Northern NSW and South East Queensland Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Friday 20th December)
Best Days: Every morning over the weekend and protected northern corners Monday and Tuesday mornings
Fun levels of trade-swell have been breaking across the Goldy and Sunny Coasts the last couple of days, with protected locations faring the best yesterday and lesser so this morning.
The North Coast has missed out on the size and persisted at a smaller 2ft, but offered clean fun waves each morning. Further south the swell has graded smaller with tiny 1ft waves around Coffs and Port due to the swell generating ridge being positioned further north.
This weekend onwards (Dec 21 onwards)
The south-easterly ridge responsible for the current episode of E/SE trade-swell is now weakening and will continue to break down into the weekend.
This should result is a slow drop in size over the weekend and further through next week. A low point in activity is expected on Tuesday before we see some small trade-swell developing again for SE Qld, but the North Coast will miss out.
This will be related to a weak fetch of E'ly winds re-establishing through the Coral Sea next week, and this should keep 1-2ft sets hitting the coast into the end of the week.
Winds over the coming period will be favourable and light offshore each morning over the weekend, but N'ly winds will develop into early next week ahead of fresh NE sea breezes Monday and Tuesday kicking up a weak NE windswell on the North Coast.
Longer term there's still nothing too major on the cards beside small to tiny levels of E”ly trade-swell. Check back here Monday for the latest on this though.
Northern NSW and South East Queensland Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Friday 20th December)
Best Days: Every morning over the weekend and protected northern corners Monday and Tuesday mornings
Fun levels of trade-swell have been breaking across the Goldy and Sunny Coasts the last couple of days, with protected locations faring the best yesterday and lesser so this morning.
The North Coast has missed out on the size and persisted at a smaller 2ft, but offered clean fun waves each morning. Further south the swell has graded smaller with tiny 1ft waves around Coffs and Port due to the swell generating ridge being positioned further north.
This weekend onwards (Dec 21 onwards)
The south-easterly ridge responsible for the current episode of E/SE trade-swell is now weakening and will continue to break down into the weekend.
This should result is a slow drop in size over the weekend and further through next week. A low point in activity is expected on Tuesday before we see some small trade-swell developing again for SE Qld, but the North Coast will miss out.
This will be related to a weak fetch of E'ly winds re-establishing through the Coral Sea next week, and this should keep 1-2ft sets hitting the coast into the end of the week.
Winds over the coming period will be favourable and light offshore each morning over the weekend, but N'ly winds will develop into early next week ahead of fresh NE sea breezes Monday and Tuesday kicking up a weak NE windswell on the North Coast.
Longer term there's still nothing too major on the cards beside small to tiny levels of E”ly trade-swell. Check back here Monday for the latest on this though.