
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy started the topic in Saturday, 18 Sep 2010 at 4:42am

hey guys, Im heading up to Noosa this school holidays and was wondering what the deal with the surf up there is at the moment.

on top of that Im a little curios about the locals, any tips or hints? (Im 15 so hopefully they wont be too vicious)

and just one last thing, is it warm enough for boardies?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 at 1:41pm

Watch out for some of the the local surfers offering `magic piggy-back rides`. Also there is a flat rock that I remember that you run and jump over after a set has come. I think it`s at Johnsons or first point, I can`t remember. Also, there used to be a hamburger joint on Hastings St that used to sell $1 hamburgers, can`t remember the name but now they`re $8.50.

Oh, and forget about boardies, 5mm rubber and G-string, just remember to wear the G-string around the right way.

Finally, I think you can buy an oz of `Maleny Madness` outside of Police Beat for about $350, just ask for Inspector Sergeant Hashcone. He`ll point you in the right direction.

PS Disregard all of the above sunshine, have fun and enjoy a beautiful part of Australia.

pete_79's picture
pete_79's picture
pete_79 Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 at 9:40pm

You're an evil twisted man Zenagain, funny, but twisted.... :)

As for the locals, being school holidays you be as much as local as everyone else out there. The place will be over run with grommets on holidays, so you'll fit right in.
If we happen to get some freak big swell while you're there (can't see it happening though) it can get pretty crazy..... Locals, blow ins from Brisy / Goldy, back packers, grommets, wanna-be pros, you name it they all get out there and they all think they're kings of the place....

Springy is enough rubber this time of year.

Have fun.....

little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy's picture
little-surfer-boy Monday, 20 Sep 2010 at 6:40am

Thanks for the help guys, mostly you pete ;)
and i dont mind i theres a bit of crowd, so long as theres waves

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Monday, 20 Sep 2010 at 7:01am

Forget the main beaches in Noosa, everytime I have gone up, I have always stuck to Sunrise Beach, less crowded, less backpackers and it was not a bad wave.

alva's picture
alva's picture
alva Monday, 20 Sep 2010 at 8:43am

sunny coast is shit dont come here.