook of the North? I just happen to have watched it last night. The bit where he sneaks up to the sleeping walruses with his harpoon and spears one of them as they bolt into the shorey and then together with his mates wrestles it back in is incredible, my jaw was on the floor watching it. And when it was finally dead and they'd rolled it up out of reach of the waves they all got stuck in cutting strips off and scoffing them down right there! There's some tough cunts for you. Right on, Clif - viva Nanook!
By: "alex-leonard"
That's uncanny Al, a friend of a friend, a documentary fillum maker, was on a gig shooting stuff for obscure revisionist company called 'Don't Eat the Yellow Snow'. Following the Flaherty model of "Salvage Ethnography", it was basically covering the ASP with a slant, focusing on the non English speaking contestants primarily, with a segue to Hawaii and a look into the 'brotherhood' culture of the Black Shorts subtitling this as "Savage Ethnography".
Most of the time spent with Sunny was amusing he said as he had a personal assistant, a svelte young lass of Chinese/Malay heritage, who's sole purpose was to type into his iPhone because he has such fat fingers.


Stranger facts have revealed themselves. Thanks for sharing.
as the title says....
get f#*ked garcia
your a thug