anyone else?

Eat a big dinner,skip brekky till after your surf.If you can,t do it,then avoid acid producing cereals such as weeties and grain,s (bread) and drinks such as coffee.Try some fruit if you have to.If you can,t do any of the above give your food time to digest before you paddle out,ie 1/2-1 hr.

Coffee aint good for that, basically it can affect the ability of your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to close, which can lead to acid reflux. Here's a paper about it from the journal, Diseases of the Esophagus
The last sentence of the abstract tells it straight:
This study indicated that caffeine 3.5 mg/kg affected esophageal function, resulting in a decrease in basal LES pressure and distal esophageal contraction, which is known to promote the reflux of gastric contents up into the esophagus.
So skip the coffee and as pablo says, avoid the acidic foods for brekkie.

I eat coconut flavoured wax with my coffee. You should give that a go Alva.

Unnecessary statement about eating something....

I found an Uncle Toby's bar keeps me going and I can still have a double expresso beforehand. Having nothing reduces energy after a couple of hours - that, the cold and being an old git now ...

Now we know what brian has,(hope he does,nt choke!).

Now we know what brian has,(hope he does,nt choke!).
By: "pablo"
I can't eat early in the AM, no coffee either. Always tastes great after a surf though ! Just trying to sneak out the door without waking the munchkins is hard enough.

Hey Patty, I like the idea of coconut and wax. How we get together sometime.

yeah, from experience I can confirm some of the stuff posted here -
if you have a breakfast just before leaving for a surf, and generally if you walk there rather than go in the car, you will get that bad feeling in your throat/chest which you are talking about.
I find weet-bix are the worst for causing it if that helps.

Carefull, Patty might wax your legs and shove a coconut up your arse !

I finally understand this thread. To summarize;

i love reading your comments on here brian. its so obvious you have issues with your sexuality. your constant references to gay sex are an obvious sign. maybe some frustration with your ability to catch waves amongst other surfers/boogers. but dont worry get some counselling and you will learn to accept your shortcomings. in the mean time keep it up. we are all pissing ourselves with laughter at you comments:)

It is a risk I am willing to take.

Coffee is a big cause of gastric reflux, instant coffee is worse, reflux can be a major health issue, but interestingly enough if you drink coffee like some of the native ways which is coffee followed or accompanied by a glass of water the acid reflux is lessened.
I have noticed the weetbix reflux too.
The Wu is getting boring on every subject, no amount of coffee would make him digestible!

Carefull, Patty might wax your legs and shove a coconut up your arse !
By: "pablo"
Guess that who ever this is aimed at, would then have a slight idea of what it's like to give birth.
know what i mean when i say i get real bad acid reflux in the surf when i go for an early and its normally that mornings breaky..anyone else got an idea of what too eat with my coffee?