New competition - Natural Selection

Just reading about it and it seems the surfing will be in Micronesia. I'd put two places on the shortlist: P-Pass and that Marshall Islands righthander Nathan Florence - who's involved - surfed earlier this year.

Sounds amazing- wonder who will compete?

Hastoes wrote:
nice start to the day clip - better than coffee..

Just spoke to Allois and it's not going to be at Pohnpei, so Marshalls it is.
Hard to believe they'd go to all the effort to surf the right at Beren Island - it's good but it's front valley compared to the back country runs they're looking for.
So my guess would be the undersucking righthander NF filmed in one of his vlogs earlier this year. The one, ironically, he went to a lot of trouble to obscure the location of.

Not hard for cash to trump irony these days Stu...

stunet wrote:Just spoke to Allois and it's not going to be at Pohnpei, so Marshalls it is.
Hard to believe they'd go to all the effort to surf the right at Beren Island - it's good but it's front valley compared to the back country runs they're looking for.
So my guess would be the undersucking righthander NF filmed in one of his vlogs earlier this year. The one, ironically, he went to a lot of trouble to obscure the location of.
Hmmm, interesting. I'd love to see that wave surfed some more (seen less frightening sessions there), but sorry to see the place exposed. (Never even managed to pin it down myself - not that I'd be going, but it's fun to try.)

Maybe the first shot over the bow for the Wozzl' Snooze Fest? Quite a few like minded mates think the Natural Selection Concept will gain traction. Looking forward to it.

if you are a total legend, like @thermalben,
put your feet up, watch this, and have a well-deserved nap.
(..and if people ask why or what, shoot them in the eyeball with a nerf gun).
Looking forward to see what this looks like. Id assume the surfing would follow current format of amazing locations filmed previously and broadcast at another time. The snowboarding has been offf the chain to watch. Excellent production.