Swellnet Fantasy Surfer League

Winner gets a leggie?
I’m in!

"and a lucky dip from Craig's wetty tub"
Ha, if you can extract it from the conglomerate of wax, bottle caps and wax combs.

and to spice it up even more it hasn't been rinsed or dried in 5 years........awesome

I'm in and I'll offer the winner a free private surf forecast for the Maldives!!! ;)

edit: I do the wsl one, bugger

Do both?

Fuck yeah , I’m in. I want those books .
For my part I’ll guarantee not to drop in on the winner for an entire year.*
* Prize not redeemable during leap years.

*and a lucky dip from Craig's wetty tub.
*to claim your prize you must produce evidence of having a tetanus shot within the last two years.

I'm in..
Haven't done this in ages. Forgot how I cringe when I have too put certain people in my team strictly for the points.

this just made me 9.3 times more excited for this years season. good call
gonna be interesting to see peoples teams for slaters ranch

I'm now no longer a fantasy sports virgin...be gentle...

Defo, I'm in.

The mind games have started already Stu, like a game of poker!

Enough of the tips/advice thanks Stu.......especially now there's a real prize at play!!!

Nice work.
Thanks very much for the incentive Stuart Surfboards.


Having been a reliable last place getter in every footy tipping comp or cup sweep in history, I'm keeping my ambitions low.
I think I've only changed my team around about 16 times so far...

team chosen, lets get it on!

You doing the chicks as well?

No and presumably not the women's either

A prize as well even better. Reckon some of the runners and riders are undervalued.

#metoo blindboy

I just assumed Jules was going to be out for this event and didn't pick him. Hope it doesn't come back and bite me on the arse.

Is it closed for choosing surfers? i cant seem to click on them into the open spot area.

Yeh, in the surfer magazine fantasy you select your surfers outside the waiting period then can trade them in after the event up until the next event waiting period.

That was some boring shit yesterday. I was there and to quote Greasy and Lemmy - “ It was a fucking mission to sit through “
Yeah , good luck selling that set up to non surfers .
Anyone ever been in a boardriders comp ? One of our mates was a born administrator and he tried unsuccessfully a couple of times to organise our mob into a competitive team with his comp days . The conclusion everyone arrived at unanimously.....Sit around for hours watching others surf and waiting for a 30 minute session ? What kind of fucked up joke is that meant to be ?
And so it was at Snapper yesterday. Not sure what I was expecting beyond that but it was disappointing. Saw a few familiar faces and that got old pretty quickly . To be honest I sort of feel for the moths that make a career out of hanging around waiting for someone else to surf . Youre not in the surf industry unless you’re paid to ride waves.
Conclusion- Go check out the comps . You’ve got to do it once I suppose. But that’s me done.
I rate the experience 0.5 Stars.
PS To the WSL that was still announcing Kelly will be in the next heat wearing the blue singlet with 90 seconds till he’s meant to paddle out and with 30 grommets screaming his name expecting him to run down onto the beach at any moment - that’s what’s known as showing utter contempt for your consumer base you muppets.

They just announced that Kellys a no show..........prick would have known days ago......wtf......no respect.

Well done Stu.
That’s what it’s all about.
I left the circus yesterday arvo and spent the night in a similar fashion to yourself , sleeping next to the ocean without a soul around.
In a few days I’m headed to the literal opposite of Snapper rocks as far as the surfing experience goes. You know where . It’s nice to contrast but it’s nice to GTFO of that rat race town.
What is it they say about the devil ?
He doesn’t come with horns and cloven feet , but with charms and everything you desire......that’s the Goldy in a nutshell.
PS Simba - yeah , inexcusable behaviour by WSL. I’m a grown man , I can handle you just stating that Slater isn’t showing for one reason or another but to actually lie about him attending a heat that starts in seconds is rude .Not a life or death issue , just disrespectful. Don’t trust those clowns as far as you can throw their ridiculously outsized behemoth of a structure they’ve built on the beach up there.
The sooner they’re out of WA the better. They bring nothing to the table.

Similar to Stu, slipped away for the weekend surfing relatively-uncrowded (for this spot) point surf all day Saturday and then empty, literally, waves at more open stretches yesterday. Warm water, hardly any rain, camp vibes and muscles worked until they could work no more. Bliss.

Happy days, Craig.

The best of days :)

You picked the two big dogs hey, Stu?
Interesting strategy.

Got to keep you questioning yourself.
Your esteemed colleague, Ben, on the other hand went without either of the two big dogs.

im guessing its a double concave? ....lol

lost 3 surfers in round 2 and guaranteed too lose 2 in round 3 due to heat draws.
makes me wonder if its a competitive edge to understand the seeding and who versus who to make the most out of a comp?

Honestly. Didnt think JJ gonna bomb and was just trying out some rookie picks. I thought Pat G would of had some luck in the condtions last few days. Fuck you Parko ahha.

yeah its a lottery alright...

This fantasy thing is doing my head in.
Hoping Gabo would be M. Wright is so wrong.
If anyone is interested, we're starting up a Swellnet Fantasy Surfer league.
Why gamble on cryptocurrencies when you can save money and have fun speculating on pro surfing!
Money? Nah, but there's more than dollars at stake - your reputation. Gotta be worth more than a Bitcoin.
Anyone is welcome. Just click on the Fanstary Surfer website
Log in (if you've played before) or join - it only takes a second.
Hit 'Clubs'
Then hit 'Private' - ooh la la
Enter 'Swellnet', and finally enter our impossible-to-crack password, 'netswell'.
And you're in!