Maurice Cole on shaping his first board for Tom Curren

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013 at 10:27am

"It was the beginning of an amazing part of our lives..."

Only three minutes long. Worth a listen:

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 at 4:43pm

how do you get this stuff so quick...this was shot at the MC/Lost spring fling...launch.....ah the good ol days....

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 at 5:41pm

Ha, we're all over it - serial internet hounds. Enjoyed the reverie Brutus.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 at 5:41pm

I think it's cause stu is stalking you Brutus, bit of a man crush.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 at 9:53pm

Great to see you looking good and healthy Brutus, nice quick insight .. cheers!

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Thursday, 21 Mar 2013 at 12:43am

Shauno ,

your watching Stu ; watching Brute .

when's Morris back from wherever . ? he seemed to be the head in your two piece ensemble ..... (sarc)

PS . oh NO , now look at me , watching you , watching him , watching brute .... and the endless cycle turns !

back on topic ..... would be good to see ( Brutus ) ya back in the water down this way again soon . if you take too long they might remove the wax statue and painted " reserved for MC " personal carpark signs down at the POP , thats Stu's erected so he and craig can do " Unofficial " live weather crosses from during the contest. ( bonus sleeping quarters now with roof coutesy of " old mate " from last year ) . besides bloody pollies , might end up taking it back and we'll up with a third bus charter spot ;-((

morris's picture
morris's picture
morris Thursday, 21 Mar 2013 at 7:54am

I like to watch.

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Thursday, 21 Mar 2013 at 12:30pm

will be back soon southey....been in the bowells of the health system,getting this last tumor zapped....done 3 weeks, to go....and the beast will be nomore...

all good though.....just a bit zapped and the hormones are fishnet stockings and obvious female side are really starting to show!!!

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Saturday, 23 Mar 2013 at 4:12pm

here's another sweet snippet, (well spoken Bru't, you do the pastime proud) I heard on Radio National By Design a few months ago.

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Saturday, 23 Mar 2013 at 4:18pm

ps, hey Bru't... fishnet stockings, female hormones ???

So I was pretty close with the cross-dressing after all. he he.

Hope your 100% ASAP. If I see you out... all frocked up... might even ask you for a dance.

MarkPridmore's picture
MarkPridmore's picture
MarkPridmore Wednesday, 27 Mar 2013 at 3:27pm

interesting stuff. .always like Marices shapes

brevil's picture
brevil's picture
brevil Thursday, 23 Jan 2020 at 9:20pm

I managed to grab #375 from those reverse V series . 6'6" and still the best board iv'e ridden . Sits under the house and gets wet once or twice a year . Shame its gone yellow though.