The Lifestyle

sell & start again.

Don't have friends, then you would of been sweet.
Simple :)

Fuckin first world problems in a third world country. Stop whinging you cunt and blow the dust of that board and drop in a kook. Many of us out here would kill for the situation you're in. At least I would...

Sounds like it is a little there Blowin...!
Hope you deal with it well, like you say " Still many slices of our own journey to be rewarded with, no matter which road we embark on"........
Flag ya mates :)

Life is like slipping into silk sheets with ya girl and not ya mates.

Ha ha you know this is so so true ive seen it happen exactly as you have outlined.
Hmmm ive done up to step five, thought about step six, up to step six is good...,but after step six greed steps in.
Ive also worked for people who have continued through from step 7 to 14 and its pretty much exactly as you say.
IMO the real secret is once you get to step seven don't get greedy and ruin it for yourself and everyone else stay small way less stress with the benefit of a more personal experience the rule is if you cant fit all the guest around one table its to many guest and whatever you do, never ever get investors if you cant afford to do it by yourself or do it with like minded people, don't do it, once you get investors its over.
Also somewhere around about step 10 the local people also see what you are doing and monkey see monkey do and start up there own place off course much to the grumblings of the surf camp/resort.
Another observation is how some places heavily promote there place and area with articles online and in mags telling people how great and uncrowded there area is, then turn around a whinge when step ten happens. (shot self in foot)
Current examples: Telo islands and Simeulue (Indonesia)

When you reach step three, pull out a gun and shoot the person oppisite you, Go back to step two and surf and wait for step three again, pull the gun out and repeat.

Yes when I went to the Ment's there was a lot of whinging from the resort owners about nobody making any money in the Ment's. Gentlemen that isn't what you are there for. You want to make money stay here with us and battle it out as we have to do. You want to surf incredible waves stay where you are. Something about having your cake and eating it?

memlasurf wrote:Yes when I went to the Ment's there was a lot of whinging from the resort owners about nobody making any money in the Ment's. Gentlemen that isn't what you are there for. You want to make money stay here with us and battle it out as we have to do. You want to surf incredible waves stay where you are. Something about having your cake and eating it?
Yeah right don't believe that crap they charge western prices but all overheads are Indonesian prices, there biggest cost is fuel for boats and generators, fuel prices vary with supply but averages less than a $1 a litre (Rp 6,000 to Rp15,000 when there is a shortage), staff wages for one month are about the same as an average wage for one day in Australia, (less for positions like gardener) and food is dirt cheap, surf resorts don't cost much to run in Indo but the logistics especially in places like Mentawais are a nightmare.
IMO resorts would make more money then charter boats, charter boats have big maintenance cost even in Indo and ive heard the figures tossed around for there fuel cost on an average trip and its huge, resorts/surf camps in Mentawais from the start never based there price on there overheads there price was initially based on what the charter boats were charging.

wellymon wrote:Life is like slipping into silk sheets with ya girl and not ya mates.
Just an understated slice of w-mon gold right there

shaun wrote:When you reach step three, pull out a gun and shoot the person oppisite you, Go back to step two and surf and wait for step three again, pull the gun out and repeat.
This bloke really knows what he's talking about. :))))
Step 1- visit an as yet under the radar ,yet still frequently surfed remote location.
Step 2- Fall under the spell of its virginal beauty and pristine charm.
Step 3- Return next opportunity. Meet like minded souls, get reflective over some beers , contrast The Spot with your crowded home. Make drunken plans to purchase some land cheaply, build a small shack and escape the masses at your own quiet slice of heaven.
Step 4- actually follow through on drunken promises.
Step 5- live the dream for a couple of seasons . Mates come bunk for free. Life is grand.
Step 6- accommodate a few friends of friends for a small fee...just to cover expenses( and maybe a little cream!).
Step 7- Build a couple of extra shacks for visiting surfers. Charge a slightly higher yet still reasonable rate. Wait a minute ... Your making money now! Wheels inside head turn...
Step 8-Build more accomodation, a little more up market. For the more discerning tastes out there. Just because your’e in the jungle does not mean you've got to rough it.
Step 9- Overheads getting a little higher, maybe borrow a bit of money to a cover things and some small advertising to make sure your’e getting full occupancy. Lots of interesting people to meet, maybe a little busy taking care of business but still getting in the water often. Although it is a little more crowded in the water now and you don't want to be taking too many waves and treading on guest’s toes.
Step 10- Advertise more to compete with the new accomodation that popped up next door after a repeat guest ( and good friend) appreciated your lifestyle so much he decided to follow suit. Maybe expand some more to achieve dominance .
Step 11- Still meeting great people, lots of opportunity to stay at new friend’s places around the globe. But no time. Find yourself more and more catering to the whims of rude, self entitled customers who somehow forget they are in the middle of nowhere and expect the world.
Step 12- running a full time business under shitty third world conditions . Locals constantly have their hands in your pocket. Not much time for surfing and fuck! It's so crowded !
Step 13- Every guest tells you they are envious of your lifestyle . You are actually envious of theirs, they are on holidays. You are always at work. You barely surf now. Fork in the road....Stay and deal with it or get the fuck out. But where to go?
Step 14- Have another beer and think decide tomorrow. At least your’e not sitting in traffic somewhere.