Heath Island?

Dobsy I'm really curious as to how they can predict six cyclones for the season.
It's easy to see the synoptics and look at the lows as they develop but a numerical quote for the season ? MMMMMMMM.
Island question; I have no bloody idea about Queensland islands but I hope surf nirvana awaits you and the Moreton Island bull sharks don't.
Good luck post pictures or we won't believe you!

Dobsy, without saying too much, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the potential for that neck of the woods. Getting there's half the fun though..

Moreton is full of sharks Dobsy.
I know people who surf it regularly.

Moreton is full of sharks Dobsy.
I know people who surf it regularly.
By: "freeride76"
HAHA Now there a warning that contradicts itself.

They drive around in tinnies first and count sharks.
More than 20 and they don't get out of the boat.
Ask around....

That's keen, why is there so many sharks up that way?

Take a few friends.
Lessens the odds.

Good question Shaun.
Warm water currents, plenty of suitable habitat for many sharks, offshore reefs close by act as feeding stations.
Seriously that northern tip of Moreton is shark infested.
Go see for yourself.

Na thanx, I hate crowded surfs, so I'm not interested in 20 sharks.

Jaffa, its not a prediction that there will be exactly 6 cyclones. Its just statistically the most likely number of cyclones that we will have. The chance of having exactly 6 cyclones might only be 10% but its still more likely than having, say 5 or 7 cyclones.
By: "dobsy"
That's OK thanks.
There's a saying "lies damn lies and statistics" I believe you are not a liar, but I've seen statistics used to justify so many things. Governments love statistics and warping them.
Having said that always a percentage chance high for one or two lower for more but your search zone googles up well.
Have a good safe one.

Let's hope that if they do get more cyclones they stay offshore and provide swell and no rain, I think most people up there would say one has been enough.

Yeah it's true theres heaps of shark's at Moreton,just like fraser island but at least Moreton gets half decent waves, i use to live at fraser for a few years and 99% it was total crud, but what to you do your gotta get wet as long as the waters not dirty/murky you should be okay.

Tomorrows conditions could be perfect for that northern tip of moreton island. In fact its probably the best positioned spot on the east coast to capture the northerly groundswell while also being protected from the ENE winds.
Too bad I've got to work. Is anyone gonna be there 2moro? love to hear what its like.
By: "dobsy"
Dobsy, honestly are you auditioning for the sunrise surf report or something.
Also, surfers don't work when there's a pumpin swell

Struth, audition away dobsy I say. I would love to hear and see what's it's like too. As jaffa said, some photos (from anyone) would be great.

Is anyone gonna be there 2moro? love to hear what its like.
By: "dobsy"
Thanks for the tip bro. Took the boat up from Labrador this morning. Only a couple of locals out. Crazy sweep but the barrels was epic!

Seems like it would be an (impossibly?) long ferry ride from Labrador to the northern tip of Moreton Island....

Actually it was only 2 hours in my little StMartin F-15

I had to look up StMartin F-15 on the internet. Either way, nice photo, whenever and wherever it may have been taken.

Looks like New Jersey..

I used to surf it about 20 years ago, well the little reef that is off the tip of Morton Island anyway. What they are saying is true, there are heaps of sharks there, literally dozens of the fuckers and a lot of them are bullsharks, they are so gnarly.
We used to sail up there and then surf it, and spend a few days at a time there. To surf it you needed to have mates in a tinny to stay with you with SHOTGUNS for the sharks!
Now if you want to get eaten by all means just go out for a surf.
The waves on the reef are pretty good though, that's why we used to surf it, got a family now so I have no need to get eaten by a inqusitive shark.

I'm agree with you sunbay. Wave of the day on another site. It's nickname must be The Cove...
You may gather that i do like islands.
Been searching for alternative/novelty north facing beaches in SE QLD that might work on cyclone days (there's 6 cyclones forecast this season).
Has anyone ever surfed around heath island; on the northern tip of Moreton island?