Do you like or hate Donald Trump, and why?

dimitrios10's picture
dimitrios10 started the topic in Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 5:10pm

I am curious if you guys like DonaldTrump, or do you hate him?

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 4:59pm


Answer the question

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:03pm


'And for you to accuse the people who fixed the Labor/green slaughter at sea as having no compassion for those who died and would have kept dying is not only stupid but, and I choose this word carefully, despicable.'

Read the W.O.R.D.S.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:07pm

I'd say Phillip Ruddock has a similar level of compassion as Peter Dutton.

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:09pm

Yeah. I'm reading it. It says that I'm despicable for accusing liberals of having no compassion.

Does it not?

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:13pm

Is this the comedy channel?

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:23pm

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:28pm


You can read can't you?.
Your comprehension of language seems inadequate.
I called your accusation despicable.

This conversation may seem silly but it reveals the way progressive lefties form and justify their views demonising conservatives.
Here they say those who saved lives had no compassion while those who caused deaths were compassionate.

....and Trump is like Hitler by the same sort of deranged logic.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:36pm

Insult and obfuscation, the stock in trade of ideologues.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:41pm

Blob is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is usually depicted as an adversary of the X-Men. A mutant originally depicted as an obese circus freak, the Blob claims to be immovable when he so desires.

Yeh that's him

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:50pm


I'm not engaging you
I don't want to hurt your brain again

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 5:57pm

Don't worry happy his command of grammar is no better than his grasp of politics.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 6:00pm

Really Blob, it's you without comprehension, though that's no surprise.

"And for you to accuse the people who fixed the Labor/green slaughter at sea as having no not only stupid but, and I choose this word carefully, despicable."

"...for you..."

You haven't only said the accusation is stupid and despicable.

You've said HE is stupid and despciable, for the accusation.

It's all amazingly petty, but that's become your stock in trade.

Tough weekend, eh?

murphy's picture
murphy's picture
murphy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 6:02pm

No...I'm using it in its correct political sense.

murphy's picture
murphy's picture
murphy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 6:03pm

No...I'm using it in its correct political sense.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 6:03pm

Think I might Blob off for a while.

His MO has become pretty damn clear.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 6:06pm

Yeh Stu, the masochism becomes depressing after a while. " What can I say next that is most likely to draw insults."

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 7:30pm


Amazingly petty...
Seems you can't get enough petty huh?.

I don't think 1300 deaths is petty.

The 'you' in the sentance is doing something.
The something is despicable.

But don't worry, for everyone who supported accepting boats, but then not only refuses to accept their stupidity, but calls those whose good sense saved lives uncaring,
.....I'm happy to call them all despicable.

But thanks for always being concerned about my day.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 7:32pm


You are like a moth to the flame
Don't go there
You are way too fragile

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 8:08pm

Ha ha ha ha.

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 10:04pm

It's been a hoot blob.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Sunday, 4 Nov 2018 at 10:47pm

Blobs modus operandi needs censoring...
Go on Stunet......prove me right one more time.

"Blob, listen up you shallow lying friggin' idiot. You want to put words in my mouth? Do it to my face, you cowardly low life. had better grovel in your apology...........I have been consistently civil to you........ That is not a fuckin' licence to insult and abuse. Christian? Jesus would shit on you!"
"....self righteous fuckin pre pubescent prat...."
"Not civil?.mate you haven't seen anything yet"
"Losing it?. No mate, well in charge and just getting started on you...."
"...who would have guessed you live in the shire and go to the same church as our beloved PM?."
"I imagine blob as a 16yr. old private school boy..."
"Mummy and daddy .....have radiant energy emerging from their fundamental orifice..."
"....deluded little dicks waiting for an unintended meeting with reality somewhere down the line..."
"Justify the rape and murder of Muslim women you advocated..."
"...for chrissake..."

A sample of the consistently civil Blindboy.... A paywall socialist swelleft favourite.....and a favourite of mine as well.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 8:16am

Stand by every word. Civility is wasted on those who work to undermine its fundamental values.

sharkman's picture
sharkman's picture
sharkman Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 9:11am

you are a callous man indo , to think that being locked up , given meals and a roof over your head is some kind of great benevolent gesture.
Freedom is a word often used , but really understood until you have lost it or don't have it.

One of the current Governments greatest tests , was what to with boat refugees , not let them into Australia , which means never , like the deal being done with NZ ever be let into Australia , and if you do try we will lock you up in Camp , until...????

All that stuff about people abusing refugees infrastructure is not refugees faults but usuallly the corrupt people rorting the system , just like mankind does constantly , sometimes in the name of God like Blob , and some like you Indo who try to use right wing logic , "Don't let anything happen that will not enhance my lifestyle!"

Blob has been constantly asked " Would Jesus have done that?" ..he can't answer as he knows there is nothing in the Gospel that supports his nationalistic views, and the whole refugee thing is just another sign of how people are scared , driven by fear of any change in their lives that might be perceived as negative , or have a potential negative impact on your life........very understandable , but a very narrow perspective and one that creates more issues than resolves!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 3:13pm

If indod is a callous man because he's concerned a well meaning system is being rorted and abused, then you sharkmam are a bit of a stupid man, for constantly over exaggerating the poor state of the canps thus undermining the public's faith in a dated broken system

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 10:51am


Why say I can't answer a question I have already answered?.
I don't like repeating myself because you refuse to listen.
I'm for compassion and support for true refugees that does not compromise our borders or our right to allocate our tax payers money where we decide it will be best used.
Compassion does not have to be stupid, or reward and encourage illegal immigrants and criminals....or cause 1300 deaths.
Why insist the way to be commpassionate to refugees is to encourage dangerous boat journeys ?.
Stopping the people smugglers has saved lives.
We all know that many that came on boats were not refugees at all.
The majority arrived in airports in Indonesia with the necessary documentation, which was then 'lost' before their boat arrived in our waters.
Those in offshore detention have been rejected as refugees and given other safe countries to go to.
They refuse.
Dumb compassion is no compassion.
You guys lost this argument at the polls over and over again.
Even the Labor party woke up eventually.
Me and a big majority of Australians know the left of the left are wrong on this....again.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 11:06am


I'm in love
I can't resist the poetic beauty of your self contradictions.

If civility is wasted on those who undermine civility how does your gross
incivility support civility?

Don't worry though, you did just create a masterpiece of hypocrisy.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 11:09am

Blob is about the lowest firm of cyberlife - an Internet provocateur. He throws out insults in a deliberate attempt to anger and annoy. He is quite good at it. It is only to be hoped that he is coawardly enough to restrict this behaviour to anonymous online forums, but I doubt it.

So Blob, go take a nice selfie so you can show people what your face used to look like. One of these days you will say something to the wrong person at the wrong time and you will never be quite the same again. That's not a threat, that's a very confident prediction. So go back to wherever you came from, crawl under your rock and have a think about that.

sharkman's picture
sharkman's picture
sharkman Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 11:18am

because you accept Indo's version of how good those camps are try reading and talking to people that have been there , worked there , and talk of the sense of hopelessness , the PTSD for how they are being treated the mental issues that are arising in the children and parents , but fuck no , you don't want to deal with the realities and the harm that is being caused by our policies on refugees...where do you get your info from..Indo?

sharkman's picture
sharkman's picture
sharkman Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 11:32am

Blob , the simple question I ask you constantly , when faced with the many issues we talk about on this forum , " What would Jesus do?"
eg when talking about refugees , you just want them to be...well not economic /climate refugees , and who is the judge of who is a political /Climate or economic.......ah you are!
People who pick and choose/judge , and make up alternative facts like your "Those in offshore detention have been rejected as refugees and given other safe countries to go to.
They refuse.
Dumb compassion is no compassion."

A lot have not been processed , the deal done with Trump basically fell through , NZ wants to take refugees , but have to have a guarantee from NZ they can never come to Australia , ever so that the deterrent is still there...and that deterrent is camps/jails , mistreatment FFS take some time and do some home work on what the aid groups , ex workers , current workers , some of us educate ourselves , some just react to headlines....and no matter what you say Blob , the Jesus I know would not discriminate , but would help....

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 3:27pm

I think indod has shown; over and over again, on these forums (much to many contributors disgust) that the media are full of shit on this topic. Both sides of the media.

And fwiw, I have talked to people who've worked and lived in these camps...and yeh, confirmed again, the media is full of shit.

I put it to you sharkman, what do you say to someone who has stayed eight years in an African camp, biding their time, doing the right thing, who loses his position to some rich bastard, who possibly was connected to the wrong side of history.... you a real dictator (not the one you've been hyping), jumps the rudimentary queue because they have money and connections, and steals the position of the poor bastard from the camp, the camp where they actually do endure real hardship?

Because that's what your advocating...

PTSD is diagnosed under western standards and conditions. If you judged these people in their own countries I doubt they'd even qualify as having mild anxiety.

Wealthy western standard PTSD has become a joke for westerners, nevermind diagnosing people from a war zone - using Australian psyche standards - and blaming it on the harsh first world camp conditions provided to keep them away from the war zone. So much wrong with that methodology it should be thrown out of court.

The whole system has become a joke, and that's without even considering how outdated the UN convention is.

Tell us your thoughts on the convention sharkman. Up to date? Appropriate? Not open to exploitation?

Genuinely interested in how you think this is coping in the modern context...

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 5:13pm


All different kinds of sources, if you look on the other thread I try to show where i get things from and i try to use the Refugee council for stats etc, it's just easier people are going to accept it from there..

If it's just my opinion i try to use IMHO.

I have also started trying to get more info and views from Nauru locals through various social media, i did actually communicate with a refugee on Manus last year, but to be honest i just felt like he was playing dumb though just giving me lines.

I think the views of Nauru locals are interesting, as all things they vary but there is common things they seem to agree on.

Im not against NZ taking Nauru or Manus refugees but it is only 150 the USA deal according to refugee council website has already seen 374 people resettled in the US. (as of July 2018)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 5:19pm

BTW. Speaking of New Zealand interesting read from a recent article

"Calls for New Zealand to increase 'dismal' refugee intake"

"It took in just over 1000 refugees last year, compared to about 24,000 across the ditch. Since World War II, it's resettled a total of 33,000."

yocal's picture
yocal's picture
yocal Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 6:10pm

Blindboy/Blob, would you agree that neither of you have been civil toward each-other and now you're here?

Is the divide for the better or for worse when we throw out civility?

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 6:20pm

See previous post

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Monday, 5 Nov 2018 at 10:04pm
Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 8:36am


I know why I infuriate you.
I know why you are driven to crazy abuse and impotent revenge fantasies.

Your leftist worldview is constructed on lies....
....and your selfview is dependant on your worldview.

You imagine your progressive views prove you are smart and compassionate.
I've robbed you of your emotionally essential lies.

Your fantasy naturally needs a foil to hold its position.
So conservatives must be dumb and mean.
Trump and Blob must be evil.
....and you, must be so smart and so moral you will have no problem educating them with the appropriate condescension.

So when I put the spotlight on issues that expose your ideological and intellectual vulnerabilities the wound is an emotional one.
To protect yourself, Trump's foreign policy success must be denied.
Trump's economic success must be ignored.
Trump's personal imperfections must prove he is bad in every respect.

To then be put under pressure to explain why Fake News isn't fake, or how Trump hasn't defeated ISIS, or how Leftist dictatorships are not worse than free market exasperating.

To be put under pressure to construct a logical moral case for abortion or drowned asylum seekers, and failing, is .....infuriating.

To be exposed as an intellectually inadequate moral hypocrite is.....worse.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 8:42am


"the simple question I ask you constantly is 'what would Jesus do?.'"

I'm sure you understand I'm in no position to answer your question, and I'm reluctant to give a personal opinion because it would be .... personal opinion.

...but if I see Him I will certainly ask for you.

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 9:42am

Blob more extreme

This is very extreme, in fact flat out trolling

"I know why you are driven to crazy abuse and impotent revenge fantasies."

"Your leftist worldview is constructed on lies...."

I could go on but once you personalize an attack over a discussion two things (among many) stand out.

1. You have lost the moral high ground and hence the discussion.
2. You unfortunately start projection of exactly who you are and stand for

Not pretty Blob.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 9:59am

I focus

Team Swelleft would say that, wouldn't you?

But for you to say say quoting extreme abuse is extreme abuse.... is Blindboyesque

I'll call your projection and raise you some appropriation.

I know the truth hurts, but..."crazy abuse and impotent revenge fantasies" is what it is.

It's all there on the page.

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:12am

Hey Blob more extreme

Extreme US presidential candidate pays porn star more than $100K hush money.

Extreme Trumps campaign manger found guilty of eight financial crimes

Extreme Trumps lawyer pleads guilty campaign finance violations, bank fraud and tax evasion names trump

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:36pm

I focus

I understand that Blindboy likes to dish it but cannot take it.
A fragile punk.
When he lost his equilibrium the first time ('Jesus would sh@t on you') I told him I was disengaging...for his wellbeing.
He kept throwing.

But you reckon I'm the troll for returning accuracy for abuse.
Since you oppose anything I have to say ....I'm saying it's predictable that you are wrong again.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:30am

I focus

A billionaire pays off an affair..
Has associates that broke the law...

Is that all you've got champ?
Must admit I've never seen a worse president.

I suppose some of the (extreme) best economic stats in a generation can't compete...

Your act isn't getting the crowd excited is it?

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:20am


Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:35am

Look, Breitbart is getting professors to write its satire.
Debate is dopey without context and definitions.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:40am


Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:44am

dimitrios10 has created a better spectator sport than Surf Ranch....

Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:52am

My money is on blob though, as sceptics may revise their views and opinions in light of new information, but denialists, well, they're simply unmovable objects....

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 10:57am

Yeh I did deny that I advocated abortion at 8 months so the body parts could be sold. Reprehensible stuff.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 11:30am


Let me repeat......and repeat....and....

After, perhaps half a dozen requests, you were finally shamed into stating your position that 'partial birth abortion at 8 1/2 months gestation for reasons of convenience, with the body parts being marketed' was NOT morally justifiable.

Please quote me where I have claimed you said it WAS morally justifiable.

I then asked you at what point in the pregnancy such an action would be morally justifiable.....7 months, 4 months?.

You have not answered the question.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018 at 1:21pm

Like I suspect many others, I am vacillating between the belief that the blue wave is certain to deliver at least the House to the Democrats and the fear that it will not. The decay in the US long preceded Trump but he has exponentially hastened it. The bland acceptance of the blatant falsehoods asserted at his rallies suggests that, what might have been thought a personal intellectual deformity, is infectious and spreading amongst his followers. The facists always went for the big lie. Trump works the opposite end of the spectrum with over 6000 proven lies since his election. Worse still the rate at which they come is increasing.

A deluded president is one thing but when a large part of the electorate is similarly deluded, disaster in one form or another starts to become inevitable. Lewis Lapham in his latest essay points out that capitalism and democracy have always been at odds and decent governance requires efforts to balance them. These efforts began to decline with the election of Reagan in the US and Thatcher in the UK. With them came the demonstrated nonsense of the "markets being always right".

Ironically it was this delusion, through its creation of the 2008 financial crisis, that led to the election of probably the man least capable of managing a crisis of similar or greater proportions, which is the risk we now face. It was enormously fortunate that the Chairman of the US Fed at the time Ben Bernanke, understood not only the gravity of the situation, but how in the short term, it needed to be managed. In Europe the great irony, given subsequent events, was not that the EU was too powerful but that, in not having a central bank to act as lender of last resort, it was not powerful enough. The failure of leadership across the developed world following the immediate crisis has created the on going risk of something much worse.

So the current mid-terms present the electorate with a stark choice, but not perhaps the one on which most are focusing. It is not just a choice between the party of a vulgar, lying, racist who boasts of sexually assaulting women and a party, that however great its other faults, does not tolerate such behaviour. It is a choice between a party committed to an ever grosser form of the neoliberalism that caused the last crisis and one that may act to restrain the worst of those policies. The failure of the Democrats to take the House would therefore increase the already significant risk of another financial crisis.

In the event of such a crisis it is hard to imagine a less capable President than Trump. The kindest thing to be said about him is that he is a severely damaged personality. This requires no great psychological insight. The wounds are clearly visible. Only the sexually inadequate boast about their sex lives. Only the deeply fearful believe in the power of fear. Only the deeply traumatised, by constant lying, cut so deeply the connection with reality. Only those whose self-esteem is entirely self-inflated think money is the key to relationships. Trump does all these things. All of which suggest that in a crisis Trump will continue his policy of Trump first and everything else a distant last. In 2008 the world narrowly avoided a depression worse than the 1930s. Bernanke's methods were a one-off solution. They will not work next time. Should the Republicans hold the house we will continue the move towards disaster that began with the policy failures following the last crisis. The difference will be that it will be occurring at an ever increasing pace.