js black box vs channel islands dumster diver

Hi Josh,
Not sure about the exact boards you are talking about but I would recommend asking for advice from your local surf store and when you think you have the one you want pegged - ask for a demo model and surf it a bit.
I have found its the best way to see if you like a board before you buy it.
Hope that helps.

buy it, surf it, sell it or snap it and move on. as for paying corporate suits for a floaty piece of foam? why?

small boards are for small waves right sort of. big boards go in hard to paddle situations but mals go good in smll weak surf.
mal for small wk surf
mal for strong rips
shorty for sml powerful surf
shorty for wk rips
go super short. .... ;o

go supa short and skinny just for something new. see david rastabitch for more

i wanna get a board that doesnt float me when paddling for small days

Dumpster diver is really quick rail-to-rail with the deep single concave the whole way through. Its great for small conditions with a bit of power, where you want to really hack/roundhouse (it's not great for vertical surfing with the low rocker). Its not (in my opinion) an all-round board... can be surfed in solid 4ft + but it struggles. The Blackbox is a much better option (in my opinion) for an all-rounder (even though its not an all-rounder), i feel that it performs better in progressive turn-to-turn surfing, Its super fast generating alot of speed (even in small surf) and can be surfed a little more vertically than a dumpster. I'de also recommend ordering a custom Blak box, trimming the width off a stock one by about 1/8-1/4 inch, so its not too wide...
my dimension - 6'3-4 , 85kgs
boards - Dumpster - 5'10 * 19 5/8 * 2 1/2
Blak Box (Jordy team board, ultrlight blank w/fixed fins) - 6'0 1/2 * 19 1/4 * 2 5/8

www.xtranormal.com/watch/7192093/ try this for advice!
hi I am just wandering which one of these boards is a better small wave board and what are the key differences