R.I.P. Andy Irons

Love him or hate him, he brought colour to the sport of professional surfing. It`s a sad loss.
R.I.P. AI.

Sad beyond belief.

What tragic news. RIP mate.

Massive loss to the surfing world.
His approach didn't appeal to me, but shit what a surfer he was.
May his legacy live long.

Having trouble getting through the day in a positive light. A role model for my surfing since day dot, an admirably stubborn approach to pro surfing, a true legend. Thanks for saying hi to me a few months back in the water!
Keep pulling into mindless barrels wherever ever you rest, mate.

such an incredible surfer, without him competitive surfing would not be where it is today.

such a tragic loss.

There are many, many unanswered questions here and the truth, when it comes out may not be a pretty sight for everyone concerned.
Nonetheless a great champion died alone in a hotel room in Texas and leaves a wife and unborn child behind.
That is a tragedy and leaves alot of people in shock wondering what the hell happened.
Deepest sympathies to his family and friends.
I was lucky enough to interview Andy twice this year and surf with him the evening before his great comeback victory in Tahiti.
He was gracious, humble, stoked, warm and personable.
His surfing was a Dionysian blend of pure emotion and athletic spontaneity. His great performances left deep visceral impressions on those lucky enough to witness them.
In heavy water lefts where a surfers courage and skill were tested to the limit he was first among equals.
His rivalry with Slater produced epic performances, enthralling contests and remains a high water mark for Professional surfing.
His comeback saw a man of great humility and tenderness who aroused tremendous affection and respect from his peers.
I've described Andy Irons in biblical terms several times this year. Looking back these descriptions have an eerie prescience. At times he didn';t really seem of this world.
He seemed insubstantial, ghost-like. A shadow of his former self.
Who know when death first casts it's shadow on the living. Some men seem marked for it at an early age. With others it comes without warning.
Looking back at Andy this year it seems a shadow was upon him. The eerie shambling figure at Snapper, walking up the hill in the rain with bent shoulders and wife following behind at a respectful distance. Even in the throes of triumph in Tahiti Andy seemed somehow disbelieving, as if this were all a dream that would end soon.
He has fallen.
We are all falling.
Sliding along the knife edge of oblivion towards the end of time.
His legacy will remain for the ages. He burned bright. Too bright to be gifted the blessing of longevity.
He was one of the few to capture the imagination of the many. He transcended the mediocre and achieved greatness.
RIP Andy Irons.

how out touch is this site nowdays? did tracks tell you run this angle?
just make a buck out his death fellas...anyway u can

I understand that some punters need to find out how he died for closure, but you know, I don't really care how he died. It is sad enough that he is no longer around. The bickering that is going on here and in the ghouls article's comments section just leaves a foul taste in my mouth and is no way to honor a champion.

Well said evo62.

I think the ASP and Billabong have a lot to answer for. If he was that sick and they all knew it then greater care should've been taken. With all the travel and the idea of "searching" to, lets face it, some of the most unhygenic countries in the world the ASP should have some kind of policy or due diligence in protecting its most valuable assets, the surfers. Billabong should've had at least one shaperone. Just goes to show that Andy was no different to any other piece of marketing meat to get Billabong their dollars. I am appalled. This should have never happened period. A legend for ever RIP AI.

I think the ASP and Billabong have a lot to answer for. If he was that sick and they all knew it then greater care should've been taken. With all the travel and the idea of "searching" to, lets face it, some of the most unhygenic countries in the world the ASP should have some kind of policy or due diligence in protecting its most valuable assets, the surfers. Billabong should've had at least one shaperone. Just goes to show that Andy was no different to any other piece of marketing meat to get Billabong their dollars. I am appalled. This should have never happened period. A legend for ever RIP AI.
By: "barley"
Mate there not babysitters, this guy was an adult who made choices in his life and one of them wasn't a good one. People come and go from this world, personally I think that all of these paddle outs by people that have no ties with him at all is pathetic, a little bit mass hysteria. I just hope you all didn't let a heap of balloons off as a tribute so some poor fish can get it stuck in it's gut.

I watched him surf since I was tiny, and now I'm finally getting good at surfing,
my legend is gone, well, he'll always be with me, in the lineup.

hey cmon u guys, let it go, if anyone is posting re andys death, then that shows how affecting he was, no doubt the world lost a great soul. rip+

toxicology report temporary injunction expires May 20

mr head , we all await with baited breath , sorry about the pun but we all know what the toxicology report will say and when it comes out will we have an outpouring like the one we just had? he made a choice !! you cant imbibe like that and still keep you life!!!

New injunction delays release of report by a further 30 days.

Serious? Got the source?

Its not necessary for anyone but the family to read the report.If they want to comment so be it.He has a lovely child who will grow up and does not need sad stories to hear in years to come.

I dont care what it says, they guy ripped and he gave my kids and many other local groms some time for a chat and autograph when he was at my old local , and from all reports he was a good bloke...we all know he had issues, but dont we all... I sure as fuck have and if I even had a sniff of the fame he did and the money that goes with it, my habits would be shocking , I can only imagine....

how can a drug user be a good bloke? his selfish ways and habits have affected the one person it should never have his child!!! one is not and never will condone drug use of any kind

His family have had a few words, wish there were more people like that.

how can a drug user be a good bloke? his selfish ways and habits have affected the one person it should never have his child!!! one is not and never will condone drug use of any kind
By: "bigwayne"
That's a bit harsh bigwaynker, A drug user can be a good bloke, it is a bit like saying "how can he be good bloke, he is mentally ill". I was starting to respect you for some of your more sensible posts, but how can I now due your illness.

anyone here who uses drugs and is a good bloke? raise your hand. come on everybody!

ah mr shaun , leading light of this whole swellnet site!! mr shaun , mate , bigfella , slow down there!! ones perceived illness is just that perceived , one has a big problem with people that imbibe and the collateral damage that it causes . thats a mighty stretch you make with mental illness which in most cases is already there you just set off the "bomb" as it were by ( granted) drug abuse and alcohol abuse note that one said ABUSE not use . one has been there and done that mr shaun and can tell you that it is selfish now dont get me wrong ladies when one says that he was not a good bloke , one would not have given two rats if he was not a father!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the sad fact that he is , decided to get on it , and woke up dead . now excuse this royal transgression but boo fucking hoo , go get a tissue ladies and wipe your mascara
this was bought to you by an exeptionally irate HRH bigwayne
and mr leonard , go sit on the shoulder untill you get called for a wave

get fucked wayne, there is no calling onto waves at this spot. you have taken off deep on the odd one and ripped it, and you have gone head over turkey on the odd one too. we are all jostling for position and doing our best here.

once again with the swear words littleman , one has only felt the need to use it once to convey a sentiment , although one does like the attention that one has garnerd from your not so goodself this thread is about the selfishness of a drug addict and not one ultimateself!! so mrs leonard dont adress onesself unless you have something that you need to clarify in your insignificant little life one is too busy telling eveyone who will listen ( and those that wont) what drugs do to yourself , family , children , etc...
fact 1) great surfer mr irons ,multiple world champ , but even more narcissistic than my goodself , self absorbed for those uneducated , too worried about how he was fairing and how he wasnt as good as he once was and why ? HAMMER, ladies yes the good old HORSE , up the warick farm and on the murray cod , JUNKIE plain and simple , why dont all you people with this outpouring of greif for a JUNKIE go to cabramatta or the valley and pour your greif over them?? oh thats right he was in the public eye and was a pro surfer get your beer goggles off! littleman who could not handle the oh so hard life of surfing the best breaks on the best equipment with the best paycheck thrown in for good mesure!! lets not mention the FACT that he cheated on his wife and you have a soft spot in your collective hearts for this "good bloke"????? give ones goodself a break for crying out loud
this was bought to you by a not liking junkies, all round intellectual dynamo and swellnet reserve wax caddy HRH bigwayne

I don't know what your experience you have had with drug addicts, but for some it is 6 months of ignorance and stupidity and they pay for the rest of there lives.

Wayne I do not get anything from putting people down but get a lot from laughing and learning together with people and I must say you have made me laugh but still you are the one taking off at the end of the wave where taking off is easy and the mushy close-out and the beach are near. Take a look outside Wayne and you will see waves breaking much farther out and waves with much more too them than just "junkie plain and simple" and then there are waves around the corner and down the coast you don't seem interested in well I would put it to you that they're worth a look for junkies come in all kinds and no junkie is just a junkie.

There is no guarantee that the road to enlightenment will bypass hell BigWayne. Some of humanities most influentially significant people have spared many of us this wayward detour in order to enlighten and enrich us with wisdom and tuition. In all facets of human endevour, this quest for enlightenment has often necessitated a wayward path. And as often, not by choice, contrary to your myopic point of view. Although we all have the option to choose how to live, many take the risk to chose an alternative path which leads to a deeper understanding of our relatively insignificant place in this universe. In a perfect world, casualties of this quest would be few if any. Need I spell out the rest of this notion? Â
Junkies ARE a blight in our imperfect world, but no more so than the predators of commerce and religion.Â
But give me a junkie that's been through hell and back over any insideous peddler of lies and deceit throughout our corporate and commercially driven institutions any day. The quest for money and power over all else are more hideous afflictions than a wayward soul who's lost there way through doubt and insecurity.Â
Mankind has since year dot found ways and means of altering their consciousness to achieve greater knowledge of themselves and their place amongst others. That the course of this quest has since led us to the modern affliction of addiction is a sad and regrettable situation.Â
A true testament to our courage as humans would be to take heed of the lost and lonely, to work towards preventing others from the same malaise and to treat them with respect and understand that we all make right and wrong choices.
Your choice to go or not on that heaving set wave on the inside that's jacking over a shallow ledge is a choice that could change your and your families life forever.Â
And that choice is driven purely for selfish reasons Bwayne. Why do you put yourself in that position.?
Back on topic, who gives a fcuk how Andy died. No good will come of this information, other than closure for his family. Â
More importantly we should wonder about how he lived and what drove him down the path he chose. Â

the part I've come to dislike most is that drug use supports vicious criminals and it's very expensinve now

mrs leonard , trying to euphemise is not your forte , although your point is taken , please understand 1 plain and simple thing ( at the risk of a tangent , and mr shaun hates tangents ) its only that this man , made squillions , had a CHILD , pay heed , a CHILD , and still managed to top himself is beyond ones comprehension ! if this man was not rich and still a JUNKIE he would be doiung what JUNKIES do and thats lie steal cheat their way around and all it does is put a burden upon " society ". thereis no varying degrees of JUNKIENESS you either are or not . so thats how plain and simple it gets .
mr jammer , one thought that one had the monopoly on the abillity to prolix , but you mr jammer have excelled even ones goodself so a big hats off ! but , it seems to ones goodself thatyou like many others in bigwaynes wonderful world dont want to upset or deride anyone and have the appearence that you care for mankind and it the corparations and the greedy bankers blah , blah , blah , and the huge stretch you make saying that mankind has done it for millenia was true but misguided , shamen , medicine men , where the one taking these drugs and did so sparingly in the full knowledge that too much is not good . one will tell you how he lived mr jammer , in a place that you and onesself would have loved to inhabit , the best waves , the best girls , the best paychecks and the best seats on the plane , need one go on ? . but still managed to detroy the only thing that should have mattered and thats his CHILD , CHILDREN mr jammer are our future , teach them well and let them lead the way , was a peice of gold from another JUNKIE , but none the less true
this was bought to you by swellnet knowall , and a still trying to state one case thats falling on deaf ears HRH bigwayne

You're a Queenslander aren't you biGwAYne?
That explains a lot.

Well there you go... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/sports/cause-released-in-surfer-andy-i...

Swellnet, wondering why the ability to post a comment regarding the Iron's family limited release of the autopsy report has ceased?
The mainstream media is reporting that the family is now disputing why the medical examiner chose to release the secondary cause of death as 'acute mixed drug ingestion'. This is after the primary cause being sudden cardiac arrest as a result of coronary atherosclerosis. They family have also enlisted a San Antonio pathologist who disputes the original pathologists findings.
I don't understand what either party has to gain? The doctor for publishing his initial findings or his family for disputing them?
He lived hard, surfed hard and died young. It's a sad loss.
But why can comments no longer be posted on the home page?

hey zenagain, when the AI story broke our website was flooded with traffic (we actually doubled our regular traffic - smashing our previous one day record!).
However, our poorly-coded comments section caused the entire Swellnet website to slow down massively. So, we temporarily removed the comments section so that the website could function properly.
Now that the traffic has died down, Matt has reinstated the comments in that article - but I'm not sure why the ability to comment has been removed (it certainly wasn't intended). I'll get him to follow up ASAP.

All sorted now.

Thanks Ben, thought it would have been something as simple as that.

He lived, he loved and was loved. He was a man and a great surfer. The rest is noise.
You've been an inspiration over the years AI. May you rest in peace and be barrelled wherever you may be... Cheers for the stoke...
Surfer Andy Irons dead Georgina Robinson
November 3, 2010 - 9:38AM
Andy Irons
Three-time surfing world champion Andy Irons has reportedly died on his way back home from an ASP surfing event in Puerto Rico.
The 32-year-old missed his heats at the Rip Curl Pro event in Puerto Rico due to illness over the weekend.
He was on his way home to Hawaii when he died, ESPN reported.
Advertisement: Story continues below Irons was too ill to board his connecting flight from Texas to Hawaii, Surfer magazine reported.
There are unconfirmed reports that he died in a hotel room in Dallas, the magazine reported.
Irons clinched 19 world tour victories and was crowned world champion three times, in 2002, 2003 and 2004.