burleigh locals

The threat of having an assault charge against your name and/or litigation proceedings pending is IMO more than enough reason not to hit anybody these days.

it's people like that that give local surfers in some places a bad name

not the first time unfortunatly...or when i was a kid grown men would ruff es up all the time mate! dumbest argument ever.

was a fight out at boiling pot last year between a grom and a local... grom ended up getting the local charged with assault. hopefully the grom in this incident reports it, its not right.

While I am not an aggressive person in any way IMO stories like this do wonders for actually surfing Burleigh. The grom should harden up a bit, so he got a punch from an old guy. I sound old now but not very long ago you would expect to get a lickin' for screwing up in the surf. The threat of a slap kept things in order.
Now in this pussy world we live in and people charging others with assault for a bit of housekeeping things have become crazy. Surf Snapper some time, nobody has any respect for anyone.
IMO a few punches or at least the threat of them are great for everybody. I don't surf Burleigh often but know enough people at the point to keep the other blow in's (like me) wondering if you are one of the local crazies or not. It's great! There's no such order at the Alley or Snapper that have become free for alls.
The only thing the grom should do is get his old man to rough the other guy up and settle this thing old school like Men, not like hand bag swingin' lawyer callin' Americans.

agree to some extent mikeman and seethesea.
buuut hitting a dog or punching a kid aint cool. he would have had a better effect if he told him whats what.
imo HE is the one who should harden up; ´oh i have a cut and i fell on a wave.´ ditums.
it would take a stronger personality (harder bloke, mate.) to hold back the emotion and tell the kid what the results of his actions were, the cut and the missed barrel/wave.
i believe in line-up hierarchy but this doesnt need violence to exist. just time, talent and freindship does the trick.
i know burleigh has idiots who think hitting and ganging up on crew is ok. thats why i dont surf there...ever. i´d rather not be a part of it.
people tell me ´its ok, the locals are not too bad.´ and i believe it but standing up for a bloke who hits kids? not cool. ill take wash throughs at kirra thanks.
agree no need for lawyers!
just the public to make a mental note of this ´hard bloke, mate´ and be sure to call him on his mistakes as we ALL make mistakes at times.
grow up. we are past the 80s/90s tough guy era.

Guys, you dont hit a kid its pretty fuckin simple. Kids stuff up alot, just the nature of growing up and learning.
Theres no measure of a man in hitting a kid, its the act of a coward.
A good hard word is all it takes.

Ed, I take your comment and go one step further, you should not hit anyone at all, kid or nor no kid. A risk of getting hit by a board is present when you go surfing, especially somehere like Burleigh if you dont want to get hit, give up surfing or drive to a less crowded place.
You can tell someone off, but hitting them.
I hope the guy gets charged.

I'm not sure what to think about Burleigh locals.
On one hand they have managed to keep some sort of order (by Gold Coast standards) but on the the other hand there can be a really negative vibe out there. For me I don't enjoy surfing in that sort of atmosphere.
I think its really sad when you see that negativity get passed down to the younger generation out there. I can understand the frustration of getting hit in the head by a stray board. I see near misses everytime I surf and 99% of the time the board is discarded by someone who simply shouldn't be out there. Hitting kids isn't acceptable. Education is. I know my limits, my place in the lineup and who was there before me so I stay out of trouble, sadly a lot of people seem oblivious to all of this.
The person in question behaves like your typical bully because he knows that the rest of the Burleigh locals would back him up whatever the situation. If I was out there I still wouldn't have intervened because I would lose eventually, thats the pack mentality that exists. Then you see locals blatently burn other locals in the tube in a case of self centered greed and you wonder if their loyalty makes sense.
I'm sure some of the Burleigh crew wouldn't be able to travel elsewhere because there are no doubt people itching to give them a taste of their own medicine. Some people behave as if surfing that wave is all they have got, and that is a sad way to live.

Great post semen. Great name also.
Hit the nail on the head with this "I know my limits, my place in the lineup and who was there before me so I stay out of trouble, sadly a lot of people seem oblivious to all of this" I grew up at Burleigh and Currumbin and as I said in my post above I learnt this respect from people demanding I give it to them at these places.
I distinctly remember surfing Burleigh with my old man a hard prick that liked to fight when I dropped in on a guy my board flicked up at him and he gave me an earfull, literally tore strips off me. I was 11. I paddle off to my Dad looking for back up. What does he do? Says I deserved it and was lucky not to get a clip 'round the ear so toughen up a bit and don;t do it again.
My point is how do you get respect from anyone if nobody teaches them that they need to give it? I never get in hassles either and I have surfed most of the heavy local spots.

fear does not equal respect.
education does.
times are changing seethesea, always.
youd do good to get outta the way if you cant lend your hand.
being aware of a better future to strive towards is in yours, and everybodys interest.

fear does not equal respect.
education does.times are changing seethesea, always.
youd do good to get outta the way if you cant lend your hand.
being aware of a better future to strive towards is in yours, and everybodys interest.
By: "nope"
How do you educate a generation of kids that don't want to work, want everything now and have parents that give it to them. They believe it's their right not priviledge.
Not sure what you do for a living but try and find a decent young guy to do any job these days and you will look long and hard. Actually visit any surfboard factory or restaurant on the Gold Coast and they are all staffed by Japanese and Brazilians actually stoked to be working and working hard. All the while our 'youth' feel any of these jobs are below them. Most employers I know would prefer to get young Aussie kids to teach and pass on the knowledge and maybe even stick around. Instead they get guys on time limits, teach them and then they return to their own countries with the knowledge.
I know that in the future there will be no choice to get out of the way, there's nobody coming up that wants to achieve anything, the responsibility will be all ours.
This is a surfing forum, so this post is relevant. If some of these young kids don't step up sooner or later there will be no surfboard industry left here on the Gold Coast in the future. The apathy of the market combined with reluctant to learn young guys will look after that for us.
P.S I am not that old, born mid 70's and I am very disillusioned with the younger guys I know and see.

Localism is crap. I have been surfing the same stretch of beach east of Melbourne for 41 years and still have no more rights than a first timer.
As for hitting a 16 year old, what an act of COWARDICE. This is unacceptable on land or water.
Unless you are a kid and looking at surfing as your future means of employment, grow up and go surfing to enjoy yourself. Macho d.......s that have to catch every wave and hassle constantly are not enjoying their surfing, but are enjoying bullying others. Compete against the waves and enjoy yourself without hurting others.
I also hope that the guy gets charged.

if your local was a 1st class, crowded wave with a tight take off you might change your mind on that.
im sure the majority if surfing with a handful of beginners would enjoy sharing the stoke. when however these beginners start getting themselves or others in danger of injury or wasting waves(if crowded) then somone should advise them of the situation.
if you shared the waves at snapper i wonder what your wave count would be? and with this ideal line up id bet there would be 1000s lining up at a free shot at a set and locals would have to settle for what? a wave a week? what if they needed to be at a christening or other religious event???? lol imagine the line up at pipe? itd have people backed up to the airport!
and seamanstains
id say;
parents are at fault for giving without educating.
older bosses´ older attidudes to young dumb inexperianced-with-real-life-kids could also be a problem.
talking up how touch your generation was and how much tougher your dads gen. was dosent help these ´new people´ with everything at their fingertips. i do it too mate! we all do these little things that dont help anything.
can you blame a kid for not wanting to sand a surfboard or clean toilets after their parents give them everything?
i hear a few factories pay these temp. workers shit $s. and want to pay less then the current $s to avalible aussie workers. i know a shaper who says board workers are getting what they got 20+ years ago! eg 20 years ago a sander was paid between 20-30$ today? the same! how many occupations has this happend? why? kids attitudes? i dont think so.
to this problem id say put up the price of YOUR product! dont blame the workers wages!
i also heard that some factorys consprire to pay less to workers. 1 factory got shapers banded together to ´help´ the ´industry´in aus.(or was it... to ´help´ THEMSELVES?)
the first step was to fire the current staff and import school leavers paying them minimum wadge!
didnt work of course but this factory still currently pays the least on the gold and tweed coasts.
id say the problem has many angles but the biggest is capitalism. or even the state of politics in general.
times are a changing... always. just why so friggan slowly!!! lol
peace isnt a fairy tale! though it would need people not condoning violence on a local level.
two blokes wanna fight knock each others brains around stupid, imo, but your choice.

I was in the water that day
I saw the old guy had to be 50 or 60 bleeding from the mouth after being hit by a guys board
That guy who speared the board was older and bigger than me and Im 22
After he speared his board into the old guys head he then came paddling all agro and mouthing off at the old guy.
If anyone has a case Its the old guy
There were three of us who witnessed it
And I would be the first one to back him up
Get your facts straight goob who started this,its obviously you .
the day you posted this you say you were surfing yesterday and heard talk
the day before your post the surf was out of control and no-one in the water
lame using this forum to spread your shit
If i spoke to anyone like that my dad would be the one to crack me
get your facts straight
get a life
and learn how to surf SAFE

i was out that day and know the dude, he is in high school.. so older then 22 i don't think so.
Wonder if he also punches or mouths off at rocks or if his own board gave him a little boo boo on the lip or if he breaks a nail.
As for him mouthing off at the guy, the kid didn't even realize he hit anyone until the guy came up to him, the kid imo won because he didn't flinch, throw any fists and just kept saying im not leaving im staying out its not your wave.
Edit: considering this incident happened on the 9/10/2010 and the op started on the 11th makes sense to me that he could have been talking the day before ?
you sure you witnessed it, or are you a h brother groupie?
everyone knows the brothers are tossers who think they own the joint, even many of the other local lads would say the same. It's not the first time see one of them hitting a teeanger also.
But also to some of the other posts, sure burleigh has a good order in the line up but its just sad that some of them have to take it up with violence. Most of the local locals are really nice people just some have to ruin it for everyone else and give the place a bad name, same goes for other breaks.

burleigh is so fucking shit their is about 60000 cunts for some shit as fuck point break wen u could drive 1-2hrs and find something amazing for yourself so stop winging about some little cunt getting hit he must of been in the wrong i would of done the same thing at my local!

Wow localsonly you sound like a legend.
If you consider Burleigh to be a shit point break you must be a really good surfer, I guess those fast sections would be hard to make on your lid.
Lucky you don't have to unleash your obvious toughness on anyone who does something wrong at your local because amazingly you are surfing perfect waves alone everyday.

´harden the fuck up australia´
i can believe in this day in age people actually take that comedian ´chopper´ seriously? the movie was funny in a VERY dark kinda way.
living your life thinking its right to call on violence to solve problems is, well, young and you could say unevolved.
localsonly really put this argument into perspective.
harden up. grow up! learn from your mistakes.

Burleigh is a good wave when it is on, the locals are just locals, and as such they seem to think that it is their spot. They are just trying to get a wave. You don't need people bailing out in front of you, the kid copped a smack in the mouth for his whimpish action of bailing out yet was staunch enough to tell the guy that he wasn't going in, well why didn't he duckdive the wave if his is that staunch? Tough enough to cop a punch yet soft enough to bail his board, maybe a few more smacks to the head is what he deserved? Make of it what you will, but consider the guy that copped the board in the chops.

at best his board slipped.
at worst he made a mistake.
the bloke coulda lost an eye! its serious! no one wants to surf with bailers. if he was seriously hurt does hurting the other bloke help his lost eye?
it would have been a serious lesson to learn from a really unfortunate situation.
this bloke is a bully and sadley sounds like theres plenty of other bullies to back him up out there;
the problem toughies have is there is always somone tougher or with a bigger gang.
we are taught since kindy bullies/gang members are weak minded. its true. and this weekness should be understood as what it is. these people need educating and help too.
think about the times when someone fucks up and it effects you. how much better do you feel after when you dont get angry? i know i feel much better when i stay calm.
harden up toughies. lol
id like to see, as i said earlier, the cool locals of burleigh to call these weak minded bullies out when they fuck up. everyone fucks up. or must learn from mistakes. a calm well spoken lesson is always more educational. and comming out of a bloddy mouth im sure the bailer woulda listend to what was said out of it and duly apologized. and there would have been rainbows and marshmellows for all!
with this straylin attitude of ´toughen the fuck up´ is it any wonder whats happening in cooly. and the apparent steroid trend hitting the kids of today?
come on learn and teach for a better tomorrow! lol

The alleged 'Kid' actually threw his board in the path of the alleged 'bully' as the older guy tried to avoid the collision. When the veteran confronted the novice he was told by the novice that it was 'your fault (you got a chipped tooth and a split lip) you stupid old bastard because you ran me over'. The veteran told the novice to 'f..k off and go in' because he was a hazard to other surfers. The novice refused to apologise or show any remorse or responsibility for his actions. He didn't care about the damage he had caused and arrogantly argued with the veteran until breaking point. He, the novice, could have avoided any repercussions by simply apologising or offering some kind of responsibility for his actions, instead of accusing the victim and showing no respect or compassion. There were no visible injuries or serious physical threat to the novice alleged 'kid' and he kept surfing. The older veteran had to go in and assess the damage to his face, teeth, mouth and lip. Obviously, by your accusations, a lot of you don't really know the guy and should make sure your opinions on matters are more informed and intelligent.

well, i do appologise if this info is correct. and for jumping to conlusions.
though i stand by my hypthetical arguments/ opinions on bullies and education.

I agree, violence will never be a solution and informative education, if received well, will always be the preferred option. But unfortunately we are human and the two can overlap in the heat of the moment. All parties involved will walk away feeling better about life and themselves if they exercise self control and mutual respect.

mikeman, can you stop trying to justify hitting a kid under 18.
Its not a fair fight, act of a bully, i presume the dude wouldnt of swung if it was laird hamilton that mouthed off.
i find it funny when men pick/choose who they are going to teach their lessons too...
It's always 'conveniently' someone smaller/weaker than themselves.

Violence is not the answer, but by the sounds of it (crustys version) this kid deserved a slight tap, and that's what he got. If it had been any more than a tap I would expect him to be charged.
This kid needed a lesson, surfing is not a contact sport and really you should not have to worry about copping someones else board in the face. I assume if this kid had of apologised nothing would have happened. I also think it is common courtsey to forgo your share of waves if you knock someone's teeth by being a kook.
Kids these days have no respect for their elders, most of them thinking they are some fantastic wonder grom who can just paddle out and snake the entire line-up. Drives me fucking insane. Ideally their parents should be the ones teaching them these lessons, and if they aren't going to then the older guys and girls in the line up have to do it themselves.

ok... so some dude bailed his board at the wrong time and some other dude got smacked in the face due to the first dudes actions..... regardless, whether a smack in the head was the right choice of education or whether the "kid" was at a break beyond his ability...... Violence will never sort anything out (the only thing it proves is that someone older person can quite easily beat up some "kid" for fucking up). I dont know the answer .... everyone has an opinion...... Try living at at a place that only gets southerly swells and they have to be on the upsize for it to get decent.... Anybody from round my way....Mals, shortbords,fishriders, boogers,kneelos, sup riders..... We all smile, are happy, ride the waves as best you can and appreciate the fact that you can actually have the unique experience (that i have for 20+ years)to just go bloody surfing. Must be off now.... a southerly swell is a coming....

I've surfed and lived in burleigh all my life. I watched this event happen and in my opinion this kid deserved it.
After being told to go in this kid refused to and decided to give a bit of cheek. If this kid had just paddled away when he was told nothing would have happened.

seek and ye shall find...ye lol
burpen-gary. palm dale.

the Above user is not PH from Burleigh Heads..
whomever they are just signed up today under that name on 17th oct and decided to post an unrelated simpsons clip..
this thread has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous

italic text
Id just like to inform the whole world that burliegh lost its banks ages ago in the last storm and I hope that keeps that grommet away too or at least stops him from fucking up anymore waves. I personally have been faded by an asortmeent of thing s on craft on the end section and think that some burliegh locals could get some sort of punishmentfor there crimes against other surfers in relation to the surfing code however not too say Im at all perfect ... ;.

Hang on minute, someone hit a child and others are justifying his behaviour? Jeez, lets all run home thrash the dog, beat the wife and kick the kids. It really is the lowest of lows. Kids need to make mistakes to learn, it's the nature of becoming an adult. If I holed an epic tube and had a squirming kid lined up in my sights (me screaming down the barrel) I'd consider the kids safety long before I'm within throwing distance of his board.
I'm sure the 50year old made a bad judgement call and wanted to run it closer than he should without considering the fact that a board could be thrown. Where is all his experience now? mmmmm, at the dentist and perhaps the court room.

jbay, read the forum, the kid was infact an adolecent, was quite a solid bugger too by the sounds of it, gave a heap of lip to the older guy and got clipped for it, possibly his parents should have taught him some manners. One possible alternative would have been to hold him under water till he stopped shaking and then informed the lippy 16 year old that the next time he won't be coming up for air ever again. read the thred!

non-local your a deadset loser.
Acting hard talking about drowning a kid. Thats murder. You would do jail time.
Do you think the guys in jail would respect you for that or beat the shit out of you and rape you everyday?
im just saying...

Hey non-local, you are obviously smoking some heavy shit. Last time I checked we stood in Australia where Legally an adolecent is not an adult. Glad I don't have to see you in court explaining your way out of drowning a child bec he was out of diapers and as far as you're concerned...... fair game. Please mate give up surfing and take up Russian Roulette. I'll even load it for you.
All in humour mate, now really get some common sense before you get yourself into trouble.

Ed & Jbay, you guys are very reactional, how about reading the thread, a guy got hit in the head with a board, the grom in question gave a heap of lip to an older man in his 50's, have you seen the size of some of the 16 year olds going around lately? they are quite big. The 16 year old thought he could get away with being disrespectful, just like you two clowns do, and got clipped for it, stop defending the 16 year old, he was in the wrong and seemed to think he was justified. Now grow up and stop launching to conclusions. Maybe you two should take up lawn bowls and stay out of the surf because you don't seem to get a joke.

At what point through your shit-dribble did you tell a joke?
We have read the thread, the issue is we do not agree with you!

Reading this forum it seems that everyone who actually witnessed the incident feels the guys actions were justified.
Those of you defending the other party should consider the following: 16 is old enough to root, smoke and drive a car.
Throwing a surfboard into someone's path and causing injury can be considered assault with a weapon, yelling abuse at someone is technically assault, and so the older guy could quite reasonably argue self defence.As has already been pointed out, the "grom"could have easily avoided the slap by taking responsibility for his actions, but wouldn't.

Look non-local.... I do see the humour in the situation. but I also see undue violence to a child. A child needs role models other than reactive violence. Then maybe we won't have the issues with the youth that we have. An increasingly violent society where children become immersed in violent computer games, media news and internet, TV, movies, music and experience it on the break are far more likely to become the type of person even you would avoid on the break. So preach harmony and use your hard earned experience to stay safe and lead by example.
I wish those 'locals' that enforce the rules on the break would understand the duty they have to not dishonour/ disrespect the ocean, surfing and what it's given them. I've seen this done positively on many occassions. Unfortunately not often enough.

I've being watching this thread with interest. My thoughts on the first posting was along the lines of 'another local acting tough', but Crusty's post was a good balance. Both surfers are in wrong here. The kid (which is drawing a long bow - even if technically the laws says so Jbay) was wrong. I would say his wrong might even have been Ok'ed if he apologised or maybe was humble or showed remorse. He didn't. He wanted to act/behalf like a man. So old dude local treated him like a man. Hence the second wrong occurred, kid or no kid, the punch was wrong.
But hand on heart I don't know if I would have (or could of) acted differently. A split lip and maybe a few stitches to the face, OK sorta fine. But chipped teeth are a fucker, throw that in with the responsible guy mouthing off, I think I would then be in the wrong too. Hopefully not, I would pull all self disclipine not to.
Jbay, it's misleading to call this kid a child. Struth, most 15/16 yr olds would give you a mouthful of what the old guy got in this situation. In 2-3 years that kid can have a gun and die for us in Afghanistan. Let's put this into perspective.
I'm not justifing the second wrong but at the end of the day, who's worse off?

Well said Pepe.
I tried my hand at being the responsible experienced surfer last week and parting some wisdom on two punk kids who turned up at the local pointbreak. Probably about 16-17 years old, bigger and bulkier than me but total poo-stancers who were clueless about how the line up worked. I was sitting at the top of the point, wave rolls in, I turned to make sure they weren't in the way and the kid (who I'd never seen up there before) actually turns around and says 'Yeah you go mate.' Thanks for the permission kid! I laughed so hard I nearly fell off.
Excusing that as him trying to show off to his friend, I paddled back up the line-up and sat behind them and gave them a chance to get a few. After missing 3 waves in a row due to poor positioning and lack of commitment I took off the next one and heard him let out a mighty 'fuck off' as I surfed down the line. I paddled back up and apologised saying I didn't think he'd make it (which by the way, he didn't) and he just eyeballed me. Very strange having someone half your age try to stare you down.
The final straw was when I was sitting further up the point and got the only barrelling wave of the day. He was further down the line and I was sitting real high up in the barrell, and he pulled the classic half arse paddle for the wave thinking I'm going to fall off. Needless to say the barrell collapsed and he ruined the wave of the day. I paddled up to him trying to keep calm and told him what he did was wrong, why it was wrong, and that if he wants to ever to get a decent wave out here again he better start showing respect to the way the line up works. And the response I got..
'Fuck off mate'
I am certain that a tap from one of the local bogans will be far more effective than my attempt at being responsible.

Similar to this Dandandan??
No excuses, this is unacceptable and it looks like if this guy didn't take off he had two more mates in line ready to burn the guy in the barrel as well!

Pope and Dandandan seem to get the gist of the situation, thank you for putting into words what I seem to have found hard. I have the same opinion of pope and dandandan. Cheers guys and hopefully I will get the oppertunity to hoot you on a good one.

Yeah thats just not right, not sure about elsewhere but these days on the Goldy the number of drop-ins is getting beyond the joke. Sure there have always been drop ins, but these days just about every wave someone will drop in or do a half-assed paddle and wreck the wave of someone else, doesn't matter who it is or what they're riding.
Same goes with ditching your board, or even paddling for the shoulder and getting in the way, or maybe paddling up to get into priority position over and over, surf etiquette has gone right out the window.
And why? Because no-one rules with an iron fist anymore. I'm not even that old but 10 years ago if you broke a surf rule you would be told about it, and if you did it again, mouthed off, or even refused to apologise then you would cop a smack in the head. Thats what it takes to prevent this bad behaviour in the surf when you get a bunch of blokes all competing for waves. If 16 isnt old enough to still show respect for your elders or obey the same surf rules that everyone else has to (which are designed for everyones safety!), then its old enough to cop a punch in the head.
Just like Hawaii...

look, Ive seen these dickheads over the years but always the exeption to the rule.
MAKE A CHOICE PEOPLE... KEEP ACCEPTING THE DISGRACEFULL .....and the cespit will be the norm.
Road rules must be adhered to though.. and Groms must be taught the rules...(by dads bros and mates!!) not punching judys!
It aint rocket science ..
Problem solved.

the kook was in the wrong. mouthed off and got worked for it. 'It's never you is it hard men' louie says in qui pro 97' could be translated to 'its nevr the one who got worked'.
Wonder what a lawyer would say someone out there got one who can addd five thousand an hour.

I reckon the lawyer would look at the character and past record of the offender and not be surprised that he was again unable to resolve an issue without resorting to violence.
Had a tough mate in south africa who got the shits when he was beaten in an arm wrestle in a bar by a pretty big afrikaaner, so he broke the guys finger. When he left the bar to go home the Arfikaaner was waiting for him in the carpark with a crowbar. I dont think my mate has started any fights since. I think Nat Young could offer PH some advice on this topic...

@ main..
maybe its you
who should learn to show some respect and stop trash talking people whom you know nothing about

this topic(for me) is about disscussing an event not spreading hate. all we are saying is give peace a chance.

Hitting a kid is weak.
Should have just yelled at him and told him to paddle in.
I was out in the water at burleigh point yesterday talking with some of my mates and was amazed to hear of something that happened the day before at the point. Apparently Peter H..... one of the locals punched and abused some poor 16 year old kid. From what i've heard the kid a fellow surfer had no other choice but to bail off his board under the wash cos dude was lining up the wave, but his board flung up and hit the local in the lip and sliced it. Sure he had a right to tell the kid off but to punch him in the head and abuse him i don't think that very fair coming from a 50yrold + man... the kid didn't even fight back.