Reading forecasts
Swell direction is the green (and sometimes yellow) arrows at the top of the graph. Wind speed/direction is under the surf height graph.
The yellow graphs are a very valuable tool for disseminating the different swell directions that may be in the water at one time.
Check this article - it goes into a little more detail:
Also, this one is useful:
I reckon we could start naming East Coast Lows. They are often more productive in the swell department and more damaging than cyclones. June 2016 should have a name. Swell windows could have names too An acknowledged window will provide more waves. Depending on the name of course.
The UK started naming storms a while back I found out. Premium swellnet members could submit their names and away we go, naming rights. Maybe name and a numbers, coords where they first formed. Each storm is unique and could probably write its own signature. J low is a possible starting name.
I will start naming storms on my own then starting with David Low.
Cyclone Uplift - a Slow moving depression
I had always associated Uplift with hot air.
Hi guys,
I’m new to the game here and was wondering if someone could explain a few things for me when reading the surf forecast on the app.
I can see the wind direction forecast but how do see what the swell direction is?
And could someone please explain what the green arrows and yellow arrows mean and why the two different colours?
Appreciate your help here guys :)