Quiksilver Pro - will there be any waves?

Remember it well sandspit, in fact if I recall correctly Mick got a barrel later that day (freesurfing, but caught on film) that was almost twenty seconds long. Superbank at its finest.
Good to see the South Pacific back into action after an extended period of down time. Judging by the Snapper surfcam, the sand's moving back around too - will be interesting to see what happens over the coming weeks.

Ben, is swellnet forecasting for the Quickie Pro this year?

No longinus, we're not forecasting for the Quik Pro this year. We are the forecasting service and media partner for the Rip Curl Pro at Bells though.. can't wait.

few interesting things happening right down the end of the bannk too. that place we always used to talk about. started with a K
think theres less sand in the whole bay

The bank is good enough. Maybe not long enough but if there's swell they won't have to go to D'bah.
What's the forecast?

hope so

Quik Pro always scores good waves, every year at some stage of the comp is off guts and only two people out!
Best win IMO is Steph Guilmores 2005 Quik/Roxy Pro win as a rookie school kid was amazing.
After a pretty crappy summer it looks like the sand might just start to be moving all thanks to this last east swell. It would really be a shame if they have to hold it at DBah again, nothing against DBah but it's not really what we all want to see. Remember the year Gossy got that 13 second barrel in the Trials.. ('04?).