Solar flaring, CME's and coronal hole streams
![old-dog's picture old-dog's picture](
![old-dog's picture old-dog's picture](
I've got a conspiracy theory nut job brother-in-law, a rabid anti-vaxxer, right into all the usual stuff like contrails, 5G, alien abductions, the power of crystals and pyramids, higher beings etc. He has been saying for years that man made climate change is a hoax and it is all due to solar flares and the magnetic poles shifting and the Earths wobble. Forget about hundreds of years of hard earned science, these days it's all about your "own truth". You have to laugh at what social media has done to the gullible uneducated masses.
![andy-mac's picture andy-mac's picture](
![andy-mac's picture andy-mac's picture](
old-dog wrote:I've got a conspiracy theory nut job brother-in-law, a rabid anti-vaxxer, right into all the usual stuff like contrails, 5G, alien abductions, the power of crystals and pyramids, higher beings etc. He has been saying for years that man made climate change is a hoax and it is all due to solar flares and the magnetic poles shifting and the Earths wobble. Forget about hundreds of years of hard earned science, these days it's all about your "own truth". You have to laugh at what social media has done to the gullible uneducated masses.
Haha yeah I looked the guy up.
Good source material. Haha
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
I watched an interesting show last night about the history of World Maps VJ.
So interesting .
Really old maps had Antartica clearly and accurately marked .
Our civilisation hadn’t found it .
It also said Noah’s Flood probably happened around 12k years ago .
But the Water that flooded earth didn’t come from the Sky .
It came from those Poles that U point out move all over the place ( can they really swap places ????) .
Huge Oceans of fresh water built up over 10k years of warming in natural Dams .
Occasionally , if a huge dam would breach , the Earth’s Oceans would rise 30ft , in ONE day .
A huge world wide Flood FFS !!!
Apparently , I didn’t see it , this happened a few times .
Very happy the 2 mile thick Ice Sheet that used to sit on New York , is already in the Ocean .
All I know VJ , is the North Pole is north and same with South .
Not much help , am I !
Maybe the poles moved last night so I don’t KNOW, really , where they are !
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
VJ, is there a timeline of significant solar flares and corresponding earthquake activity on Earth and also location?
Ie there's always earthquake activity occurring around the globe, but lining up the bigger ones with solar flare activity and it's regional focus on Earth would be great to prove the connection.
![Distracted's picture Distracted's picture](
![Distracted's picture Distracted's picture](
Pop Down wrote:All I know VJ , is the North Pole is north and same with South .
Not much help , am I !
Maybe the poles moved last night so I don’t KNOW, really , where they are !
Bad news PD…. The North Pole is not always north … the magnetic North Pole will flip 180degrees several times over 1 million years ;-)
![basesix's picture basesix's picture](
![basesix's picture basesix's picture](
Good news PD. Not only is it good to have a map with Australia in the centre (looks nice and symmetrical, more fun when reflecting on trips, and pokes a middle finger to the Euro-centric idea of the 'East' and the 'West'). It is also good to have a South-Up map. You'll feel on top of the world!
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
Base 6 and Distracted
6 - I will check out the links as found the show fascinating the other night .
So many incredible maps were made and lost .
Some really old maps had bloody Longitudinal coordinates so must have also worked out bloody time be Harrison ( an old book and guessing the name ) in the 1800’s.
Plato collected some old maps , apparently , that showed continents , pre rises in Sea levels !!? .
He had one with Atlantis on it and was the First to report it .
Distracted , I heard the Poles reverse .
Thought maybe just the Earth turned upside down when first heard this :)
The Earths reaction to these events are probably recorded in some rocks somewhere , perhaps .
I haven’t heard this causes Mass Extinctions .
Lots of Maps to change , though .
My GPS in the car seems to switch magnetic poles mid drive , regularly and thought it Sun Spot stuff .
Thinking now , it is Pole stuff .
As usual , NFI , and ready for anything .
6 - I just checked the links .
As I am already upside Down , in so many ways , the maps felt incredibly familiar lol
I think I have seen them before hahaha for real .
Edit again
6- I often tell people in the northern hemisphere that I am underneath them , almost .
Always feel though , Australia is on Top :) when still Down Under .
Northern hemisphere men , in general , don’t seem to like this analogy , for some reason ?
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
old-dog wrote:I've got a conspiracy theory nut job brother-in-law, a rabid anti-vaxxer, right into all the usual stuff like contrails, 5G, alien abductions, the power of crystals and pyramids, higher beings etc. He has been saying for years that man made climate change is a hoax and it is all due to solar flares and the magnetic poles shifting and the Earths wobble. Forget about hundreds of years of hard earned science, these days it's all about your "own truth". You have to laugh at what social media has done to the gullible uneducated masses.
I do wonder about a wobble actually. But I'm sure it can be explained. An anecdote that might just be my mind - our place faces north, and in summer during the last decade I am sure that the sun was directly overhead, and the entire garden bed behind the front fence was lit up by the sun. I'm also sure that out the back the sun was directly overhead. This year, the garden bed was still in shade, and out the back still shaded next to the wall.
Here's some mint conspiracy goop from 2015 olddog, you reckon these guys would know?
Craig - I'll go having a look to confirm correlation - with what? Coronal hole streams? Significant solar flares? Certain alignments of the planets?
And question for you, which is probably measurable - are we seeing more lightning? Given as revealed above, we got struck by it, and that there's been so many days of unsettled weather and thunderstorms over Vic this summer, I do wonder.
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
basesix wrote:Good news PD. Not only is it good to have a map with Australia in the centre (looks nice and symmetrical, more fun when reflecting on trips, and pokes a middle finger to the Euro-centric idea of the 'East' and the 'West'). It is also good to have a South-Up map. You'll feel on top of the world!
South up map is epic - look at the size of the fetch coming into the southern Australian coastline, it's in showpiece position!
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Pops here's Ignatius Donnelly's 1882 work 'Atlantis - the Antediluvian World' if you want that rabbit hole - not really related to the spaceweather, but interesting.
Donnelly basically became a congressman so he could access the Library of Congress and read this stuff...
![basesix's picture basesix's picture](
![basesix's picture basesix's picture](
@Pop, I feel for @seeds growing up, down in Darwin, thankfully he's moved up to Sth Qld. Can't wait till he and andy-mac move up to Vic/Sth Oz. They're our kinda peeps. Apparently @indo intends moving down somewhere North in the coming years. Maybe we can all get together, up in Tassie one day..
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
Oh My Stars .
Shit .
I think I am like Old Dogs Brother in law .
Not sure what a contrail is but Higher Beings , Sun Stuff , Poley Wobbly Stuff , Astrology , Pyramids , Crystals ( Cloud seeding ) and Planting Trees probably do affect the weather , I thought .
Not sure about 5G ( FMe - My new laptop just installed herself after working out I was an Aussie . I can't believe it ) and definitely think aliens don't give a shit about the weather on Earth .
The weather in Melbourne is freezing in Winter. Icebergs could hit Bells , really in Winter .
We have March flies .
I just like NO humidity and real footy .
I keep saying it " The more I know , the more I realise I don't know " .
Edit , rats .
In Winter , we Can , sometimes , see some wonderful lights .
From Iceberg Land .
That is special !
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
"Large earthquakes occurring worldwide have long been recognized to be non Poisson distributed, so involving some large scale correlation mechanism, which could be internal or external to the Earth. Till now, no statistically significant correlation of the global seismicity with one of the possible mechanisms has been demonstrated yet. In this paper, we analyze 20 years of proton density and velocity data, as recorded by the SOHO satellite, and the worldwide seismicity in the corresponding period, as reported by the ISC-GEM catalogue. We found clear correlation between proton density and the occurrence of large earthquakes (M > 5.6), with a time shift of one day. The significance of such correlation is very high, with probability to be wrong lower than 10–5. The correlation increases with the magnitude threshold of the seismic catalogue. A tentative model explaining such a correlation is also proposed, in terms of the reverse piezoelectric effect induced by the applied electric field related to the proton density. This result opens new perspectives in seismological interpretations, as well as in earthquake forecast."
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
I am only in Chapter 2 and amazed , again .
It wasn't a Map but a manuscript that Plato received from an old relative Salon , that mentions Atlantis .
Solon was trying to find and preserve valuable records for 1000's of years before Egypt was even a place . Guessing others were to .
A tiny bit has been saved , it seems .
There is SO much our brainyacks can't explain today that happened way back !
Atlantis and the Columns of Heracles , FFS , almost the Stuff of Legends .
As Plato said ( I just read ) , " I grow in learning as I grow in age " .
The three great Greek sage's spell SPA .
I had one tonight .
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Good stuff Pops, yes Plato gets the tale from Solon, who gets it from the priests of Egypt who have a very old library... Fire from above or water from below - again and again in a cycle...
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
3.5 million lightning strikes vs 38,000 this time last year in QLD:
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Here's a pdf related to counting the amount of lightning, which for the last 14 years or so can now be done, 3% increase in 2021 over previous years:
"We suggested previously that temporal trends in lightning
stroke power could be related to total solar irradiance (TSI;
Kaplan and Lau, 2021), and previous studies have suggested
that there could be physical mechanisms linking lightning
and the solar flux (Okike and Umahi, 2019; Owens et al.,
2015; Siingh et al., 2011). The 2021 lightning data do show
a modest increase in median stroke power relative to the past
few years, concomitant with increasing TSI in solar cycle 25
that started in early 2020. This increase in stroke power is
intriguing, but it will likely take several more years of observations of both TSI and lightning to demonstrate an unequivocal link between these quantities"
So once more, conjecture it's linked to solar activity, in this case TSI.
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
I've got some reading to do, thanks VJ.
![Island Bay's picture Island Bay's picture](
![Island Bay's picture Island Bay's picture](
Old Dog: "He has been saying for years that man made climate change is a hoax and it is all due to solar flares and the magnetic poles shifting and the Earths wobble."
More info on the above:
Svensmark and Friis-Christensen on Cosmic Radiation.
Earth's "wobble" (Milankovic Effects):
Loads of stuff to read on geomagnetic reversal too.
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
I am an Old Dog and have NFI how the Universal Forces affect our Earths Climate .
Amazed at how the bloody continents float around so much , talk about Currents moving things .
I am surprised we don't just prepare more , for what's thrown at us .
In Jan 1953 , the Dutch were smashed by a Superstorm and Spring tide .
An English ferry ventured out , tried to turn back and capsized , killing everyone .
The country was inundated and about 2000 people died .
Most didn't drown , they froze to death on the second day .
The Dutch decided to DO something .
Amazingly , what they built , caused the Economy to grow 8.5% in 1953 .
They created , what some believe , still today , a Wonder of the Modern World .
They built a sophisticated Land ( think people ) Protection system using and old idea .
Dykes !
They are ALL still working wonderfully .
The Dutch don't get smashed like 53 , now .
They can relax about Sea levels .
![old-dog's picture old-dog's picture](
![old-dog's picture old-dog's picture](
Yes, I realize that these factors like solar flares, shifting poles and the Earths wobble probably have an effect on the Earth's climate, but surely the main driver of the current rapid warming of our planet is mainly caused by man's burning of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution, and the corresponding increase in CO2 levels causing the greenhouse effect. To completely dismiss all the scientific evidence and only go with these other possible long term drivers for political or ego driven reasons is what I don't understand.
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
![Pop Down's picture Pop Down's picture](
There is ONE Climate related catastrophe Australia ALWAYS gets smashed by and we just DON'T prepare for it imho .
Bush Fires .
I have seen what they do , for decades .
Any string of 40 degree days and howling northerlies creates the Perfect Storm .
I am not sure if nature can produce a category 10 cyclone or tornado .
It doesn't matter much . It's like a nuke , that is twice as strong ( both fuck everything ) .
Our bush fires will always , in terrible conditions , turn into raging fire storms , travelling at , almost the speed of light . Nothing is safe .
I remember so many dark days that I know , can happen again ( even if the Earth gets cooler ) .
We can get much smarter with mitigating Bush Fires imho .
Just ask a few Country Fire Fighters .
They have some great suggestions and love chatting !
Many disaster enquires seem to happen , and , then , nothing seems to change much .
How about we learn some lessons ?
Very disappointing and shows bad leadership imho .
When our fires are a huge threat , Fire Bugs notice .
Lets all go on Fire Bug alert at these times .
Get the WHOLE community watching out and ALSO going on High Alert .
Make a HUGE issue out of it .
A National Campaign .
Advertise HUGE punishments .
I don't like dobbing BUT , am open to suggestions on this for Fire Bugs only !
Goofy , I can only talk for myself and say I didn't fuck everything ( like a nuke lol ) .
Was married for 20 years so not allowed for that period :)
Sheep station stuff and getting on the front page of a newspaper stuff .
Also , I don't get beer google vision , any more .
edit 2
Goofy ? Shag Den ?
It was my grandmothers old place and our family beach Shack or Den .
edit 3
I am also trying to be serious !
![goofyfoot's picture goofyfoot's picture](
![goofyfoot's picture goofyfoot's picture](
Pop Down wrote:There is ONE Climate related catastrophe Australia ALWAYS gets smashed by and we just DON'T prepare for it imho .
Bush Fires .
I have seen what they do , for decades .
Any string of 40 degree days and howling northerlies creates the Perfect Storm .
I am not sure if nature can produce a category 10 cyclone or tornado .
It doesn't matter much . It's like a nuke , that is twice as strong ( both fuck everything ) .
Our bush fires will always , in terrible conditions , turn into raging fire storms , travelling at , almost the speed of light . Nothing is safe .
I remember so many dark days that I know , can happen again ( even if the Earth gets cooler ) .
We can get much smarter with mitigating Bush Fires imho .
Just ask a few Country Fire Fighters .
They have some great suggestions and love chatting !
Many disaster enquires seem to happen , and , then , nothing seems to change much .
How about we learn some lessons ?
Very disappointing and shows bad leadership imho .
“ It doesn't matter much . It's like a nuke , that is twice as strong ( both fuck everything ) .
I thought you were talking about you and Adam back at the shag den at Rye for a second there
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
The field continues to weaken with very visible results:
![AlfredWallace's picture AlfredWallace's picture](
![AlfredWallace's picture AlfredWallace's picture](
old-dog wrote:Yes, I realize that these factors like solar flares, shifting poles and the Earths wobble probably have an effect on the Earth's climate, but surely the main driver of the current rapid warming of our planet is mainly caused by man's burning of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution, and the corresponding increase in CO2 levels causing the greenhouse effect. To completely dismiss all the scientific evidence and only go with these other possible long term drivers for political or ego driven reasons is what I don't understand.
Old-Dog. Finally, someone with some nous. Breath of fresh air., so to speak.
I’ve held off on replying to all these Human Induced Climate Change deniers, not sure if I’ve got the energy it will take, because once started it will go on for weeks.
It won’t be long, Slackjawedyokel will respond with his or hers anti voice before you know it.
I better get some sleep, I may have just opened a can of worms. AW
![AlfredWallace's picture AlfredWallace's picture](
![AlfredWallace's picture AlfredWallace's picture](
Pop Down wrote:There is ONE Climate related catastrophe Australia ALWAYS gets smashed by and we just DON'T prepare for it imho .
Bush Fires .
I have seen what they do , for decades .
Any string of 40 degree days and howling northerlies creates the Perfect Storm .
I am not sure if nature can produce a category 10 cyclone or tornado .
It doesn't matter much . It's like a nuke , that is twice as strong ( both fuck everything ) .
Our bush fires will always , in terrible conditions , turn into raging fire storms , travelling at , almost the speed of light . Nothing is safe .
I remember so many dark days that I know , can happen again ( even if the Earth gets cooler ) .
We can get much smarter with mitigating Bush Fires imho .
Just ask a few Country Fire Fighters .
They have some great suggestions and love chatting !
Many disaster enquires seem to happen , and , then , nothing seems to change much .
How about we learn some lessons ?
Very disappointing and shows bad leadership imho .
When our fires are a huge threat , Fire Bugs notice .
Lets all go on Fire Bug alert at these times .
Get the WHOLE community watching out and ALSO going on High Alert .
Make a HUGE issue out of it .
A National Campaign .
Advertise HUGE punishments .
I don't like dobbing BUT , am open to suggestions on this for Fire Bugs only !
Goofy , I can only talk for myself and say I didn't fuck everything ( like a nuke lol ) .
Was married for 20 years so not allowed for that period :)
Sheep station stuff and getting on the front page of a newspaper stuff .
Also , I don't get beer google vision , any more .
edit 2
Goofy ? Shag Den ?
It was my grandmothers old place and our family beach Shack or Den .
edit 3
I am also trying to be serious !
Hope you’re well.
I recommend you have a read of ‘Fire Country’ by Victor Steffensen.
Fire stick burning techniques passed on down the ages amongst FNP on how to burn country in ways that DOESNT lead to fires like we had recently on the East coast.
Listen to the world’s best land managers and learn a thing or two.
No surprise many state and local governments as well as Country Fire Authorities are now employing FNP to conduct cool and mosaic burns.
We will never understand our future without knowing a bit about our past.
I took this photo of a plaque on a wall at a Catholic Convent in Perth earlier this year. Poignant.AW
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Here's a little more mainstreamy take on the lessening magnetic field, note the correlation with the Australian megafaunal extinction approx 42Kya:
![basesix's picture basesix's picture](
![basesix's picture basesix's picture](
oh, VJ.. mainstream? Astrum Alex has a BA in film from Grimsby.. I love how you love sci-fi, and thinking big and spooky and all, I love all that stuff too, but I reckon AW wants to get some serious reality down here, let's see where it goes : )
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
INBOUND: first NOAA G4 severe solar storm watch since 2005, coming today:
Let's use the official channels for this one
NOAA forecasts severe solar storm; media availability scheduled for May 10
NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) — a division of the National Weather Service — is monitoring the sun following a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that began on May 8. Space weather forecasters have issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch for the evening of Friday, May 10. Additional solar eruptions could cause geomagnetic storm conditions to persist through the weekend.
A large sunspot cluster has produced several moderate to strong solar flares since Wednesday at 5:00 am ET. At least five flares were associated with CMEs that appear to be Earth-directed. SWPC forecasters will monitor NOAA and NASA’s space assets for the onset of a geomagnetic storm.
CMEs are explosions of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun’s corona. They cause geomagnetic storms when they are directed at Earth. Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations. SWPC has notified the operators of these systems so they can take protective action. Geomagnetic storms can also trigger spectacular displays of aurora on Earth. A severe geomagnetic storm includes the potential for aurora to be seen as far south as Alabama and Northern California.
WHAT: Media availability via teleconference on the unfolding space weather event and Geomagnetic Storm Watch.
WHO: Experts from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center
WHEN: Friday, May 10, 2024; 10 a.m. EDT
CALL-IN #: 630-395-0205
PASSCODE: 8186632"
Australia Kp index, and a table with approximate areas that can view aurora australis with severity of storm rating:
Happy hunting crew
And a quick tldr of the event from the woo side of science, that I know some of you subconsciously want to see, note claimed weather forcing impacts:
all this before it has arrived!
![Optimist's picture Optimist's picture](
![Optimist's picture Optimist's picture](
Reminded me I had run out of cash VJ so I hit the ATM. Ya just never know.
Always worth having some cash or gold/ silver coins on hand seeing as the world is now an electronic house of cards.
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Oh my goodness! Kp 9!!!
gonna be auroras!
& yes Opti, sovereigns keep you sovereign
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
impact of first part of storm visualised on geomagnetic field and networks in US:
some network outages reported here
And biggest flare yet just fired. What a sunspot group!. btw concern is that the impacts hit harder as the earth's protective geomagnetic field has lessened.
& hooray for text based forums, SN should be fine
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
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![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Some more Tassie sky pics from overnight in this interview:
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![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
At same time as geomagnetic storm hit - and reporter states you could see the lights in the sky overnight - tornado in Bunbury with 140 homes damaged:
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
best interview story ever in that one, too.
![goofyfoot's picture goofyfoot's picture](
![goofyfoot's picture goofyfoot's picture](
Seen Elon’s Starlink trail nearly every morning this week due to the clear skies.
Spun me out the first time.
Anyone else been seeing it?
![Joshy2000's picture Joshy2000's picture](
![Joshy2000's picture Joshy2000's picture](
Yes Goofy, I didn’t know what it was first time. Thought it was some sort of natural wonder string of shooting stars or some shit. Then I googled it and found out it was Musk. There’s a tracking website that tells you when it’s visible.
![goofyfoot's picture goofyfoot's picture](
![goofyfoot's picture goofyfoot's picture](
Crazy eh!
![truebluebasher's picture truebluebasher's picture](
![truebluebasher's picture truebluebasher's picture](
Massive 20 year Solar Blast N<>S Roasting Southern Oz & Boiling Oceans
Alabama Aurora...
Texas Aurora
Auroras can be seen from as far north as Gold Coast...(Sky is Pink beneath Clouds...Now)
Perth to Pilbara Aurora
Check out the NOAA the charts!
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
What a friggen stupendous light show that was. Managed to see it do an intense crescendo on a local beach. Southern horizon lit with a green-white then cyan light like a dim daytime a couple of times in pulses, an enormous wall of pink light with pillars that were sometimes pink, sometimes the green/white got through up there. Were we looking at walls a thousand km long?
When we first arrived the aurora seemed further away, and got closer until it took up from SW to E and covered the southern horizon like a blanket. The walls were so high. I thought we perhaps saw the arrival of one of the flare pulses (there are more coming) and it moved like a swell train - subdued between 'sets' of much stronger light. Not all sets were alike, some began in the west, some in the east, some bigger, some smaller.
From rellies, have seen great overnight red auroras over Geraldton, and heard of them seen in Karratha! That's at 20 degrees! I think the Carrington event had auroras visible at the equator - "The aurora was visible from the poles to low latitude areas such as south-central Mexico,[15][16] Cuba, Hawaii, Queensland,[17] southern Japan and China,[18] and even at lower latitudes very close to the equator, such as in Colombia." - from wiki.
The photos the fam got are stunning.
![truebluebasher's picture truebluebasher's picture](
![truebluebasher's picture truebluebasher's picture](
Superstoked for the crew...thanx for sharing the majesty...over the top Solar Flares.
Needs a freaked out 60's Acid drenched Psychedelic Reddish Glow soundscape...
Nothin' but our heaviest slab to worship our Sun God...we are not worthy!
![truebluebasher's picture truebluebasher's picture](
![truebluebasher's picture truebluebasher's picture](
Solar Flares...crew's Hot Shots...
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
What a spectacle! The images coming in are incredible. No chance here in Sydney with the rain, would have loved to seen a glimpse.
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
6:30pm replay last night, 21:50 mark.
![shoredump's picture shoredump's picture](
![shoredump's picture shoredump's picture](
@VJ what’s the thoughts on that level 5 flare, still incoming you reckon?
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
![Craig's picture Craig's picture](
Yeah saw that, no window from where we were but.
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
![velocityjohnno's picture velocityjohnno's picture](
Thanks for getting into it everyone! Craig I've sent a couple of our pics to you, which illustrate one of the flare pulses I reckon. I've seen a family pic from outside Karratha to confirm aurora australis got that far north, and heard on the net that it was visible in Puerto Rico, first time in 103 years!
Shoredump, a level 5 flare I guess you will get that from time to time - Haloween 2003 was one example. We're at a maximum in the 11 year solar cycle and so there's more sunspots to fire them off. For this event there's more incoming, maybe keep an eye on the global K index to see if/when it peaks further:
and the aurora forecast:
What has/is changing is the strength of earth's protective geomagnetic field, and it's getting weaker as the geomagnetic poles shift position (c'mon science: give us an honest update on where they are now!). With a weaker magnetic field, more of the particles/plasma will get through, so more auroras for lesser flares, more lightning, more charging of the earth's 'circuit', weirder jet streams, crazier weather, more charging of the atmospheric column - that's my opinion anyway. All on top of CO2 - would love to see a model that works with all these extra inputs and what it predicts.
We are so lucky to live in a time of so much great change, we get to witness it.
So... this bit is for daily good news really, have now been in 3 earthquakes (and saw the weirdest sky phenomenon I've ever seen just prior to one of them), been struck by lightning and survived, and now seen southern lights - all in last few years, in Australia, close to home, where nothing happens. What a time to be alive.
Figure the forums was the best place for this.. sent in by Swellnet reader John a few weeks ago. It's out of my area of expertise but I'm curious...
"Have you ever considered the link between solar flaring, CME's and coronal hole streams; and the 'turbo-charging' of existing weather systems? Pertinent at present as we have an X Class flare (9.3) inbound, on top of a CME presently affecting us, plus a coronal hole stream... and... that very large hurricane breaking records as it bears down on Cuba/Florida.
The basic premise is that solar particles bombard the earth's upper atmosphere with extra hydrogen ions in solar storm conditions, IIRC energy of this plus H joining with O in upper atmosphere adds to the storm/adds water. As earth's magnetic fields weaken (happening) the chances of solar particles getting through increases. I'd be fascinated to see if these conditions correlated with the stories Swellnet sometimes runs on sub tropical lows intensifying in the southern ocean, or bombing ECLs".